Chapter 221 Punishing the Heart
Jiang Xin didn't care about this, and stepped forward, grabbed Wen Wenming by the collar, and said in a cold tone:

"Civilization Moon, you belong to the dog family. You have nothing to do every day, and you come here when you smell it. What are you eavesdropping on? If you want to know something, you might as well ask me directly, don't engage in these sneaky things."

Wen Wenming's stature was about the same as Jiang Xin's. When Jiang Xin grabbed her by the collar, Wen Wenming's conditioned reflex was to break free, but Jiang Xin's hand strength was really strong. Listening to Jiang Xin's words with thorns, the panic just now gradually faded away. Jiang was anxious, but she was happy instead.

Wen Wenming walked out of a deep house compound that cannibalize people without spitting out their bones. She has been afraid and helpless, but she knows that these emotions are useless.

At this moment, although being caught by Jiang Xin and humiliated by Jiang Xin, this just shows Jiang Xin's fury.

Wen Wenming stared at Jiang Xin, but smiled. She lowered her voice and said to Jiang Xin:
"In terms of sneaking, who can compare to the two of you?"

Jiang Xin's heart tightened, she just felt that Wen Wenyue was very evil, and said coldly:
"What do you mean?"

Wen Wenming hung on purposely, but didn't elaborate, her eyes rolled, and she showed a weird smile again, she said to Jiang Xin:
"I heard that there is a rookie in the circle of ladies in the capital. He is beautiful and intelligent, and his beauty is overwhelming. Do you know who it is?"

Jiang Xin had heard Shu Ling mention it before, but Wen Wenyue also knew about it, and brought it up again at this time. What does it mean?
Wen Wenming's lips moved slightly, and slowly spit out a person's name:
"This person is Hai Yunyan."

Jiang Xin paused.

Seeing that the goal of Civilization Moon has been achieved, he added another sentence:
"Do you think that if you were lucky enough to fall into the eyes of the prince, you would be able to sit back and relax when you gained power and squeezed Hai Yunyan away? Hai Yunyan is now famous and far superior to you in every aspect, and more importantly, it is you The only thing that can never be compared is your background, what is your background, you know in your heart, Renhai Yunyan is the only legitimate daughter of the majestic Prime Minister, what is it compared to her."

It turned out that the stunningly talented talented woman from Kyoto was really Hai Yunyan.

Jiang Xin slowly let go of her hand, looking a little dazed.

Seeing that something was wrong, Liu Pen hurried over and called softly:

Wen Wenming took advantage of this moment to get away quietly.

Liu Pen stared at Wenmingyue's back, his eyes projected a vigilant edge. He knew that Wenmingyue was not a good person. If his predictions were correct, Wenmingyue would definitely take another action tonight.

Shu Ling also heard what Wenmingyue said just now, and she looked at Wenmingyue's back with a look of resentment and cursed:

"Wen Wenming, you are not allowed to talk about Jiang Xin like that, talk about his background, how much better are we? Why do you step on others like this?"

But Civilization Month has gone far.

Shu Ling turned her head back to comfort Jiang Xin in distress:
"I just saw the true face of Wen Wenyue today. It turns out that she has been wearing a hypocritical mask before. This person is really insidious. Let's ignore her, sister Xin. You are favored by the prince. What do they have? It's just jealousy."

Jiang Xin raised her head, but her mood was very complicated, but the most important thing right now was how much Wen Wenyue knew. She was afraid that Shu Ling would be anxious, so she didn't tell Shu Ling the doubts in her heart, but smiled optimistically:
"Of course, I'll just take her words as release, gas."

(End of this chapter)

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