Chapter 270 Jiang Xin's Memory

Lu Xiaosi was shocked:
"My lord, although the minister's case is not very good, but you have agreed to join the supervisory department as the official ninth grade, you can't just send me back, just send me back."

Qiuyue Bai's complexion sank:
"When did this king say that you will not be allowed to join the Supervision Department, stop talking nonsense here, and hurry up."

Although Lu Xiaosi was scolded, he finally felt relieved and went back to heal his wounds with a complicated heart. When he got outside the court, he happened to see Mr. Xun who came to bring Ling Feng back. When Mr. Xun saw Lu Xiaosi, Just a look of impatience.

Lu Xiaosi greeted Lord Xun, and then said to Ling Feng:

"You dog's nose is really good. When I visit you next time, I will bring you two big bones."

"Go away." Master Xun was about to fly while cursing.

Lu Xiaosi was afraid that he would piss off the old man, so he didn't dare to say any more, and hurried away.

Although the children were rescued, Lu Xiaosi made up his mind to keep his eye on Prime Minister Dead Sea from now on. He must find evidence, tear off the mask of Hypocrisy, and bring him to justice.

Lu Xiaosi thought, he would write to his father, mother and three older brothers later, telling them what happened recently, and reminding his father again that Hai Xiang is really not a good person!

As soon as Lu Xiaosi left, a shadow entered the hall like lightning on his back.

Qiu Yuebai lowered her eyes and asked:

"But something has been discovered."

"Reporting to the lord, the subordinates found that Lord Yan came out from the back door of Haixiang's mansion. They had a very secret conversation. Haixiang personally sent Yan Guogong out, and then Yan Guogong left quietly in a small sedan chair."

Qiu Yuebai tightened her fists, and then said:

"Fine, keep watching."

"Subordinates obey."

The shadow quickly disappeared.

Qiu Yuebai stood up and looked out the window. It turned out that this matter was also related to Situ Yong. Now that Situ Yong had also brought Prime Minister Hai over, the situation became more and more interesting.

Xunyang Prince's Mansion, inside the Nuanyang Palace.

Jiang Xin walked back and forth in the house for a long time, waiting anxiously.

At this time, someone came to report suddenly, it was a person from the Supervision Department, saying that the prince would not come back until night, and he was afraid that the nobleman would have to wait, so he first sent him to deliver a message, telling the nobleman that the children were all saved, and they were sent back to the nobleman. peace of mind.

When Jiang Xin got the news, she finally let go of her heart. The matter finally came to an end, which made her very relieved. As for the evil deeds of Hai and others, Jiang Xin knew that Qiu Yuebai must have a way to deal with it.

Just when Jiang Xin wanted to relax, suddenly, she felt dizzy, she just felt dizzy, couldn't stand still for a while, subconsciously wanted to hold on to something, but when she grabbed it, it was empty, The whole person couldn't stand upright, and suddenly fell to the ground.

Liu Pen outside the door heard the noise for the first time and rushed in immediately. Once in, he found the nobleman lying on the ground with his eyes closed and his head covered with his hands, as if in pain.

Liu Pen was shocked:

"My lord, what's the matter with you?"

Jiang Xin couldn't open her eyes at all at this time, because as soon as she opened them, she felt that everything was turning, which made her very dizzy, and her head ached, as if someone had hit her with a sap.

What made Jiang Xin feel even more unbelievable was that just when she felt the world was spinning, fragmentary pictures appeared in her mind, which she had never seen before.

One of the scenes is: a cute little girl with jade powder, about two or three years old, is lifted above her head by a tall and mighty man.
Another picture is: a teenager with a pale pink birthmark the size of a pigeon egg on his right cheek. He smiled brightly and said: "Xin'er, when we grow up, we will get married."

 That's all for today, the next thing will be exciting!Ahhh, ticket, please encourage me to make a quick update, please?

(End of this chapter)

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