Saint Qin Batu

Chapter 487 The Sinner

Chapter 487 The Sinner

The trembling Hangu Pass let out bursts of humming, which immediately made the entire battlefield quiet.

Everyone, no matter if they were from the Qin Kingdom or from the fairyland, looked nervously at the majestic but somewhat ancient Hangu Pass.

"Clap! Clap!"

On the tower of Hangu Pass, countless pieces of rubble slowly fell down while trembling.

If it weren't for the fact that Hangu Pass was so important to the Qin State and it had been repaired repeatedly, Hangu Pass might have started to collapse amidst the frequent vibrations.

"Oops!" The anxiety in the eyes of the ancestor Penglai became more and more obvious.

"Our ancestors spent thousands of years of painstaking efforts, and must not be destroyed by our generation!"

At this time, the ancestor of Penglai couldn't control the ancestor of the abbot who was pierced by Bai Qi's sword. When Yingzheng's mind was attracted by the change in Hangu Pass, the ancestor of Penglai accelerated the speed of squeezing his potential.


A heavy voice resounded in the sky.When Ying Zheng came back to his senses, the angry Penglai Patriarch was almost within reach.


The magic whip swept across the sky, and slapped the golden-armored black dragon fiercely.

The black dragon uttered a scream, and most of the [-] Tianjin army immediately vomited blood.The rest is also enduring the pain from the body.

Penglai Patriarch's blow was extremely vicious, and even more so, he rushed towards the dragon's head.

The dragon's head is where Yingzheng's real body is. If the dragon's head is broken, then it is only Yingzheng who has transformed into a god, and his body will never be able to withstand the blow of the Penglai ancestor.

However, since the dragon head is where Ying Zheng's real body is, it is naturally also the most heavily defended place in the entire black dragon.Therefore, even if the ancestor of Penglai tried his best to sneak attack, he couldn't kill Yingzheng once.

Looking at the black dragon who was seriously injured and fell towards the ground.The ancestor of Penglai rushed forward without the slightest hesitation, and waved the magic whip in his hand, inflicting more damage on the black dragon.

The successive attacks made the black dragon transformed by Yingzheng extremely embarrassed.However, fortunately, although the black dragon was seriously injured, it was not broken yet.

"It seems that the vibration of Hangu Pass must be related to the luck in Heshibi."

Although the black dragon was seriously injured, Ying Zheng's mind was still very clear.He soon realized that he had so spared no expense to extract the national luck to recover the injuries of the Great Qin soldiers, but the national luck still did not decrease in the slightest.It must be because of the seemingly inexhaustible luck in He's Bi.

Moreover, Ying Zheng believed that the ancestors of Penglai must have already seen through this point.Such a desperate attempt to kill him may have something to do with the Hangu Pass.

Yingzheng naturally noticed the strange situation in Hangu Pass before.Although I don't know why Hangu Pass is like this, but if the national fortune is not used to restore the injuries of the soldiers of the Tianjin army below, the fighting spirit will not be restored.He also didn't have the confidence to guarantee that he could always resist the Penglai Patriarch who was going all out.

"Since you are so afraid of this Hangu Pass, then I can't make you happy!"

Gritting his teeth, Ying Zheng's mind silently sneaked into the Heshibi in his arms again.

In that mysterious space, the crystal door is still the same as before.However, the white mist originally overflowing from the crystal door has completely turned black at this moment.

When Ying Zheng set foot in it, he realized that the vast luck that could be said to be almost invisible before has been much thinner now.

At least, now Ying Zheng can see things within three feet.

In the past ten years, Ying Zheng has never been here.Even Ying Zheng did not expect such a big change.

Moreover, in this vast white mist, there was originally only a small cloud of black mist, but at this moment it spread rapidly like ink.

Ying Zheng knew that this was the result of using the national fortune to heal the injuries of the soldiers of the Tianjin Army.

"It turns out that those continuous national fortunes come from this..." Ying Zheng murmured softly.

However, Yingzheng's expression changed immediately, and he stretched out his hand to gently support the black mist wrapped around the back of his hand, and said, "No matter why the way of heaven was so weak at the beginning, even with so much luck, I don't want to suppress the fate of Qin. I don't care what the purpose of the people in your fairyland is, since you want to destroy my country of Qin, you must be prepared to accept retribution!"


If we say that the black mist that previously symbolized the fate of the Qin State was only slowly eroding like ink dripping on white paper.So now, at this moment, it was as if the inkstone was smashed, and the ink that was full of inkstone was spilled on the white paper all at once.

In Mulu City and Rome City, Qin Jun, who was still training as usual, was suddenly taken aback collectively. Immediately afterwards, everyone's face showed a gleam of joy.

A huge force, as if inexhaustible, rushed towards them.

Not only these Qin soldiers, but all the people who have a little loyalty to Qin can also feel that a gentle force is slowly flowing into their bodies.

In the cloudy eyes of the aging old man, the shrewd look of a young man reappeared.

The long-term patient who was bedridden regained his strength in just a moment.The labor sickness and pain that had plagued them for several years disappeared immediately.

The complexion of the woman became better than ever.Even the students who were still chewing on words in the school suddenly felt enlightened, and suddenly understood a lot of what the master taught.

Yingzheng spared no effort to extract the luck that originally belonged to the Dao of Heaven from the Crystal Gate, benefiting the army and people of Qin State, which made the trembling of Hangu Pass in the outside world even more intense.

"Bastard! Stop!"

The patriarch of Penglai, with red eyes, rushed towards the black dragon who had not fully recovered from his injuries.

"I've been waiting for this opportunity!"

The black dragon who had kept his eyes closed, felt that the ancestor Penglai was in a state of confusion, and opened his scarlet dragon eyes again.


The black dragon who opened his eyes suddenly raised his momentum, and charged directly at the same Penglai Patriarch.

Seeing the black dragon advancing instead of retreating, the ancestor of Penglai also had a gleam of joy in his eyes.The hand holding the magic whip also became more and more forceful.


However, at the moment when the Black Dragon and the Penglai Patriarch were about to come into contact, a Jiuding came from nowhere and smashed hard on the Penglai Patriarch's back.


Caught off guard, the ancestor of Penglai immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.However, this is not the end.

The Penglai Patriarch, who was slammed by Jiuding, suddenly lost his aura, while the black dragon who came forward was at its peak.

The huge dragon's mouth swallowed Patriarch Penglai in one gulp.

The sudden change, not to mention the generals of the Qin army who are mortals, even the cultivators of Huashen were dumbfounded.

That is the ancestor of Penglai, the strongest existence in the fairyland, and now he is defeated by a monk who is not even a hundred years old in the ancestral land?
Everything happened too fast, from the great increase in the strength of the Qin State, to the piercing of the abbot patriarch, from the sudden change in Hangu, to the unknown life and death of the Penglai patriarch.So fast, it's dizzying.

(End of this chapter)

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