Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 450 Western Regions

Chapter 450 Western Regions
The efficiency of the Qin Empire is outrageous.

Recruiting the resources of a huge empire with an area of ​​thousands of miles is a delicate job. However, in just over three months, hundreds of thousands of troops have gathered in Xianyang.

There are 20 Lingnan Army, 30 Northern Cavalry, and more than [-] Guanzhong Old Qin Army.

With such a huge number of people, black military camps can be seen almost everywhere outside Xianyang City.

"With so many people, the consumption of military rations will probably be a huge figure. It seems that brother Xiao is busy again!" In a wine shop, Liu Bang and others looked at Xiao He with envious eyes and said.

A few months ago, a group of them were just a small official in the Western Chu, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao He was actually appreciated by Ying Zheng.

Not only did he meet Xiao He in person, but he was also assigned a heavy duty in the Shaofu.Today, the food and grass for tens of thousands of people have also been delivered to him.

It can be said that Xiao He almost soared into the sky and became a blockbuster.

"Liu Ji, everything about me was given by His Majesty the First Emperor. Brothers want to make a contribution, and now is a good time. I can help you, but don't do anything dangerous!"

Xiao He looked at Liu Bang with a serious expression.The two have known each other for decades, so they are naturally very familiar.

Liu Bang's eyes lit up, he drank the wine in his hand, and said with a smile: "Hey, there is a bright future, how can my old Liu take risks?"

"So best!"

When you are busy, time always flies by.Only two months later, the 15 pioneers of the Qin Army had already set off.And it is Wang Jian who is the vanguard and general of this time.


At a glance, the vast desert is a desolate land.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Wang Jian, the chief general, could not help but slightly frowned.

"My lord, if you pass through the wilderness ahead, you will enter the Western Regions." A guide who looked like a Hun spoke fluently in Guanzhong dialect to Wang Jian.

Wang Jian directly interrupted the guide's next words, but instead asked: "Among these countries in the Western Regions, which is the closest and strongest country to us?"

The guide was taken aback for a moment, then he licked his face and smiled again and said, "The strongest are naturally Wusun and Yueshi, but the one closest to us is Shanshan."

"Then attack Shanshan first, knock the mountains and shake the tigers. There are too many countries in the Western Regions, and I don't have much time to destroy them one by one!" Wang Jian waved his hand, and didn't even ask about Shanshan's strength.

Although military strategists emphasize knowing themselves and the enemy, this is also based on the fact that the enemy and the enemy are basically evenly matched.

Today, the vanguard army of the Qin State is 15. For a country with only one city, if he cannot win in one battle, then he, Wang Jian, is enough to commit suicide in embarrassment.

A few days later, as one of the largest cities in the Western Regions, Shanshan City was bustling with pedestrians coming and going.

Over the past few years, the Huns have disappeared without a trace for some reason.And the most powerful Wusun people also fought inextricably with the Yuezhi people.

In this way, on the contrary, the rest of the Western Regions enjoyed a rare peace.Even the Yuezhi and Wusun people can get a lot of benefits in order to win them over.

Above the city, there were only dozens of guards, hiding in a shady corner, squinting their eyes half-closed, looking at the crowd coming and going, with an air of aloofness.

It was not yet afternoon, and the sun was not too harsh.The occasional warm wind made the guards drowsy.

However, just as they were about to fall asleep, there were noisy human voices under the city gate.

"Those country bumpkins in small towns are really annoying!" The captain of the guard turned over impatiently, cursed, and closed his eyes again.

I thought that such a noisy sound would pass away soon.However, after a moment passed, the voice under the city gate not only did not get smaller, but became louder and louder.Among these voices, there were even many voices of panic.

Finally noticing something was wrong, the captain of the guard quickly turned over and looked down the city wall.

However, under the city wall, people wearing all kinds of costumes desperately squeezed into the city as if they had seen a flood of beasts.

"What's wrong?" The captain frowned, then turned his head to look at the other side of the city wall.

However, what happened next was something he would never forget.

Rows of ants-like crowds are slowly approaching Shanshan City from the east, staring at the glare of the sun.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The city of Shanshan City is very large, and the city walls are also high and strong, but the captain doesn't think at all that this tall city wall can help them keep out those unknown people outside the city.

The captain of the guard swore he had never seen so many of them.Even when they fought against Wusun with the general, there were never so many people.

I'm afraid that the total number of men, women and children in the entire Shanshan City is estimated to be about the same as the person in front of me.

"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

The sound of orderly steps is getting closer, and the Qin soldiers dressed in exquisite armor and holding cold blades are also getting closer.

On the wall of Shanshan City, the Lord of Shanshan looked at the elite army below with a pale face, and said tremblingly, "Which country is this?"

However, no one could answer him.At present, the nobles in the city are no longer thinking about defending against the enemy, but how to save their lives.

Just kidding, in the Shanshan Kingdom, at most, there are only more than 1 people wearing armor. What's more, in such a hurry, they can barely scrape together 2000 people.

On the Qin army's position in the distance, drums sounded one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the originally neat Qin army also began to gradually form several siege formations.


However, just when Qin Jun was about to take down the city in front of him in one go.The gate of the city was slowly opened.

It was not the guards of the Lord of Shanshan who opened the city gate, but the private soldiers of the nobles.

In front of Qin's army, they don't have the slightest confidence to sacrifice the city of Shanshan.

The Lord of Shanshan sighed lightly, but did not criticize those nobles.

Anyone who is a normal person can tell that the unknown army in front of him is ready to attack.Not even a plan to persuade them to surrender.

The nobles did this, but it also saved him from sweeping the ground.

Soon, a group of Shanshan nobles who bent their waists and licked their faces all appeared at the gate of the city.He bowed to Wang Jian on horseback.

Wang Jian looked at the group of people in front of him who looked slightly different from the Qin people, and there was a slight look of regret in his eyes.

Shanshan City is nothing to worry about.However, if all the forces in Shanshan City can be wiped out in one battle, then the Qin army will definitely flourish in the Western Regions.

At that time, the countries in the Western Regions will come up with enough strength to jointly resist the Qin army.Only in this way can Wang Jian achieve his goal of annihilating the countries of the Western Regions in one battle.

However, since they surrendered, Wang Jian did not intend to attack.After all, it is a stable Western Region that wins the government, not a Western Region that has a strong sense of rejection of Qin.

The news that Shanshan City was defeated by more than [-] unknown troops was brought back by pedestrians from various countries in the Western Regions.

In the Western Regions where the news is blocked, even the origin of Qin Jun is not clear.

Fear began to spread among the countries in the Western Regions.

(End of this chapter)

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