Chapter 513
In the Qilin Hall, Concubine Shu thought hard about a plan, and finally decided to mention this matter to her son first, so that he could prepare in advance.

She said to her personal maid:
"Tomorrow morning, you go to the Xunyang Palace and ask Xunyang King to come."

The personal maid asked softly:
"Is your empress going to tell the prince directly about Princess Yu?"

Concubine Shu said:
"Of course not. I can see clearly now that Yuebai is too infatuated with Jiang Xin. Yuebai has never been interested in women. It was only after she met Jiang Xin that she became like this. I can understand. Yuebai has a deep affection for Jiang Xin. Bengong's son is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Of course, Bengong is also pleased, but in many things, infatuation can't make a big deal, so this time, Bengong let him come, I don't plan to tell him about Princess Yu, if I do, it will definitely make him disgusted, I just advise him to get closer to His Majesty, and not to create any quarrel with His Majesty."


"My lady is wise."

Early the next morning, Qiu Yuebai came to the Qilin Hall.

Concubine Shu prepared a lot of food, which Qiu Yuebai loved to eat when she was a child.

Looking at this posture, Qiu Yuebai knew that something must be wrong.

"Bai'er, your relationship with your royal father has been a little estranged recently. You know your royal father. He has a lot of emotional ups and downs and is quite suspicious. You can't let your royal father distrust you. Your attitude is very serious. It's important, if he doesn't see you, you don't see him, understand?"

Qiuyue Bai said:

"Mother and concubine, I know this well, so you don't need to worry too much."

Qiu Yuebai sat for a while, Concubine Shu's words were the same over and over again, after listening for a while, Qiu Yuebai became a little impatient.

So he found a reason to leave.

Concubine Shu forcibly stopped her:

"Bai'er, why is your character like this now? Don't tell me you only have that Jiang Xin in your heart, and no one else cares about you?"

Qiu Yuebai explained:
"Mother and concubine, you misunderstood, the children have grown up, many things can be decided by themselves, and they can be responsible for themselves."

Concubine Shu looked at the table full of dishes and snacks, Qiu Yuebai didn't move a mouthful, and said sadly:
"Look, you don't understand Concubine Mu's thoughts at all."

Qiu Yuebai sighed:

"Mother Concubine, do you know? I don't like these dishes for a long time. You have never tried to understand what Erchen really likes."

After Qiu Yuebai finished speaking, she bowed and bowed to leave.

Concubine Shu stood where she was, her whole body lost in thought. Her son's last words echoed in her ears for a long time, unable to dissipate.

It wasn't until the personal maid came forward and put on clothes for her that Concubine Shu was relieved.

She murmured:

"Yuebai is right. Bengong is not a competent mother. I don't understand him more and more. She always forces him to do things that I think are right."

The maid comforted:
"Your Majesty, don't be sad. No matter what, your intention is good. It is definitely not wrong to let the prince and His Majesty get closer."

Concubine Shu nodded:
"You're right, since Yuebai said that Ben Gong doesn't understand him and doesn't listen to Ben Gong, then he must listen to the words of the person on top of his heart."

"What do you mean, madam?"

"You go to invite the side concubine of Xunyang Wangjiang to the palace tomorrow, and say that I miss her and want her to come to the palace to accompany me."

"The slaves obey."

In the early morning of the next day, Qiu Yuebai left the mansion, and the people from the Qilin Palace came to the mansion gate to invite Jiang Xin into the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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