Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 480

Chapter 480
As the day of the massacre drew closer, Xianyang gradually became overcrowded.

"Your Majesty, the number of people participating in the big campaign has reached more than [-]. As soon as the time comes, the selection can begin."

Xun Kuang, who was the examiner, had a hint of fire in his eyes.The big move three years ago seemed a bit hasty and incomplete, but this time, Xun Kuang spent a lot of thought.

As the imperial situ, Xun Kuang's age has already reached the end of his life.However, with Yingzheng's fortune in the country, Xun Kuang not only showed no signs of aging, but became more and more energetic.

"It's time for Situ." Ying Zheng nodded, as if he didn't have much enthusiasm for this big move.

It's no wonder that Yingzheng's big move now is just a copy of the imperial examination in his previous life, or the college entrance examination.

However, this is undoubtedly another new change for ordinary Qin people.

"If Your Majesty has no other orders, I will leave first." Xun Kuang bowed slightly, and said with a very respectful attitude.

Although with Xun Kuang's status and reputation, it is not necessary to do this, but in his opinion, whether it is Ying Zheng's enlightenment of the world, or this big move, it is a stroke of genius.Convinced, Xun Kuang really regarded Ying Zheng as someone worthy of his service.

With Xun Kuang involved in the big move, Ying Zheng was not worried that any talented person would be left behind, nor was he worried that any noble family among them would engage in favoritism and fraud.

In addition to Xun Kuang's uprightness, Ying Zheng's control over Qin has reached an unprecedented level.

To put it simply, Yingzheng wants to destroy a family, even the Wang family, which is like the same family and two handsome, can be destroyed in a flip.

"Your Majesty, those members of the Mo family have already seen Mr. Tianming. In addition, Mr. Han Fei has also successfully persuaded Wei Zhuang to join this big move." When Xun Kuang left, Zhang who had been waiting for a long time Han, walked in, bowed down and reported the report respectfully.

"Hmm." Ying Zheng responded lightly.

Over the past ten years, although the relationship between Ying Tianming and him has eased slightly, there is still no closeness like that between father and son.

This time the Mohists were able to come back, and the real driving force behind it was Ying Zheng.

In addition to the fact that these people do have good talents, within a short period of ten years after their martial arts were abolished, they were able to recover or even get closer to the peak of bone cutting.More, it was also because Ying Zheng wanted to get closer to Ying Tianming.

"In addition, it's fine for His Majesty, Wei Zhuang, Mohist and others to participate in this big event. Young Master Tianming and Master Xiaomeng also participated, is it a bit..."

Zhang Han said half of what he said, but his expression was still hesitant to speak.

Tianming and Xiaomeng, that is, Ying Miwu, besides being the nominal heads of Mohism and Taoism, are also the children of Yingzheng.

"What about princes and princesses? I have already said that any aristocrats from aristocratic families must go through a lot of effort to become an official. Even my children also need to do the same!"

Zhang Han was stunned for a moment, then immediately lowered his head, and replied, "Here!"

After saying this, Ying Zheng waved his hand, signaling Zhang Han to back down.

It is divided into two parts in a large scale, and the literary examination is set in the national studies.As for the martial arts test, it was set directly outside the Bashang camp.

Compared with the literary examination, the number of people in the martial arts examination accounted for the vast majority of them.After all, in the past few years, the military front of the Qin State was prosperous, and the benefits of those who joined the army were also extremely rich.

Everyone can see that compared to Wen, His Majesty the First Emperor obviously cares more about Wu.

Compared with the intricacies of the literary examination, it needs the examiner to decide.The martial arts test is relatively simple and crude.It is directly similar to a ring, where those who win go up and those who lose go down.

Of course, in order to ensure the fairness of the martial arts test, the strength of the contestants will not be too bad.At least above the realm, there won't be too much difference.

In addition, even if some talented people are defeated, it is not that they have no chance.If there is potential, it will also be recorded by the examiner.

Such a system, although still flawed, can already be regarded as relatively fair.

On the day of the martial arts exam, the entire Bashang camp was full of voices.Countless people gathered around the competition field.

Among these common people, apart from most of them were watching the fun, there were also some famous nobles among them.

Today, Ying Zheng has ordered that entering an official must go through a large-scale process.Many people who originally relied on family advantages suddenly panicked.If you can't become an official, then the decline of the family is inevitable.

However, many of these people have long been accustomed to ease.The aggressiveness is not strong, so naturally there is not much real goods in the stomach.In a panic, there is no practical person in the family, and it will take at least ten years to train a new generation.

In such a long gap, someone must make up for it.

As a result, those fledglings with clean backgrounds who participated in major campaigns became their targets.

And the best way to win over is naturally to form a marriage.

The title on the gold list and the wedding candles, the two great joys in life, were released more than a thousand years earlier.

The whole big move lasted for two full months before it finally came to an end.

In the Marrow Refining Realm, Ying Miwu, Ying Tianming, and Wei Zhuang are undoubtedly the leaders.But in the Bone Cutting Realm, Gao Jianli and the others are still outstanding, appearing extremely dazzling.

In the end, when the literary examination was over together, among a thousand people, more than 700 people were selected for the martial arts examination, while only more than 200 were selected for the literary examination.

Although the gap is a bit big, it is also due to the fact that the number of people taking the literary exam is far lower than the number of people taking the martial arts exam.

In Xianyang Palace, on the square in front of the main hall, among the 1000 people, some were nervous, some were excited, and some didn't care.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"

Following a high-pitched voice, Ying Zheng walked out of the main hall surrounded by hundreds of officials.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The [-] finalists had already been ordered to salute Ying Zheng respectfully.

"Your Excellency, can all the talents in the world enter my hands?" Ying Zheng pointed to the thousand people in front of him and said to Feng Quji with a smile.

"Your Majesty is wise. As long as there is still a day left for a great strategy, people with lofty ideals can take advantage of it to wait for the elegant hall. My Great Qin, I can also have talents like a spring." Feng Quji also responded with a smile.

Ying Zheng took two steps forward slightly, lightly holding the Tianwen Sword in his left hand, and said: "You will serve me in the future, and I will reward you as well!"

As soon as Ying Zheng's words fell, before the finalists could react, waves of gentle power melted into their bodies like a clear spring.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of a breakthrough suddenly resounded above the square.

Even Wei Zhuang frowned slightly, examining the power in his body.

Especially when this force even allowed him to touch the bottleneck that he couldn't even see before, Wei Zhuang's face finally changed.

Apart from Wei Zhuang, Ying Tianming and Ying Miwu also had complicated expressions.

However, Ying Miwu was a little annoyed that Ying Zheng had the ability to improve her strength, but never mentioned it.On the other hand, Ying Tianming felt that Ying Zheng didn't care about the indifference between him and him, and he still improved his strength for him, and even for Gao Jianli and others, which made him feel a little guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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