Chapter 534
"Since the empress wants to go back, I will personally escort the empress back to the palace." Lu Xueshan said.

"Let me escort it. I am familiar with Xunyang Palace." Lu Xiaosi said.

Jiang Xin felt that the two of them were too much work, so there was no need to do so, so she politely declined, but the other party was too enthusiastic. In the end, she didn't know what Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi had done, and ended the hot spring banquet ahead of schedule. They escorted Jiang Xin's carriage back to Yijing.

Arriving in front of the Xunyang Prince's Mansion, Jiang Xin lifted the curtain of the carriage, before Qing Yu could do anything, Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi had already stood neatly underneath, ready to help.

Jiang Xin withdrew her hand in embarrassment, and glanced at Qing Yu as if asking for help.

Qing Yu understood immediately, and hurriedly took a step forward, passed the Lu family brothers, took Jiang Xin's arm, and helped her out of the carriage.

Then, Jiang Xin turned around and said to the Lu family brothers:

"Thank you two young masters for your hard work to send me back. You two have worked hard. It's getting late. You two haven't had dinner yet. Do you want to enter the house?"

What Jiang Xin said was just to be polite. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaosi immediately agreed:

"Since the empress has kindly invited you, we can't refuse the kindness."

Jiang Xin:


Why didn't this play out according to the routine?

It may be that he is more familiar with Lu Xiaosi, Lu Xueshan should not let Lu Xiaosi do this, but unexpectedly Lu Xueshan also took a step forward and cupped his hands:
"Then I would like to thank you, Ma'am. I don't know if the prince is in the house, but my brother and I just happened to pay a visit."

Jiang Xin looked back at Steward Li, but Steward Li hurriedly bowed and said:

"My lord hasn't returned home yet."

As soon as the words fell, Qiu Yuebai came on horseback. In the dusk, with the light from the big lantern in front of the palace gate, you can still see Qiu Yuebai's wanton and handsome appearance. Running to the front of the palace, the movements were clean and neat, and he got off the horse.

Qiu Yuebai saw Jiang Xin from afar, and after getting off her horse, she went directly towards Jiang Xin, only to see the two brothers from the Lu family when she was in front of her.

"I have met His Royal Highness King Xunyang."

Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi bowed to salute.

Qiu Yuebai immediately understood what was going on, and said:
"Excuse me, the two escorted Mrs. Jiang back, I'm sorry."

I haven't seen Qiu Yuebai all day, and Jiang Xin misses her so much. She soon noticed that Qiu Yuebai was strange. There was a bruise on his forehead, which was still bloodshot, as if he was hit by a heavy object. .

How did he get hurt?Looking at the entire capital, who would dare to hurt him?What happened?

Jiang Xin was in a mess for a while, and was anxious to ask about the situation, but because the brothers from the Lu family were here, she couldn't ask directly.

But what Jiang Xin never expected was that Lu Xueshan directly asked the question Jiang Xin wanted to ask.

"My lord, what happened to your forehead?" Lu Xueshan asked.

After Qiu Yuebai came out of the palace today, she went straight to the Supervision Department, checked up and down, and after a busy day, she forgot the injury on her forehead, so she said flatly:

"It's okay to accidentally bump into it."

Lu Xiaosi said again:
"My lord, has something happened to the supervisory department?"

Qiu Yuebai raised her eyebrows and looked at Lu Xiaosi:

"You are not in the Supervision Department today, where did you get the news?"

Lu Xiaosi said:

"Hey, someone went to the hot spring palace, and the news has spread. Doesn't the prince know that the whole Yijing pays close attention to you, and if something happens to you, it will spread quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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