Chapter 556
Qiuyuebai said:

"The key point of this case is Pan Nitrate. I found out that Pan Nitrate and Situ Yong are relatively close. This situation was originally set up by Situ Yong, so using Pan Nitrate to suppress me was Situ Yong's last key blow. , but I didn't expect that at the last critical moment, Pan Nitre did not join forces with Situ Yong, but upheld justice from the standpoint of fairness and justice."

Jiang Xin immediately became excited:
"Could it be my father?"

Qiu Yuebai nodded:

"Yes, it is General Lu Yuan,"

"Jiang Xin, do you know that I haven't seen General Lu Yuan for a long time, and my memory of him is still blurred when I was a child, but when I saw him today, everything immediately changed. Understood."

Jiang Xin said in disbelief:
"Did you know he was my father before he told you? How could you know?"

Qiu Yuebai smiled unpredictably:
"Because I saw it."

"What did you see?" Jiang Xin asked.

The back of Qiuyue's white hand gently rubbed Jiang Xin's delicate cheeks:

"In your modern day, I saw a painting in your home."

"Painting, what painting?" Jiang Xin tried hard to remember.

Qiuyuebai said:

"It's the small framed painting on the table. When I asked you who it was, you told me that it was your dead father. He had the same appearance as General Lu Yuan. In modern times, your father You died young, but here, God compensated you in another way, right?"

Jiang Xin's eye sockets began to heat up:

"Yes, not only do they look the same, they give me the feeling that they are actually the same person, so I have no doubts that he is my father."

Qiu Yuebai nodded:
"I understand how you feel, so when I know, I have only one thought, as long as you are happy, that is the happiest thing for me."

Of course Jiang Xin was happy, she had never been so happy.

So all the good things have now been realized.

Jiang Xin nestled in the arms of the most handsome and outstanding man in the world, deeply feeling the hottest and strongest love from this man, she was so happy that she almost fainted.

Jiang Xin murmured:
"Bai Bai, in fact, this is also very good. After all, letting Da Rao lose a prince like you is really Da Rao's loss. For yourself, if you really live in seclusion with me from now on, you will be very sorry, Da Rao You and you need each other, you both need each other."

Qiu Yuebai kissed Jiang Xin, with an indescribable love in her tone:
"Nothing matters except you."

Back at the palace, Jiang Xin suddenly thought of something, so she said to Qiu Yuebai:

"Bai Bai, I want to find a chance to invite my father, mother, third brother and fourth brother to the palace. What do you think?"

Qiu Yuebai immediately agreed:
"Leave this matter to me, and I will arrange it for you."

The night was as dark as ink, in a pavilion in the backyard of General Lu's mansion, a lonely figure sat alone in it, in the silent night, only her sigh.

Quan'er couldn't fall asleep tonight, and her mind was full of the warm images during the day. At that time, she was moved and cried many times, but after she calmed down, she just felt empty in her heart. Who is she and where is her family? At this moment, is there anyone thinking about her, looking for her?
The endless melancholy turned into sighs again.

"Who is sighing so late?"

A sudden voice startled Quan'er.

(End of this chapter)

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