Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 253 So, what exactly does the prince want to ask

Chapter 253 So, what exactly does the prince want to ask
Xunyang Palace, Nuanyang Palace.

Jiang Xin fell asleep, and finally woke up in the evening. She didn't want to wake up, but she was too hungry and didn't eat all day. It was really miserable.

Just after waking up, before going to the ground, I heard Qiu Yuebai's voice from the outer room:

"I'll serve all the hot food on the stove in a while, I guess you nobles will wake up from hunger in a while."

Hearing this, Jiang Xin couldn't help laughing.

There was a sudden silence outside, followed by the sound of footsteps coming towards the inner room.

Jiang Xin looked up and saw that Qiu Yuebai had indeed walked in.

Qiuyue smiled with white eyes:
"You must be hungry."

Jiang Xin felt sweet in her heart, and took the initiative to snuggle up to Qiu Yuebai's body. Now, only by Qiu Yuebai's side can she feel safe.

After Zhuqing and Lihua brought the food in, they retreated out tactfully, and Jiang Xin listened to Qiu Yuebai while eating.

Qiu Yuebai told her all the results of the afternoon's disposal to reassure her, and did not forget to warn her again.

In short, Jiang Xin understands that after this incident, it will be even more difficult to leave the mansion again in the future.

Jiang Xin was puzzled, her own business was easy to talk about, but how to proceed with the promised elopement of Lin Rui and Shu Ling, wouldn't it be more difficult?
Thinking of this, Jiang Xin lost her appetite, so she simply put down her chopsticks and stopped eating.

Qiu Yuebai was worried about Jiang Xin's emotions, fearing that she would be too frightened to bear, Qiu Yuebai herself couldn't help being afraid when she thought about the daytime things, let alone such a delicate and weak woman like Jiang Xin.

Qiu Yuebai took advantage of Jiang Xin's deep sleep in the afternoon, and sent someone to check her up. She was fine.

But all kinds of doubts that Liu Pen said today kept appearing in Qiu Yuebai's heart again, the ice gu is so terrifying, ten, where did it go?

Qiu Yuebai thought for a long time, and finally asked cautiously:

"Xin'er, Liu Pen found out that Pylori specially prepared ten Gu worms to deal with you this time, called Ice Gu."

Jiang Xin nodded, she really didn't understand this ice gu, the first time she heard about it was from Falcon, but Jiang Xin couldn't laugh or cry if it made Pyloric so troublesome.

Qiu Yuebai continued:

"They had ambushed one at the ice rink before, but the person who was attacked was Hai Yunyan. She doesn't seem to have woken up yet, so you"

Jiang Xin glanced at Qiu Yuebai, her eyes were unfriendly, as if she was asking: What are you doing to mention Hai Yunyan, it makes people feel unhappy for no reason!

Qiu Yuebai and Jiang Xin met each other's eyes, slightly startled:
"Why does Xin'er look at me like this?"

Jiang Xin said expressionlessly:

"It's nothing, my lord is quite worried about Hai Yunyan, my lord might as well send a few doctors over to show her, ha ha."

Qiuyue Bai looked inexplicable:
"Why did this king ever worry about her?" What he wanted to say was not this, why the topic suddenly deviated from the main topic, so strange.

Before Qiu Yuebai brought up the topic again, Jiang Xin stood up indifferently, returned to the couch, lay flat, pulled the quilt up to her neck, and said lightly:

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep, my lord, please go back."

Qiu Yuebai was even more inexplicable, she was fine just now, Jiang Xin nestled in his arms like a bird, gentle and lovely, why suddenly became as cold as an iceberg?
No, the most important thing is that he still didn't finish his question, so he walked over, sat down on Jiang Xin's couch, and said softly:
"It's normal for Xin'er to be full and sleepy. I want to ask."

(End of this chapter)

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