Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 478

Chapter 478
After the defeat at the port, although the losses of the Roman army were still great, most of them were the losses of the new army and the fleet.There are still elites on land.

Therefore, if you call on other citizens in Upper Rome to resist together, it is not that you are incapable of fighting.

And the Qin army seemed to know this too. Facing the high and thick city walls, they did not immediately attack, but instead blocked the only way to Rome.

At first, the Romans thought they were going to surround them, waiting for the arrival of the large Qin army.

But, soon, the Romans discovered something was wrong.

Because, more than a month has passed, although the Qin army has no sign of attacking the city.However, the expected Roman reinforcements also did not arrive.

At this moment, everyone knows.The purpose of the Qin army was not the city of Rome, but the scattered Roman troops who came to support them.

Immediately, the faces of all the high-ranking Romans turned pale.Because, although the land of Rome is very large, the real Roman citizens only account for less than half.

Today, the garrisons stationed in various places have been transferred to Rome by them.That means that the chances of rebellion in various places are much higher.

As I said before, Rome does not treat its non-citizens as kindly as Qin Jun.

Compared with Qin, which abolished slavery more than 100 years ago, slaves can be seen almost everywhere in Rome.

It is not easy for the top executives in Rome to realize this.However, at this moment, it is even more difficult for them to pass on the news of stopping the gathering of troops.

Outside the city of Rome, within a hundred miles, almost all of the Qin army's cavalry were seen.

Moreover, the Qin army already had a complete attack plan long before attacking Rome.Among them, letting those Roman slaves fight back is also a key part.

During the more than ten years of trade between Qin State and Rome, although there were not too many Qin State merchants in Rome.However, as long as there is a Qin Shang, it will attract the pursuit of Romans everywhere.

Therefore, under Yingzheng's hint, these Qin merchants have been promoting the slavery-free system in Qin State all the time.

Ten years later, this has long been known.

Moreover, at the moment when the Roman army began to gather, some Roman non-citizens who had already been bought by the Qin people had already started a rebellious plan.

The Roman army who came from all over the country suffered heavy losses when the Qin army encircled and fought for aid.But, fortunately, the Roman army did not continue to step into the huge pit prepared by the Qin army.

However, the Roman army, which was not dominant in numbers, did not dare to fight the Qin army rashly.For a while, the two sides fell into such a stalemate.

This stalemate was finally broken three months later.

Because, three months later, in the east, excluding those left behind, there were still more than 40 Qin troops.Moreover, Qin Jun, who had the support of non-citizens along the way, didn't even need to bring much logistics.

Food, chariots and horses are mostly non-citizens, and they have been prepared early.

Therefore, they have already dressed lightly and sang all the way, and soon they broke through the important eastern city of Rome, Byzantium.

Byzantium, a city no less than Rome, did not even hold out for a month.

The reason is very simple. In addition to going to support some people in Rome, non-citizens in Byzantium who learned of the arrival of the Qin army took up arms and opened the city gate for the Qin army.

The fall of Byzantium let those Roman troops stationed outside the city of Rome know that if they did not attack, they would probably have no chance.

However, the news received by the Roman army was much later than that of the Qin army.Because, before attacking Byzantium, the news of Bai Qi had already been conveyed to Wang Ben's army.

Under the night, the Qin army outside the city of Rome abandoned their camp, leaving only a few soldiers who were used to confuse the Roman army in the city.The rest of the people quickly approached the Qin army who came to support them.

Unable to defend, the Roman army, which was defeated by the Qin army, lost its last trace of resistance.

More than a month later, the 40 troops, together with Uehara Wang Ben's 20 troops, instantly encircled the city of Rome.

Looking at the endless camp, everyone in the city of Rome fell into despair.

However, at this moment, the Qin army sent envoys into the city of Rome and began to persuade them to surrender.

No one likes death, and no one can really ignore death.

Especially, in this city of Rome, most of the citizens are rich and wealthy.

The so-called city of Rome, which is full of warmth and longing for sex, has been in affluence all day long. Although it has not wiped out the nature of fighting, if there is a glimmer of life, they will not choose to die.

The Roman court is not stupid. They know that the so-called persuasion to surrender is just a tactic of the Qin army.

However, knowing is knowing.How to choose, but there is another speech.

Although everyone in the Senate shouted to fight the Qin army to the end, there were also quite a few people who contacted Qin's envoys in private.

No way, when the Qin envoy first entered Rome, the first sentence he said was "The wealth of Rome still belongs to the Romans."

Meaning, obviously.The city of Rome is destined to be captured, and the wealth in the city of Rome, we Qin will not take any money, and will reward those who surrender.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are rivers and lakes, how can there be no darkness?
No one wants to die, and then save the wealth they have worked hard for as someone else's wedding dress.

The result of fighting openly and secretly is the occurrence of civil strife.

The day when the Qin army attacked the city was extremely relaxed.Because, most of the elite defenders of the city were drawn from the guards of the elders.

Therefore, although the commanders on the bright side are the consuls, but behind the scenes, it is the elders who can really lead them.

After the city was broken, the Qin army fulfilled their promise.Faced with the wealth accumulated by the veterans for tens of hundreds of years, the Qin army did not move at all.

However, the Qin army also required all the elders to move to Xianyang.

How much of this wealth can be brought depends on the abilities of the elders...

In Xianyang City, Yingzheng is on top of the tallest building.Looking at the busy city of Xianyang, he showed a smile.

In the sky, although the sun is still shining brightly.However, there is a trace of invisible dark clouds, which are constantly rushing towards the sky above Xianyang.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the clouds, there was a dull thunder.


The Tianwen sword on Yingzheng's waist hummed.

Ying Zheng raised his head slightly, and there was a sharp light in his eagle-eyed eyes.


The sound of dragon chant resounded in the sky above Xianyang Palace.A five-clawed golden-armored black dragon soared into the sky.Swallow the dark clouds gathered in the sky in one gulp.

"Finally, I have the capital to fight!" In the building, Ying Zheng slowly opened his eyes, looked towards Dongfang and murmured softly.

(End of this chapter)

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