Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 508 There is something strange about this matter

Chapter 508 There is something strange about this matter

Lu Xueshan looked at the handsome dog standing in front of him, and couldn't help asking:

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Lu Xiaosi patted Master Ling Feng's head:

"His name is Ling Feng, my brother, this time, we have to rely on him for help."

Lu Xueshan's face was a bit ugly:

"Lu Xiaosi, stop! What brother, he is a brother, what am I you?"

Lu Xiaosi disagreed:
"You are my brother too."

Lu Xueshan punched Lu Xiaosi on the shoulder, and Lu Xiaosi yelled "Ouch" in pain.

Master Ling Feng immediately became angry, staring at Lu Xueshan and baring his teeth.

Lu Xueshan smiled:
"It's quite protective of the Lord." He pointed to Lu Xiaosi:

"Okay, tell me what you think."

Lu Xiaosi said:

"Now what we are clear about is that the direction of this painting is too obvious, that is, Beiyue River Art Museum. The more obvious the direction is, the less we can go there rashly, so my thinking is, who may It's our sister's girl, and it's definitely in the Beiyue River Art Museum now. This one can't escape, we are not in a hurry to investigate at this time, but we have to figure out another clue, how did this painting come from, and figure it out The intention of the person behind it, what do you think, third brother?"

Lu Xueshan nodded:

"You're right. My people told me that he got this painting by coincidence. He wandered around the market and restaurants all day. Yesterday he was hungover with his friends. When he woke up, he had this piece of tissue paper beside him." , Thinking about it, it’s indeed too strange.”

Lu Xueshan looked at Ling Feng, and said again:
"Xiao Si, do you mean to rely on Ling Feng's sense of smell? But this tissue paper has passed through the hands of so many people, how can it still distinguish the smell?"

Lu Xiaosi smiled:
"Third Brother, Ling Feng is not an ordinary scout dog, he is very capable."

After speaking, he took out the tissue paper and put it on Ling Feng's nose, and Ling Feng began to smell it with an extremely focused expression.

The carriage was still moving forward. On the carriage, Ling Feng heard it for a while, but Lu Xiaosi and Lu Xueshan did not rush, and waited quietly and patiently.

After a while, Ling Feng suddenly called out.

"There is a clue!" Lu Xiaosi said.

Ling Feng jumped down from the carriage all at once.

Lu Xiaosi yelled "Follow me", and immediately jumped out of the carriage.

Ling Feng was running in front, while Lu Xiaosi and Lu Xueshan were chasing behind. Ling Feng walked all the way on small roads, and there were relatively few people, so the pursuit of these two people and a dog did not seem too eye-catching and abrupt.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaosi and Lu Xueshan are both martial arts practitioners. They have been running for five or six streets, but Lu Xiaosi and Lu Xueshan still follow closely.

Finally, Ling Feng stopped in front of a medicine shop.

Lu Xueshan looked up at the plaque:

"Xu Ji Medicine Store? What did Ling Feng bring us here? What is the connection between this medicine store and this piece of tissue paper?"

Lu Xiaosi actually didn't understand it very well, but after all, he had been with Ling Feng for a long time, and they already had a tacit understanding with each other.

Lu Xiaosi squatted down, looked at Ling Feng, and Ling Feng looked at the medicine shop, and yelled 'Wow, woof, woof' several times.

Lu Xiaosi seemed to understand something, he said to Lu Xueshan:

"Third brother, go and buy a copy of all the herbs in this pharmacy."

Lu Xueshan didn't understand what it meant, but he did it anyway.

When Lu Xueshan came back from buying, Lu Xiaosi placed all the medicinal materials in front of Ling Feng, and Ling Feng's tail wagged excitedly, Lu Xiaosi understood that he guessed what Master Ling Feng meant.

(End of this chapter)

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