Chapter 502 The Emperor Arrives
In Guangqu Hundred Gardens, the guests have already arrived, and the luncheon will be held soon.

King Jinyang brought side concubine Xu, who had just changed into a splendid costume, to entertain the guests.

At this time, everyone gradually realized that King Xunyang was no longer here at some point, and even his concubine Jiang, who looked like a fairy, was gone.

"Did you see it just now, Concubine Jiang is so beautiful."

"Where is it? It is said that her eyebrows are piercing, but I haven't seen her yet."

Those who have seen Concubine Jiang are very proud, and those who have not seen it feel extremely regretful.

Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi, who had already taken their seats, were actually looking for the figures of King Xunyang and Concubine Jiang, but unfortunately they only saw each other at the door once, and never saw them again.

At this time, I don't know who asked, King Jinyang smiled and explained:

"Just now, Concubine Jiang of Xunyang Prince's Mansion was unwell, and King Xunyang personally escorted her back to the residence."

"It turns out I'm back home, what a pity." Lu Xueshan couldn't help sighing.

Lu Xiaosi didn't feel anything, and ate heartlessly.

"Are you a starving ghost?" Lu Xueshan gave him a blank look.

Lu Xiaosi pretended he hadn't heard it. It wasn't interesting to be here. He was responsible for eating when other people celebrated their birthdays.

Lu Xueshan got up and pushed Lu Xiaosi:
"Let's go, don't stay here anymore, the gifts have been delivered, and King Jinyang has also greeted you."

Lu Xiaosi followed Lu Xueshan and left one after the other. When passing through Mi Garden, he saw Prime Minister Hai.

This time, there are no guests at Mi Yuan, and most of the guests are going to the luncheon, so it is very strange to meet Prime Minister Hai here.

At this time, Lu Xiaosi whispered to Lu Xueshan:

"The father and daughter are weird."

Lu Xueshan had never seen Hai Yunyan before, so he didn't know that the woman next to Prime Minister Hai was his daughter.

Because of the long distance, Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi could only see Hai Xiang and Hai Yunyan's father and daughter muttering for a while, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

At this moment, Hai Yunyan's complexion can be said to be very ugly. Hai said to her daughter:
"Yan'er, what's wrong with you, but what's wrong with your body?"

Hai Yunyan shook her head:
"I, I'm fine, but there is one thing I must tell you right away."

Hai Xiang was puzzled:

"The luncheon is about to start, Yan'er, if you have something important to do, you have to talk about it now."

"Father, I doubt, I doubt."

The emperor is here, the concubine Shu is here~
Prime Minister Hai hurriedly said:
"Yan'er, there are priorities, you go with your father to pick you up."

Hai Yunyan had no choice but to swallow the words that came to her lips.

Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi also heard it at the same time.

"The emperor has come in person, which shows the current status of King Jinyang." Lu Xueshan said.

Lu Xiaosi said:

"Hexi for 30 years, and Hedong for 30 years, we can't leave today, so hurry up and pick them up."

Emperor Yongning brought Concubine Shu to Baihua Garden, and everyone knelt down to salute, shouting long live.

King Jinyang's face has greatly increased, and all the years of silence and indifference have disappeared at this moment, only the glory and brilliance. All the nobles of the family present are very fortunate to have participated in the birthday banquet of King Jinyang today. It seems that the rumors are true, King Jinyang is about to rise.

The rise of one side will inevitably mean the decline of the other side. As King Jinyang and King Xunyang who have been compared all year round, King Jinyang is now appreciated and favored by Emperor Yongning, so King Xunyang must face An embarrassing situation out of favor.

(End of this chapter)

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