Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 461 The Re-Growing Fortune of the Country

Chapter 461 The Re-Growing Fortune of the Country

The Anxi army defeated by Li Mu immediately became lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

In the hearts of the Parthians, who are also dominated by cavalry, once the cavalry is defeated, the battle is basically lost.

The Parthian Empire is very large, especially most of the land is on the plateau.This makes the communication between provincial dynasties more troublesome.

Xerxes' reputation is also great, big enough to make the province of Marchianna, far east of the Parthian Empire, to be in awe of him.

But awe is awe.Just like a god, once it is knocked down to the human world, the role or prestige of this god will be inferior to that of ordinary people.

Looking at the shattered subordinates, Xerxes sighed softly, and said to his beloved general Darius: "I didn't expect that there is such a way of fighting!"

"General, what should we do now?"

Different from Xerxes' lamenting look now, as the general beside Xerxes, Darius needs to be responsible for Xerxes' safety.

Therefore, at this moment, Darius also appeared extremely flustered.

"My prestige in this area has been greatly damaged. Those generals who are in a panic probably won't follow my orders anymore. We have already lost this war.

Now, we can only temporarily give up part of the country, and use Meganer Province as the foundation to resist..."

"Then what should they do?" Darius asked, pointing to the soldiers from various dynasties.

Xerxes turned his horse's head and didn't even look at the troops from various dynasties.

"Without the support of the empire, it won't be long before they will turn to the Qin people on the opposite side. At that time, they may become our enemies instead.

Instead of this, it is better to let them hold Qin Jun for a while and attract Qin Jun's attention.Buy some time for our evacuation. "

Darius was stunned for a moment, then nodded, turned his horse's head as well, and began to direct the guards to evacuate.

Fortunately, although the forage that Li Mu sent yesterday was not much, everyone in Xerxes' Thousand Guards got a well-fed horse.

Otherwise, now, even if Xerxes wanted to escape, it would not be so easy.

Whether it is Xerxes or Darius, both of them are battle-tested veterans.Facing life and death, I have long been used to it.

What's more, what they are facing now may also be an enemy in the future.

Therefore, the two immediately sold those dynastic troops who were still stuck with the Qin army.

There are not many guards of Xerxes, and there are only a few thousand people.However, everyone is a first-class player.

Under the current situation, 1000 people is not very impressive.Plus now that all the Parthians are fleeing, it is easier for Xerxes to escape.

Although Han Xin took back the city that had been lost, and formed a tight line of defense.

However, that was only aimed at a large group of troops. Facing the scattered Parthian army, the tall city basically lost its original blocking effect.

In addition, there are many mountains here, so Han Xin can only leave enough people to garrison the city, and the remaining people began to scatter and hunt and kill the Parthian Army.

The Parthian Army of more than 20 people was scattered, but because they didn't have horses, these people didn't run too fast.

Any Anxi army with more than 3000 people was firmly stopped by the Qin army within the line of defense.

Only those remnants of Anxi's army, as small as tens or one or two hundred, fled quietly because of the lack of strength of the Qin army.

"General, there is a thousand-man cavalry that broke through our direction and fled westward!" In Han Xin's camp, a soldier panted and reported to Han Xin.

"Thousands of cavalry?" The keen Han Xin immediately realized something was wrong.

Anxi's cavalry had been completely defeated by Li Mu.How could there be such a powerful cavalry army?

"Come on, follow me and go to pursue it in person!" Han Xin made a decisive decision, picked up his saber, and walked out of the tent.

However, regardless of the fact that Xerxes had already fled for several hours, even this mountainous area caused a lot of trouble for Han Xin's pursuit.

After chasing Han Xin for three full days, he still failed to catch Xerxes.

In desperation, Han Xin could only return without success.

However, although Han Xin failed to catch up with Xerxes, the battle situation was more beneficial to the Qin army because of Xerxes' disappearance.

For nearly a month, the Qin army was chasing the broken Anxi army everywhere.

As the ruler of the ancient Maria dynasty closest to the province of Marchiana, King Maria was also captured alive by the Qin army.

After this battle, the surrounding dynasty provinces suffered more or less losses.The entire northeast of the Parthian Empire fell into a panic.

However, even though the Qin army has gained a huge advantage now, Bai Qi, the commander of the Qin army, did not immediately launch an attack on the surrounding dynasty provinces to expand the results of the battle.

On the contrary, they still stick to the province of Marchianna.

Almost at the moment when the 30 Anxi army was completely defeated by the Qin army, a huge wave of national luck was like a cloud moving at high speed.Surging to the sky above Xianyang.

Ying Zheng looked at the looming colorful clouds in the sky and closed his eyes slightly.

A moment later, when Ying Zheng opened his eyes again, the colorful cloud deep in the sky had disappeared.

"It seems that Uncle Shi and the others have made considerable progress in the Anxi Empire." There was a hint of joy in the depths of Ying Zheng's eyes.

The previous luck, or the national luck of the Parthian Empire, was great.Compared with the countries in the Western Regions, I don't know how much bigger it is.

Even, compared with the Nanling counties that Yingzheng took down, they were more reluctant.

Feeling the once-enhanced national fortune, Yingzheng even felt a little urge to take a look at this so-called Parthian Empire.

However, impulse is only impulse.With famous generals such as Bai Qi and Li Mu at the forefront, and Wang Jian backing up in the Western Regions, Qin is already invincible.

And he has more important things to do.

"Drive! Drive!"

The sound of horseshoes sounded again.Now everyone is an innate heavenly army, almost the most high-end combat power in Qin today.

And their crotch is the latest Dawan horse carefully selected from the Western Regions.

The Tianjin army, whose strength has improved to a higher level, has not let down its vigilance, and even today's training is more cruel and ruthless than before.

The Heavenly Extinction Army was divided into two teams, each led by Jun Jiuyou and Song Fan, and they were doing actual combat training in batches.

Except that the halberd in his hand was replaced with an unopened one, everything else was exactly the same as during the war.

In such high-intensity and high-risk training, injuries are certain.

However, whenever there is an injured person in the team, it only takes a moment to be healed.

Not only that, these healed soldiers of the Heaven's End Army will actually fight more bravely than before.

Although Yingzheng got rid of the way of heaven, there is a more mysterious fairyland behind it.

It was absolutely impossible to rely solely on Ji Hao, Guiguzi and other monks to fight against the massive number of monks in that fairyland.

And when Yingzheng was fighting against the sky, the huge combat power displayed by the battle spirit made Yingzheng very moved.

As long as he is strong enough, perhaps, relying on the fighting spirit of only a mortal, he can also defeat a monk!
Once such an idea took root in Ying Zheng's mind, it grew wildly.

However, the foundation of the soul of war is sufficiently strong soldiers.Without their support, the battle spirit would be broken with one blow.


Downstairs, the sound of shouting and killing was endless.

Several soldiers of the Heaven's End Army who fell off their horses endured severe pain, and a ray of black light slowly flowed from their bodies.After a while, they got on their horses again and rushed towards the imaginary enemy.From the looks of it, he had no intention of showing mercy.

Do not break or stand!

Today, the fate of the country in Ying Zheng's hands is like a majestic sea of ​​air.Every time when the soldiers of the Tianjin Army were injured, it was the best time for Yingzheng to inject strength into their bodies and cut down their bones.

Therefore, the more injuries you suffer, the faster your strength will improve.

(End of this chapter)

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