Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 511 The Princess Comes From Afar

Chapter 511 The Princess Comes From Afar
Lu Xueshan said:

"This Xuji pharmacy has only recently prospered in Yijing. I have never heard of this pharmacy before. The rapid growth is staggering."

"Third Brother, you have only returned to Beijing not long ago, how did you know that?" Lu Xiaosi asked.

"Today when you went back to the Supervision Department to send Ling Feng off, I also checked this Xuji Pharmacy." Lu Xueshan replied.

Lu Xiaosi said:

"I see. What you just said is indeed weird. Another point is that this pharmacy only sells high-priced and expensive medicinal materials. The target groups are high-ranking officials and rich people. Ordinary people can't afford their pharmacies." medicinal materials, they also disdain to receive poor people."

Lu Xueshan said:

"So, it is basically certain that the owner of this prescription, that is, the person who painted that painting, must be from a noble family, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be an ordinary commoner."

Lu Xiaosi agrees with this.

Lu Xueshan continued:

"So, we have to find out who this person is this morning? Is he an enemy or a friend to us!"

Lu Xiaosi said:

"It seems that I am going to use some means."
On this day, Princess Yu's delegation came to Darao.

Concubine Shu led a group of family members in the palace to receive them warmly, but found that Yu Kingdom had brought countless rare treasures this time, full of sincerity.

Princess Wei Langji of the Yu Kingdom faced Concubine Shu with an extremely fair attitude, showing her submission to Da Rao in every word and deed.

Wei Langji said to Concubine Shu:
"Ms. Concubine Shu, Yu Country has also presented [-] cattle, [-] sheep, and [-] horses to your country. They are on their way. Please accept them."

Concubine Shu was chattering and laughing, but she was actually very surprised. Although this country of Yu has long surrendered to Da Rao, and the annual tribute is very active, but it has never been so much. More than ten times, it is too strange.

Princess Wei Langji seemed to see Concubine Shu's doubts, and took the initiative to say:
"This time Yuguo sent Lang Ji here for another extremely important matter. Before Lang Ji came, the Lord of our country had already written a letter to His Majesty the Emperor Darao. His Majesty the Emperor already knew about this matter, but he did not know that Is there a purpose?"

Concubine Shu was in a daze, the emperor only asked her to receive Princess Yu, and didn't know anything else.

So, she can only tell the truth.

When Wei Langji heard this, disappointment flashed across the corner of her eyes, and she murmured:

"But, Lin Lang is already on her way."

Concubine Shu is puzzled:

"Who is Lin Lang?"

God Wei Langji is extremely solemn:

"Linlang is the most honorable princess of our generation in Yu Kingdom. As a token of sincerity, the Lord of our country once wrote a letter to His Majesty the Emperor of Darao, offering to marry Princess Linlang to Darao. His Majesty also wrote back to express his agreement, so we are here this time."

Princess Linlang of Yu Kingdom came to marry her, and the emperor had already agreed, so she wanted to be accepted as a concubine?
But His Majesty the Emperor was already over 50 years old, and Princess Linlang sounded like a young girl who had just reached her age. Concubine Shu immediately felt a strong sense of crisis.

In particular, the emperor never mentioned this matter to her at all. It seems that this peaceful harem is going to have a newcomer
That night, Emperor Yongning came to Concubine Shu's Qilin Hall.

When asked about Princess Wei Langji's situation today, Concubine Shu reported the situation. When Emperor Yongning heard Princess Wei Langji's question about Lin Lang, he fell silent.

After a long time, he said:
"It was indeed my intention to give Wei Linlang, Princess Yu Kingdom, to Yuebai."

 Push the book ~ Please collect it! ! !

  The heroine looks like a little white rabbit, but in reality she is a master of technology and a master of games.

  During the day, he is the obedient and obedient little secretary who serves the male protagonist, and at night, he is the big devil who abused him thousands of times in the virtual world of the game!

  The female lead played with the male lead and applauded, step by step, pocketing him to exchange for system rewards. After the male lead came to his senses, it was not too late
(End of this chapter)

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