Chapter 545 Suspicious Clouds
Because of this sudden imperial decree, the entire Qilin Hall temporarily entered a truce mode.

Concubine Shu left Jiang Xin temporarily, and hurried to receive the decree, and the eunuch who read out the decree bowed respectfully:

"Your Majesty, this edict is not for you, but for Princess Linlang."

"Princess Linlang?" Concubine Shu looked at Wei Linlang in confusion.

Wei Linlang hadn't figured out the situation yet, but she still had to kneel respectfully and prepare to receive the order.

"Fortunately, the emperor ordered that the princess of Yu Kingdom is dangerous Linlang, she is cautious, diligent and submissive, gentle and pure, and gentle in nature. After divination by Qin Tianjian, the horoscope of Princess Linlang's birth date does not match that of King Xunyang, so she took it back." The previous marriage decree was to give Princess Linlang to the eldest son of the Duke of Yuncheng, and the big wedding will be held next month, this is my honor!"

After the eunuch read the imperial decree, he left the imperial decree and drifted away.

However, the entire Qilin Hall was in an uproar.

Concubine Shu stood on the spot blankly, why did the Qin Tianjian appear, and why the horoscope did not match, didn't she calculate the horoscope of her birthday before?It's not a problem. Why did she suddenly change her mind about the marriage that she had racked her brains for?
However, the person who couldn't accept the news the most was Wei Linlang, not to mention how embarrassing it is to be given a marriage and then changed to a marriage. Already moved to him.

Growing up, it was the first time she fell in love with a man, that was the man she was about to marry, she felt that she was really lucky, and she would be very, very happy in the future, she was not a mean person, but when she strongly Feeling the happiness that she was about to obtain, a figure appeared in her mind, that is Jiang Xin, the woman who was the first to marry Xunyang King and enjoyed all the favors of Xunyang King.

As long as she thinks of this, her heart feels like being pricked by a needle, so she will unconsciously make this series of actions towards Jiang Xin.

However, he never expected that all this would come to naught because of a piece of imperial edict?
Wei Linlang looked at Concubine Shu helplessly, and Concubine Shu looked back at her helplessly.

"Linlang, don't be in a hurry. I will go to His Highness first. There must be some misunderstanding about this matter."

Wei Linlang nodded with tears in her eyes.

Although Jiang Xin was also full of doubts, she knew that no one cared about her apology anymore.

"The concubine will leave first." Jiang Xin bowed leisurely.

But Concubine Shu's attention was no longer on her.

Therefore, Jiang Xin left calmly, and no one said anything.

On the way out of the palace, Jiang Xin had more and more doubts in her heart. Why did Emperor Yongning not grant the marriage suddenly? If Emperor Yongning did not grant the marriage, then there would be no need for her and Qiu Yuebai to elope and run away. You don't have to give up everything here.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xin's feet seemed to be blown, she wanted to find Qiu Yuebai quickly, tell him about this, and then discuss with him their next plan.

Jiang Xin left the palace, got into the carriage, and told the driver to go straight to the Supervision Department.

Since Qiu Yuebai did not enter the palace to pick her up, it means that the matter has not been dealt with, so Qiu Yuebai must still be in the Supervision Department.

Jiang Xin rushed to the Supervision Department, and after inquiring about it, she unexpectedly heard that Qiu Yuebai was not in the Supervision Department, but was called to the palace by the emperor not long ago.

Qiu Yuebai also entered the palace?
The two of them passed by.

Jiang Xin's mind was full of doubts again. At this time, what Emperor Yongning asked Qiu Yuebai to do in the palace is really confusing. However, there are two situations. One is that things have turned around, just like the imperial decree in the Qilin Temple just now.

But just because such a good thing can happen once, doesn't mean it can happen a second time.

(End of this chapter)

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