Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 225 This place is busy today

Chapter 225 This place is busy today

"Get up." Qiu Yuebai said.

Lu Xiao got up with a drooping head, like a frost-beaten eggplant.

Qiu Yuebai continued:

"Lu Xiaosi, this king thinks that you still have some talent, so I will allow you to stay in the Supervision Department, but you have no rank or rank. You only participate in the investigation, but you have no real power. If you can accept it, you can stay, but you can't accept it."

"I can accept it, I can accept it!" Lu Xiaosi nodded hastily, as if he was afraid that the prince would go back on his word.

"My lord has one more thing."

When Lu Xiaosi heard the words, he immediately obediently obeyed the order.

Qiuyue Bai said:

"This case is not over yet. I ordered you to continue to follow up. Although Mao Feng died, he died in the Supervision Department's inner prison. This is an act of contempt for the Supervision Department. No matter who is behind it, this king will not tolerate it! Chen Han The case with Liu Jianwen has not yet been solved. Lu Xiaosi, you two cases go hand in hand and investigate together, so the case is quite difficult, so I don’t limit your specific time, you just go and investigate. If you can solve the case, I will Then seal your official position and promote your rank."

When Lu Xiaosi heard the words, his blood boiled all over his body. He knelt down and clasped his fists, his voice loud and clear:
"I obey! I will live up to my lord's expectations!"

After Lu Xiaosi got the prince's affirmation, his confidence increased greatly. He decided to start with another idea, which was to stare at Hai Yunyan to death. According to his investigation, Hai Yunyan would go to Ximazhuang to enjoy it in two days. is an excellent opportunity.

At that time, he will also go, not only to go, but also to get close to Hai Yunyan, to find out what kind of person this so-called talented woman from Kyoto is.

However, at Xima Village two days later, Qiu Yuebai and Jiang Xin were also present.

Jiang Xin finally looked forward to this day, and went out with Qiu Yuebai early. This was the first time Jiang Xin went out to play with Qiu Yuebai, and she was very happy.

In the carriage, Jiang Xin couldn't be idle for a moment, and the whole state was extremely excited.

Qiu Yuebai sat there steadily, with a smile in her eyes, watching the little beauty on the tip of her heart keep making noises, but she didn't feel that she was noisy at all, only that she was quite interesting.

Jiang Xin went to Qiu Yuebai's side:
"My lord, let me tell you in secret, I actually know a little bit of ice play, but I haven't skied for so many years, it may be a little rusty, but I am very talented, and I think I will be able to master it soon."

"It's okay, I will teach you." Qiuyue Bai said softly.

Jiang Xin looked at Qiu Yuebai, her eyes were shining, she smiled happily:
"Really? The prince wants to teach me personally, that's really great!"

Accompanied by Jiang Xin's laughter, the carriage finally arrived outside the gate of Ximazhuang paddock.

When the guards of the paddock saw the carriage of Xunyang King's Mansion approaching, they immediately gathered their spirits and bowed quickly to salute. The status is naturally unmatched by anyone, except for the current sage, who else can be more respected than the status of King Xunyang, so, naturally, no one dares to neglect the status of everyone.

Under the respectful gaze of the gate guards, the carriage of Xunyang Palace slowly drove into the arena.

Finally, the carriage stopped in front of the ice rink.

This is the place Jiang Xin misses so much. After getting out of the carriage, Qiu Yuebai stretched out her hands to Jiang Xin very intimately. Standing on the carriage, Jiang Xin saw Qiu Yuebai's open warm arms, and her heart was full. She became extremely soft, so she opened her heart, allowing Qiu Yuebai to carry her off the carriage.

And this scene happened to be seen by Hai Yunyan who had just finished playing polo.

(End of this chapter)

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