Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 289 The prince is super rich

Chapter 289 The prince is super rich

Xunyang Palace.

When Jiang Xin woke up this morning, she was full of surprises.

Qiu Yuebai carefully prepared a lot of gifts for her, all of which were rare items that Qiu Yuebai found from everywhere.

The prince of Qiuyuebai has [-] households in the fief, and he owns countless lands, manors, and shops. In addition to the rewards from His Majesty the Emperor on weekdays, Jiang Xin roughly calculated that his annual salary was tens of millions when converted into RMB.

Qiu Yuebai is considered to have the least income among the princes, because Qiu Yuebai never accepts gifts, so he has lost a lot of gray income, otherwise his wealth would be even more unimaginable.

Zhuqing, Lihua, and the newcomer Qingyu, who is also called Yuer now, are all helping to sort out these rare objects. Jiang Xin glanced at them briefly, and found that there are crystal clear jade carvings; Palace blankets; Wu Ling and Yue brocade, which are extremely rare even in blue water; Jun kiln porcelain; famous calligraphy and paintings; and even a set of valuable four treasures of the study. The top-quality Duan inkstone, the excellent Hu brush and Hui ink, and even the set of rice paper are materials that are rarely seen.
"My lord, should the items registered by the servants be stored directly?" Zhu Qing asked.

Jiang Xin pointed with her little hand and hurriedly said:
"Put this set of four treasures of the study into storage first."

She was very worried that Qiu Yuebai would grab her again and force her to practice calligraphy.

Compared with these colorful things and those porcelain treasures, Jiang Xin prefers the dowry that Qiu Yuebai chose for her, and the exquisite small boxes contained in the dowry. Jiang Xin opened the small boxes one by one, and there are dazzling arrays precious jewelry.

One of the concentric ivory white jade hairpins is very eye-catching, especially with a concentric knot next to the hairpin. It is exquisite Shu embroidery, with fine stitches and silky touch. It is a first-class thing at first glance.

Jiang Xin picked it up carefully, looked at it carefully, the more she looked at it, the more she fell in love with it.

The newcomer Yu'er cast his eyes over, and when he saw this thing, he couldn't help showing surprise on his calm face.

Concentric hairpins and concentric knots are gifts for the main wife, yet the prince gave such objects to Jiang Guiren, it is really unbelievable.

Zhuqing and Lihua have seen it a long time ago, and of course they also understand the meaning of this thing, but they have long been familiar with it.

Qing Yu's rare gaffe, her mind was full of thoughts at this moment, thinking too much, thinking of her good sister Zi Yi, thinking of how Jiang Guiren's identity will change in the future, all of these are far beyond her Unexpectedly, today is the status of Jiang nobleman.

"What are you stunned for?"

Liu Pen sat next to Qing Yu and reminded her loudly, and Qing Yu immediately regained his composure.

After Jiang Xin enjoyed the mountains of gifts that Qiu Yuebai had given her, it was already noon, and the careful Qiu Yuebai had already ordered Nanny Li and others to prepare a sumptuous lunch for Jiang Xin.

After lunch, Jiang Xin could vaguely hear the music played during the exorcism ceremony in the palace, as well as the sound of firecrackers outside the high walls.

Jiang Xin thought of the scene of setting off firecrackers when she was a child. At that time, Jiang Xin dared to use the double-bang cannon that was as thick as an arm, which even boys dared not to use. Cannon, she will light it herself.

After Liu Pen heard about it, he was the first to stand up to stop him, but Jiang Xin was not willing to listen. Liu Pen couldn't disobey the nobleman, so he could only protect him from the sidelines, and reminded Qing Yu that he must protect the nobleman, but his heart was always hanging on. Then, an ominous premonition lingered in my heart.

 The fourth update is over, and I will quietly update another chapter in the early morning hehe

(End of this chapter)

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