Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

The sudden arrival of two Nascent Soul monks did not cause any trouble to Ying Zheng.On the contrary, it helped Ying Zheng a lot.

It not only let Ying Zheng understand the strength in the fairyland, but also gave the people in the fairyland a reassurance.

At least, in a short period of time, Ying Zheng doesn't have to worry that the people in the fairyland will catch him off guard.

Now that there is no need to worry about the future in the east, there is no need for Ying Zheng to play so conservatively in the west.

In Xianyang Palace, Guiguzi, Ji Hao, and Donghuang Taiyi were all listed.

As for the matter of the overseas fairyland, the entire ruling and opposition parties know about it, and only a few people like them know about it.

But this time, Ji Hao aside, Ying Zheng also did not intend to hide the truth about Guiguzi and Donghuang Taiyi about overseas monks.

Whether it is the number of monks or their strength, they all tell the truth.

Everyone who learned the truth about the fairyland couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"From this point of view, apart from those cultivators who can truly threaten us, there are only those three ancestors." Ji Hao said with a serious expression.

Although most of the monks in the Nascent Soul Realm lack actual combat, those monks who transformed themselves into spirits survived the Shang Zhou battle.

Regardless of the large number and strength, the actual combat should be far stronger than them.What's more, there are three ancestors who don't know how strong they are, which is even more troublesome.

"Leaving aside the matter of Huashen Yuanying, no matter how powerful it is, it is within our acceptable range. However, only I can deal with those three ancestors.

Moreover, according to the previous speculations of Mr. Guigu and the teacher, the strength of Tiandao must be limited.And if we face those three ancestors, it will definitely not be easier than Tiandao.

If you can't solve those three ancestors, everything is empty talk!If I want to kill those three people, only I can do it! "

Under the main hall, all three of them nodded silently.

"It seems that the top priority is to help Qin improve its national strength first, and destroy that Rome!" Guiguzi said with a soft sigh.Obviously, he understood another meaning revealed in Ying Zheng's words.

Before, everyone has been working hard to improve their cultivation in order to prepare for the people in the fairyland that may come at any time.

However, it is almost certain that the group of overseas monks will not return to China in a short time.

And there must be someone who can fight against the three ancestors, so helping Qin to unify the so-called Rome first became the top priority.

"I also have this intention, but there is still a rest between Rome and the empire. Although it seems that the strength is not as good as the empire now, it still cannot be underestimated."

As soon as Ying Zheng said this, everyone frowned.

In their view, the so-called Anxi Empire is nothing more than a stronger ants in front of them Nascent Soul cultivators.

Even, they don't think that the so-called Rome can really resist the methods of the Nascent Soul monk.

And Ying Zheng, who also saw their thoughts, could only explain: "Destroying the enemy's army can certainly improve the country's luck a lot, but what I really want is to improve the strength of the imperial army.

Otherwise, if there is no strong army, the battle spirits used will not be very strong.At that time, we will lose a lot of help. "

"What does your Majesty mean to speed up the unification of the empire and at the same time give the army real training?" Guiguzi said with a frown.Obviously, these two things are somewhat contradictory and not easy to handle.

"I've already made a decision on this point. However, I need you to go there yourself, teacher." Ying Zheng looked at Ji Hao and said.

"Of order." Ji Hao cupped his hands, and replied directly without asking for details.


In the wilderness, Fusu and his party walked while staring at the scorching sun.However, behind them, the originally large amount of goods disappeared.

Fusu and his entourage set out from Xianyang, separated from the Qin army in the Western Regions, and entered the Anxi Empire first.

Since the small dynasties spread all over the Anxi Empire, when Fusu and the others crossed the border with a lot of wealth, they would always encounter a lot of trouble.

Of course, Fusu is not a novice either.Whenever he crossed the border, whether it was a province or a dynasty of the Parthian Empire, he would give a generous gift to the local dignitaries.

In addition to being able to cross the border safely, it is more to make friends with those nobles and get more detailed facts from them.

Fusu thought that he had never underestimated the ambitions of these people, so from the very beginning, everyone in the convoy was selected from the Qin army.

However, in fact, he still underestimated the ambitions of these people.

There are so many goods, gold and silver artifacts are not counted, and the silk alone can arouse the hearts of Qin people.What's more, what about the Parthians who have never seen silk?
The interceptions, wave after wave of interceptions, were almost endless.

Originally, with the strength of the caravan guards, even an army of less than a thousand people was not enough.

However, when those nobles knew their strength.They actually united and sent out an army of more than [-] people.

Seeing the crazy behavior of the Anxi people, Fusu, who had held the power of Qin for several years, was completely angry.

Although there were not many guards around Fusu, apart from the ordinary guards this time, Ying Zheng was sent together with Wu Qing and Tian Su.

These robbers did not come from a single force, relying on Wu Qing and Tian Su's strength, as long as they could kill their leader, these people would be in chaos.

When the time comes, support Su Shuai and strike one of them hard, and under the momentum, they will definitely be able to repel the enemy.

However, Li Si beside Fusu shook his head, instead he persuaded Fusu to give up his property and let them take it.

At first, Fusu thought Li Si had selfish intentions.However, soon, Li Si's words had to be recognized by Fusu.

"Your Highness, when you look at the barbarians in Anxi, although they are tempted by the gold and silver, they are not greedy. On the contrary, it is silk, which is very attractive to them. Presumably, their interception and killing must be because of this full of silk."

"So what? Mr. Li, you also said that since the Anxi people like this silk, it is unlikely that the Paul horse people will not like it. If there is no silk, how will you and I complete the tasks that the emperor entrusted us with, and what face will we have? " Fusu said coldly.

"The Romans will definitely like this silk!" Li Si said firmly.

"But, just like that, we should give up these silks!"


"Your Highness, have you forgotten that Anxi has been fighting with Rome for countless years..."

Li Si said half of what he said, but Fusu instantly understood what he meant.

The charm of silk was almost fatal to these Gentiles.It is conceivable that if these things that should belong to oneself are taken away by others, especially one's deadly enemy, then anger is inevitable.

Similarly, under anger, Rome will also attach unprecedented importance to Daqin at that time.

Rare things are precious, as long as they see the beauty of silk, the Romans will definitely get close to Daqin at any cost.In this way, when the time comes, Fusu will be able to rely on his status as the prince to start a sleight of hand.

And this is why there are only guards left around Fusu and no treasures.

Although most of the property was left behind, Fusu also left more or less a few bolts of exquisite Sichuan silk.When fishing, there must be bait.

Half a day later, looking at the looming city in front of him, Fusu narrowed his eyes slightly.

With no heavy belongings, the speed of Fusu and his party has increased a lot.And a few months ago, after Fusu and others heard that the Anxi general Xerxes was defeated by a mysterious army in the east, Fusu, who was worried, accelerated his speed again.

After hurrying, they finally reached the border of the Parthian kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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