Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 524 'Tearing Clothes'

Chapter 524 'Tearing Clothes'

If such a woman was born in the country of Yu, she would be a witch and would be sacrificed to the heavens, because such a beautiful and enchanting woman is only worthy of the gods and cannot be kept in the human world.

Wei Linlang raised her head, the fringe on her forehead swept across her skin, causing a trace of coldness:
"Jiang Fangfei, since you know me, you should know that I am the future Zhengfei of Xunyang Wang, right?"

Jiang Xin was startled, so direct?It seems that the visitor is not good.

"Of course I know, what does the princess mean?" Jiang Xin asked with a smile.

Wei Linlang looked heroic and calm:

"In our country, monogamy is practiced between men and women. A man can only marry one wife, and no other concubines are allowed."

"Oh?" Jiang Xin tilted her head:
"It's pretty good, but I still don't understand, what is the princess telling me about this?"

Wei Linlang justly said:
"I am the princess of the Yu country. Of course, I want to continue the marriage tradition of the Yu country. My husband must also be the only one."

Jiang Xin was a little surprised after hearing this, the brain circuit of Princess Wei Linlang is really strange.

She couldn't help applauding:
"It's a good idea."

Wei Linlang showed suspicion:
"Do you really think so?"

"But." Jiang Xin changed the subject:
"Could it be that Princess Yu has forgotten that this is not your Yu country, but Da Rao, who does not practice monogamy."

"You!" Wei Linlang was angry.

Jiang Xin smiled:
"Princess, I really think that the marriage system in your Yu country is very good, but I advise you to make less remarks like this in Darao's land. It's really not good for you."

If it's too heavy, Jiang Xin can't bear to say it, after all, no matter how fulfilling this Wei Linlang's ideal is, what awaits her is doomed to be in vain.

"Princess, excuse me first." After Jiang Xin finished speaking, she took Qing Yu and left gracefully.

Wei Linlang seemed to be talking to herself, but also to Jiang Xin:
"Whether it is Yu Guo or Da Rao, I will not allow my husband to have other women. Even if there is, I will find a way to make her not exist."

What a bold statement, Jiang Xin shook her head helplessly, it's a pity that Wei Linlang will never have a chance in this life.

Going back to Concubine Shu's palace banquet, the palace banquet has already gone on for more than half. Concubine Shu couldn't find Jiang Xin for a long time. I have endured it, but now I need to coax her a little bit, if she gets into trouble and ruins Qiu Yuebai's affairs, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

The emperor paid off, and the palace banquet planned by Concubine Shu was successfully concluded. On the surface, the goal that Concubine Shu wanted to achieve has also been achieved.

Jiang Xin followed Qiuyue out of the palace.

Outside the palace gate, I happened to meet the brothers from the Lu family who were summoned to enter the palace.

After Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi saluted Qiuyuebai, they then saluted Jiang Xin, but at this time, the hearts of the two brothers were beating out of rhythm, because they found out something today, about the king of Jinyang that day. Birthday, a scene that happened in Guangqu Bai Garden.

Lu Xiaosi went through twists and turns to find the maidservant who was serving in Baihuayuan that day. She saw Hai Yunyan had a conflict with Jiang Xin, and Hai Yunyan tore Jiang Xin's clothes. dispute.

When Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi heard the three words 'tear clothes', they were shocked at the same time.

Their suspicions are getting stronger and stronger, and they urgently need to be confirmed.

(End of this chapter)

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