Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 209 No one is more considerate than him

Chapter 209 No one is more considerate than him

The next morning, when Jiang Xin woke up, she found that her lower abdomen was warm and comfortable, and the bloated discomfort that accompanied falling asleep last night had long since disappeared.

When she lowered her head, she saw a pair of big hands holding a warm Mrs. Tang, who was clinging to her lower abdomen to cover her belly.

It's Qiu Yuebai. Usually at this time, he has already left the mansion to go to the Supervision Department, but he still hasn't left today.

"My lord." Jiang Xin called out in a low voice.

"Do you feel better?" Qiu Yuebai's voice was gentle.

Jiang Xin's eye sockets were a little hot, it was impossible not to be moved by such an unexpected scene.

Jiang Xin stretched out her tender white hand, covered the back of Qiu Yuebai's hand, and murmured in a low voice:

Qiu Yuebai is used to Jiang Xin's teeth and claws, now it is rare to see Jiang Xin as docile as a well-behaved kitten, her heart melts, and she said softly:
"Xin'er, you are such a fool, you can't even remember your own menstrual events."

Jiang Xin's body was next to Qiu Yuebai, and she couldn't help rubbing against her, her voice was as low as a mosquito:
"Uh, so troublesome"

With a smile in her tone, Qiuyue Bai gently stroked Jiang Xin's head, and said lovingly:
"Then from now on, this king will remember it for you, and this king doesn't mind trouble."

Jiang Xin is speechless, Qiu Yuebai's brain is used to remember important affairs of the family and the country and court affairs, why will it be used to remember her daughter's menstrual affairs for her in the future?

Seeing Jiang Xin's dazed expression, Qiu Yuebai couldn't help laughing again, he said:

"There are a few more things that this king will always remember."

Jiang Xin raised her small head and looked at Qiu Yuebai with a puzzled expression on her face.

Qiuyue Bai said:

"I know what you said about Lin Rui last night, so I will do as you said, but now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, if you give Lin Rui a holiday now and let him return to his hometown, he will definitely not be able to make it before the Chinese New Year." , wouldn’t it be desolate to celebrate the new year on the way, or wait until after the new year, and choose a time to allow him to return home, would it be better?”

Jiang Xin was about to be moved to death, she sat up straight away, looking at Qiu Yuebai's beautiful face in this prosperous age, she just wanted to torture her soul repeatedly, what kind of virtue and ability could she have, to be able to get Qiu Yuebai's obedience and obedience? treat.

Seeing Jiang Xin's red eyes and pouty pink lips, as if she was about to cry, Qiu Yuebai finds her more interesting, and can't get enough of her.

He took her into his arms, stroked her back, and touched the outline of a pair of butterfly bones with his hands, which was very beautiful.

Qiu Yuebai clung to Jiang Xin's ear and said softly:

"Xin'er, you look so beautiful when you are touched, which makes me want to love you even more. When your menstruation is gone, you have to finish the unfinished business with me. The good things between us take a long time. This is a good thing." I have been grinding this king for too long, and I don't have the patience to wait any longer."

What he said made Jiang Xin's face turn red, Qiu Yuebai's love words are becoming more and more explicit now, and there is no trace of the majestic Xunyang King of the previous dynasty.

Don't look at Jiang Xin's thick-skinned, but in this situation, she is really not as thick-skinned as Qiu Yuebai. She buried her head in Qiu Yuebai's chest, pushing Qiu Yuebai with her two small hands, trying to make him go.

Qiuyuebai opened her mouth, and actually directly embraced that little hand, the slender and white little hand was full of flesh, it was extremely cute.

Jiang Xin was startled, her fingers were wet, and she quickly snatched back her own fingers. Qiu Yuebai hugged Jiang Xin and played with her. Jiang Xin's clothes slipped off, and Qiu Yuebai accidentally saw the red birthmark in the shape of a maple leaf.

 Dear friends, my book is on PK, the data must be good to win, everyone help me to vote, tap to check in, leave a message, help me to rush! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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