Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 561 Do You Want To Compete With My Sister?

Chapter 561 Do You Want To Compete With My Sister?
"Yan'er, let's go!"

Prime Minister Hai dropped these words, turned around and got into the carriage first.

On the carriage, Hai Yunyan never dared to make a sound.

Until Hai Xiang's face gradually softened, he opened his mouth and said:

"Lu Yuan would never treat me like this. It seems that he knows everything, and he doesn't even want to flirt with me!"

Hai Yunyan was a little panicked:
"General Lu until Jiang Xin is his own daughter? Then, does His Majesty know? Does Concubine Shu know? Will King Xunyang know? Then"

The more Hai Yunyan thought about it, the more desperate she became. If they all knew, wouldn't Jiang Xin's identity be much more noble than her own?Couldn't he be completely inferior to Jiang Xin?
"Yan'er, calm down!" Prime Minister Hai stopped talking.

Prime Minister Hai had never been so fierce to Hai Yunyan, Hai Yunyan froze immediately, tears welling up in his eyes.

When Hai Xiang saw his daughter like this, he immediately regretted it very much, and he quickly comforted her:
"Yan'er, father's mind is very confused now, you have to understand father."

Hai Yunyan's tears rolled down instantly:

"Father, what are we going to do now?"

Hai Xiang is indeed a veteran who has been in the officialdom for many years. He immediately adjusted his mentality and said calmly:

"That's good, Lu Yuan is so direct, and it saves me and him from testing each other and wasting our minds. This way, it becomes clear. Since he took the initiative to push me away and formed antagonism with me, then it's no wonder I don't miss the old relationship." !"

He continued:

"Yan'er, you will go back to the residence in a while, I want to find Situ Yong."

Hai Yunyan:
"Father is going to find Duke Yan?"

Prime Minister Hai nodded:

"Yes, we must settle your marriage as soon as possible. It seems that we will have to rely on Situ Yong and King Jinyang in the future."

Lu Dajun's mansion, everyone had breakfast, the carriage was prepared at the gate of the mansion, and a group of people came out of the main hall and walked towards the gate of the mansion.

Lu Xiaosi was extremely keen and immediately noticed the difference.

Because there is another Quan'er walking beside the third brother in the group.

Quan'er is more restrained than usual today, with low eyebrows, but she is in excellent condition.

Lu Xiaosi immediately understood, he seemed to be talking to himself, or speaking to others, he said with a smile:

"It seems that I will have a third sister-in-law soon."

This sentence was naturally heard by everyone.

When Quan'er heard this, her face turned even redder.

Lu Xueshan glanced at Lu Xiaosi, his eyes filled with disgust, he raised a finger and pointed at Lu Xiaosi, as if warning.

Lu Xiaosi shrugged indifferently:

"What are you doing? You want to share good things. Why be so stingy? It seems that I will be the only one left in our Lu family in the future."

Lu Yuan, who was walking in the front, looked back at Lu Xiaosi, and said lightly:
"It's a good thing if you're a loner, so you don't have to go out and delay other girls."

Lu Xiaosi looked even more indifferent:
"Father, don't worry, I won't, because I don't like girls, I like men, men like His Highness King Xunyang."

Although this sentence was very surprising, because it came from Lu Xiaosi's mouth, everyone didn't seem to pay much attention to it.

Lu Xueshan gave Lu Xiaosi a sideways glance, and said:

"It's up to you? I like King Xunyang? What, you still want to fight with our sister?"

Lu Xiaosi waved his hand:
"Then give it to my sister."

Everyone laughed when they heard their conversation.

Just like this, laughing and laughing all the way, the family took a carriage to the Xunyang Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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