Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 552 Concubine Shu Can't Believe It

Chapter 552 Concubine Shu Can't Believe It
In the palace, Concubine Shu went completely crazy.

She didn't know that many things had quietly changed, she only thought that it was over, everything was over, and now, she could only fight with her back.

Immediately afterwards, Concubine Shu rushed to the outside of the Yongning Emperor's Palace of Lizheng, unable to kneel.

The eunuch next to Emperor Yongning had never seen such an excited Concubine Shu, so he hurried to report.

Emperor Yongning frowned upon hearing this:
"What is she crazy about?"

The eunuch promptly reminded:
"Your Majesty, it may be because of today's imperial decree that Princess Yu's marriage was facilitated by Concubine Shu at that time."

Emperor Yongning understood immediately, he said:

"This concubine Shu is really an ignorant woman. If I don't cancel that marriage, what will I do next?"

The eunuch is very keen, and has already realized that since General Lu's interview with the saint today, the situation above the court has undergone another huge change, and this change heralds the future direction.

Therefore, a smart person would of course choose to help King Xunyang.

And to help King Xunyang is to help Concubine Shu.

The eunuch bowed and said:
"Your Majesty, Concubine Shu doesn't know anything."

Emperor Yongning was stunned, yes, the fact that King Xunyang's side concubine is the daughter of the Lu family is still a secret at this stage, and has not been announced to the public. Concubine Shu doesn't know at all, so she can't understand the essence behind it. It's normal to have such a big reaction to the cancellation of the marriage gift.

Then, when Concubine Shu, who was kneeling outside the palace, was about to fight a long and difficult battle to the death, she was summoned by Emperor Yongning from abroad.

The great eunuch said to Concubine Shu attentively:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty invites you into the palace for a speech."

Concubine Shu stood up in a daze and looked at the eunuch.

The eunuch smiled:
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is thinking of His Highness Xunyang King. Whatever you do today, it is for His Highness Xunyang King's good. Please don't misunderstand His Majesty's good intentions."

When Concubine Shu heard this, she was even more inexplicable, but after all, she had been in the deep palace for many years and knew that the eunuch would not just talk about it. Although she still didn't understand, she finally let go of her uneasy heart.

Resolutely tidied up his appearance, came out with his previous demeanor, and entered the hall with a graceful step, neither humble nor overbearing.

After Concubine Shu entered the hall and performed the big ceremony, Emperor Yongning turned around and said to Concubine Shu:

"You don't need to say much about the marriage, and I have already decided to promote Yuebai's side concubine to be the main concubine, do you have any opinions?"

Li Jiangxin as the concubine?What is Jiang Xin's identity? How can she be the concubine of Xunyang Wang? Could it be that the emperor has sealed her?Concubine Shu swayed, almost fainting, but suddenly, she remembered the eunuch's reminder just now, asking her not to misunderstand His Majesty's kindness.

Concubine Shu's mind also turned quickly, is there a misunderstanding?Is there something that I don't know?
His Majesty said so, could it be to test her attitude?

Concubine Shu lowered her eyes and said nothing, Emperor Yongning didn't seem to be in a hurry, just waiting for her to respond. After a while, Concubine Shu bowed profusely:
"The courtiers and concubines would like to obey the holy will."

Such an answer really satisfied Emperor Yongning.

He came over personally, helped Concubine Shu up, his tone softened a lot, and said:

"I didn't plan to tell you about this so early, but you are Yuebai's biological mother after all, so I should tell you."

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Yongning told how General Lu Yuan's daughter was lost more than ten years ago, how sad and desperate Lu Yuan was, and finally put all his attention on the border defense war, leading his family to guard the border for more than ten years. He told Concubine Shu how he found his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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