Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 265 What does it have to do with me?

Chapter 265 What does it have to do with me?
Facing his daughter, Hai Xiang immediately turned into a fatherly smiling face, and he softly comforted:

"Good girl, it's nothing, you just woke up, you must have a good rest, I'll send someone to prepare some food for you, you should stay in bed and recuperate first, father still has some things to deal with, I'll come back to see you later."

After finishing speaking, he gave Yuan Ruogu a wink, and took Yuan Ruogu away with him.

After entering Hai Xiang's study room and closing the door, Hai Xiang angrily yelled at Yuan Ruogu:
"Yuan Ruogu, what nonsense are you talking about in front of Yan'er, can she know about this kind of thing? Yan'er is so kind, and her heart is so pure, don't let the nasty things we do defile her!"

Yuan Ruogu lowered his head and endured it silently. Finally, when Prime Minister Hai finished speaking, Yuan Ruogu said:
"Brother, I understand what you said. I watched Yan'er grow up. I love her as much as you do, and I don't want her to suffer any harm." He paused and continued:
"But we did that after all, so what shall we do next?"

Hai Xiang had an inscrutable look, he glanced at Yuan Ruogu lightly, and said in a calm tone:
"What's the rush, what does that matter have to do with us, we didn't do anything, and who can prove that it has something to do with us?"

Yuan Ruogu was startled:
"But those kids"

"It's nothing but, the truth has never been involved in the matter of arresting the child. The person who did it only knew Situ Yong, and no one would have thought of me, Hai Bingzhong. Now that my Yan'er is fine, that matter is now It has nothing to do with the truth, Yuan Ruogu, you must always remember this, and don't let the truth ruin things."

Yuan Ruogu was still a little worried:
"Brother, is Situ Yong trustworthy?"

Hai Xiang said indifferently:

"Situ Yong is so thoughtful, the truth is very clear. He has dreamed of supporting King Jinyang to become the crown prince for so many years, but now he is weak and weak, and his strength is far behind that of King Xunyang. , so what he needs most is the help of the truth, and that's why he is so diligent to help the truth to do those things."

Yuan Ruogu nodded blankly, he knew the methods of his half-brother, since he said so, naturally there was nothing to worry about.

Hai was very satisfied with Yuan Ruogu's obedient attitude, he said:

"Ruogu, there is no need to worry. After today, you are still the Fangwai genius doctor who treats money like dung, and you are still the pillar of the country, your majesty's humerus, my Yan'er, and you are still the most noble daughter in the capital."
Lu Xiaosi rode a fast horse, dragged his injured body, endured the pain, and finally ran all the way to the Supervision Department.

After entering the Supervision Department, taking out the waist card given by the prince, it was a smooth journey.

When he arrived at the third office of the Supervision Department, Lu Xiaosi wanted to find Mr. Xun, but he had never seen Mr. Xun before, so he let go of his voice and shouted in a hurry:
"Master Xun, Lord Xun!"

Xun Xin is almost 60 years old, and he will retire and return to his hometown in two years. Now his spirit is not as good as before, when he suddenly heard someone calling him loudly, he was so shocked that he almost fell off his chair.

Xun Xin rushed out with a beard and staring eyes, pointed at the yelling young man, and said angrily:
"You kid, what are you shouting, how can the third division of the Supervision Department allow you to be presumptuous!"

Lu Xiaosi ignored his beard at all, stepped forward and grabbed Xun Xin's arm, his eyes were full of light:

"Master Xun, you are Lord Xun, right? The prince asked me to come to you. Ling Feng is your master, right? Let Ling Feng come out and let him solve the case with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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