Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 276 There is something wrong with this chapter

Chapter 276 There is something wrong with this word
On this day, after Liu Pen's reminder, Qiu Yuebai finally remembered that the inner prison of the palace had been locked up for a civilized month.

Liu Pen reported to the prince:
"Wen Wenyue still refuses to plead guilty, and is arguing to meet the prince every day."

Qiu Yuebai's tone was indifferent:
"What does this king see her for? Since she has not pleaded guilty, this king cannot keep her."

Then he told Zou Xian that he ordered people to send Wenmingyue back to Xunshengyuan, and then notified Marquis Wu'an to come to the palace sometime and take Wenmingyue back, so that he would not have to step into the palace again.

Zou Xian asked:
"My lord, if Marquis Wu'an asks, how should I answer?"

Qiuyue Bai said:

"Save some face for the Marquis of Wu'an."

Zou Xian responded, and went to the gate of Marquis Wu'an's mansion on the same day, and conveyed the prince's intention to let Marquis Wu'an choose a day to visit Xunyang Prince's mansion.

Zou Xian remembered the prince's words, and left a bit of thin air for the Marquis of Wu'an, so he didn't speak too bluntly.

When the servants of Marquis of Wu'an's mansion conveyed Zou Xian's words to Marquis of Wu'an, because they flattered the Lord too much, they said:
"The king of Xunyang sent someone to invite you, Lord Hou, to come over to the mansion and meet the young lady."

Marquis Wu'an was overjoyed when he received such a notice, and hurriedly asked:

"Why is it so sudden, did the person come say what is the reason?"

The servant said flatteringly:

"Master Zou from the Xunyang Prince's Mansion specially came to inform that Miss Xu is favored by the Prince's Mansion, and the prince loves him dearly. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is approaching, Miss misses Lord Hou, so she invites Lord Hou to share the friendship between father and daughter."

Marquis Wu An was overjoyed after hearing this, the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he was, he stroked his beard and said triumphantly:
"That must be the case. Mingyue is smarter than that Jiang nobleman. I don't know how many times stronger than that Jiang nobleman. I heard that during the last Ruixue Festival, someone saw the prince and Mingyue walking side by side. That Jiang nobleman didn't know where he was. It can be seen that my daughter Mingyue is in Xunxun. The status of Prince Yang's Mansion."

The servant nodded in agreement.

Marquis Wu An was in a good mood:
"Then Benhou will go to the Xunyang Palace tomorrow at the invitation of His Highness."

Immediately afterwards, the matter of "Because Wen Wenyue was favored by the prince, the king of Xunyang graciously invited Wu'an Hou to visit the mansion" spread like wildfire.

Soon it spread to the backyard of Wu'anhou's mansion, and the ears of Mrs. Liu, Wu'anhou's wife.

Another vase in Liu's room was broken, and with the sound of the broken vase, Liu's words could not conceal the harshness:

"No matter how much she is favored, she is still just a concubine. Like her mother, she is a low-born."

A delicate voice said:

"But mother, that's King Xunyang's concubine, not an ordinary concubine. If I get another side concubine in the future, it will be a big deal, and my status will be equal to your mother's." Liu's youngest daughter Wen Yaoyue hugged Liu Shi's arm with a look of displeasure.

"She dares! Forgot how she served me in front of me when I was a child, like a rough servant girl, how could she have that fate."

At this time, an ordinary-looking maid walked in. This maid had a good figure, but her appearance was too ordinary. She bowed to Mrs. Liu and Miss San, and then said:
"Ma'am, Master Hou sent a servant to ask Madam, if he is going to the Xunyang Palace tomorrow, Madam would like to go with him."

Before Mrs. Liu could speak, Wen Yao took the lead angrily and said:

"No, who is going to see her, lowly thing."

Mrs. Liu gently pushed her little daughter:

"You child, why are you so stupid."

"Mom! You're talking about me again!" Wen Yaoyue stomped her feet and shouted unhappily.

Mrs. Liu said to the maid:
"Go and tell Master Hou that I will go tomorrow, and Miss San will follow."

(End of this chapter)

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