Chapter 284
But Jiang Xin was only worried about one thing, and that was what Wen Wenyue overheard about Shu Ling outside the door that day. Disaster is imminent.

After all, Jiang Xin didn't dare to express her worries to Shu Ling. After Shu Ling left, Jiang Xin waited for Qiu Yuebai alone until late at night, but she didn't. She fell asleep at some point, and when she woke up, it was already the second day. God.

Jiang Xin called Liu Pen to find out the situation.

After listening to Liu Pen's answer, Jiang Xin was stunned.

Civilization Month, dead.

Jiang Xin was in a very complicated mood. She thought that Wenmingyue would be miserable, but she didn't expect the result to be so sudden, and she died overnight?

"How did she die?" Jiang Xin asked.

Liu Pen replied:

"Returning to the nobleman, it was suicide. At that time, she rushed straight to the top beam and stone pillar of Xunsheng Garden, and the blood splashed all over the body of Mrs. Liu next to her. Mrs. Liu fainted from fright at that time."

There was a picture in Jiang Xin's mind when she was neutral, but she was still puzzled:
"Not so much"

Liu Pen said:
"Because Wen Wenyue refused to plead guilty at that time, and was even more unwilling to go back to the mansion with Marquis Wu'an, the prince mentioned the matter of Jiubao. Wen Wenyue tried to clear it up, but her maidservant He Cai stood up and pointed out that the matter was What Civilization Moon did, Civilization Moon collapsed at that time, and He Cai had reason and evidence, and listed the details of how Civilization Moon colluded with Jiubao. Something unexpected."

"what's up?"

"Wen Wenyue confessed to the prince that Marquis Wu An instigated her to do all the things, including Jiubao, which has always been Marquis Wu An's confidant, and Marquis Wu An has placed her in the prince's hands for many years."

Jiang Xin was startled:

"The amount of information is so large? Is Wenmingyue going to kill her father? This is not good for Wenmingyue at all. Why did she do this? Marquis Wu'an will definitely not admit it."

Liu Pen paused, then said:
"Marquis Wu'an has now been imprisoned in Dali Temple, awaiting the verdict."

Jiang Xin stood up in shock:

"It's just one night. Why did so many things happen? Marquis Wu'an is a marquis after all, so if he said he was arrested, he was arrested?"

Liu Pen said slowly:
"Because the evidence is overwhelming, Marquis Wu'an cannot refute it."

"Where is the evidence?" Jiang Xin was full of doubts.

Liu Pen hesitated for a while, then said vaguely:
"The lord has arranged for people to collect evidence around Marquis Wu'an earlier, so don't ask more about the specific nobleman."

Jiang Xin knew in his heart that it must be Huamanlou's dark thread again, Qiu Yuebai was really powerful, even Marquis Wu'an, who had fallen since then, was planted a dark thread, he really had the foresight.

When I think of Wenming Yue's sloppy end, I can't help feeling sad.

Jiang Xin raised her head and saw that Liu Pen's eyes seemed to be worried, thinking that he was lamenting about the Civilization Moon.

However, Liu Pen took the initiative to speak:

"My lord, I have something to say about this slave."

"Huh? Tell me." Jiang Xin became a confidant sister in seconds, ready to enlighten Liu Pen.

Liu Pen said:
"Before Wen Wenyue died, she had repeatedly proposed to say something to the prince, but she was ruthlessly rejected by the prince. Finally, after the secret of Marquis Wu An was completely exposed, she also fell into despair. He took out a written letter and handed it to the prince, and then he hit the pillar and died."

"A letter?" Jiang Xin quickly grasped the point.

(End of this chapter)

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