Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 272 Finally Pierced the Window Paper

Chapter 272 Finally Pierced the Window Paper
Shu Ling still lowered her eyes, with a gentle attitude.

Shu Ling wants to say that she wants to be free, but can this be said?

Seeing that Shu Ling didn't speak, Qiu Yuebai thought it was because of her reticent personality, and said:

"No hurry, wait until you think it over."

Shu Ling responded in a timely manner, then knelt down and bid farewell, everything was polite and proper, which made Qiu Yuebai very satisfied.

When Shu Ling came out from Nuanyang Palace, Lin Rui also came out with her. The two walked one after the other. Lin Rui stared at the beautiful figure of Shu Gui in front of him, and wanted to speak several times, but he never dared to speak. take courage.

Suddenly, the person not far in front stopped without warning.

Lin Rui also stopped suddenly.

At this moment, there was no one around, only the rustling sound of the cold wind blowing through the dead branches in winter.

"Lin Rui, do you like me?"

Shu Ling's voice was soft and gentle, but extremely firm, as if an arrow had shot out of the air and pierced straight into Lin Rui's heart.

Lin Rui's palms began to sweat again. He understood what Shu Ling meant, but he didn't dare.

He pretended to be calm, and talked about him from left to right:
"My lord, it's getting cold, my lord, please keep warm and don't catch a cold."

"Lin Rui!" Shu Ling suddenly turned around and interrupted him.

Shu Ling's eyes were filled with water, and those water eyes were fixed on Lin Rui, and he spoke again:
"Lin Rui, do you want me?"

Lin Rui's heart was twisted like a knife, he thought, even in his dreams, but this is absolutely impossible, thinking about it is a sin!

As Shu Ling approached step by step, Lin Rui stood on the spot, unconsciously wanting to step back.

Shu Ling tried her best to hold back her tears, and said in a low voice:

"Lin Rui, actually I've wanted to tell you a long time ago, I like you, I'm in love with you, if you love me too, I will go with you everywhere."

Lin Rui lowered his head, as if his heart had been put into boiling water, his eyes were swollen and hot, what could he do, she was so noble and beautiful, she was an unattainable moon in the sky, untouchable Kaolin flower.

At this moment, she was actually expressing love to her ordinary self, and she was simply an asshole.

"Shu Ling."

Lin Rui heard his own voice so clearly, he knew that she liked to hear him call her name.

When Shu Ling heard these two words, two lines of hot tears rolled down his eyes as he looked at Lin Rui.

At this time, Shu Ling and Lin Rui were separated by one meter. Although they couldn't take a step forward, the two hearts were obviously very close.

"I love you and want you."

Lin Rui finally said what was in his heart. He thought that he might not be able to say it in his life, but just now, Shu Ling's actions gave him unprecedented courage.

As a man, he should bear it, even if such words are enough to cause him to die ten thousand times.

Shu Ling was already so moved that if she wasn't in the palace at this time, she would definitely throw herself into Lin Rui's arms.

Lin Rui and Shu Ling looked at each other and said softly:
"I, Lin Rui, am sorry for His Royal Highness Xunyang King, I am sorry for Mr. Jiang Gui, ten thousand deaths cannot atone for my sins."

Shu Ling hurriedly said:
"Lin Rui, don't say that, we are all right, Xinmei said she will help us."

At this time, someone approached from a distance, and Shu Ling was forced to stop talking, and finally, the two reluctantly parted.

However, although they are separated, it is the beginning of the two of them in the true sense.

Inside Nuanyang Hall, Qiu Yuebai said to Jiang Xin:

"Why do you have trouble again when the king is away for a while?"

(End of this chapter)

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