Chapter 575 Sisters meet
Jiang Xin immediately became nervous.

"The emperor wants to see me? Why do you see me?"

The implication is that I have done nothing wrong in my honesty.

Qiuyue smiled and said:
"Look at your timid look. Why does the emperor want to see you? Don't you still not understand that as the future concubine of the Xunyang king and the daughter-in-law of the emperor, shouldn't you meet?"

"That should be, that should be." Jiang Xin smiled.

Jiang Xin observed Qiuyue's pale face and saw that he was in a good mood. Taking advantage of his good mood, Jiang Xin took the opportunity to say:

"I want to go out tomorrow, can I?"

Qiu Yuebai looked at Jiang Xin, as if she could see into her heart, and said slowly:
"Are you looking for Shu Ling?"

Jiang Xin felt guilty and nodded.

Qiuyuebai said:

"Take Liu Pen Qingyu, and I'll ask Zou Xian to dispatch some experts to you, safety first, remember?"

Jiang Xin said obediently:
"I remember."

"How's Quan'er?" Qiu Yuebai asked.

Jiang Xin then told Qiu Yuebai everything that happened today.

Qiu Yuebai was silent for a while:
"Your third brother will definitely choose to accept Quan'er. There is no doubt about it, because he is also a man of love and righteousness."

Jiang Xin snickered, Qiu Yuebai used the word 'also'.

On the second day, Jiang Xin obediently took all the people Qiu Yuebai brought with him, and went all the way to the suburbs of Beijing to find Shu Ling.

Setting off in the morning, Jiang Xin wanted to see Shu Ling very urgently, so all the people and horses marched non-stop for a while, and arrived before noon.

It was a quiet and low-key small courtyard hidden in a small town on the outskirts of Beijing. It was very inconspicuous. Behind the small courtyard was a mountain forest. If something happened, it would be easy to escape. Lin Rui would really choose a place.

Jiang Xin got off the carriage, Liu Pen wanted to knock on the door, but Jiang Xin stopped him:

"I'll go by myself." Then he looked at the group of guards around him, each one of them looked like they were 'watching like a tiger', and helplessly raised their foreheads:
"Don't be like this, it looks scary."

The masters were all straight minded, they looked at each other and scratched their heads, all with expressions of not knowing what to do.

Jiang Xin was even more helpless:
"Okay, okay, you guys just back off a little bit."

Everyone did as they did, Jiang Xin went forward to knock on the door, but after not seeing Shu Ling for a long time, she was still a little nervous, her heart was pounding, and the hand that knocked on the door couldn't help but tremble.

"Knock, knock, knock." Jiang Xin knocked on the door.

There is no sound inside.

"Knock, knock, knock." Jiang Xin knocked three more times.

At this time, a trembling voice came from inside:
"Who is it?" There was expectation and worry in the voice.

Jiang Xin thought that Shu Ling didn't know about Lin Rui's situation at this time, so she must be full of worries.

Someone came at this time, Shu Ling was not sure whether the visitor was an enemy or a friend, so he would definitely be very disturbed.

Jiang Xin quickly responded:
"Sister Shu Ling, it's me, Jiang Xin."

Jiang Xin clearly felt that as soon as he finished speaking, there was a rush of footsteps inside, and then, the door in front of him was opened with a 'creak'.

Shu Ling's soft and beautiful face appeared in front of him.

Jiang Xin saw that Shu Ling's eyes turned red the moment he saw him.

Jiang Xin couldn't hold back her nose.

The two sisters hugged each other almost at the same time.

"Sister Xin, I miss you so much."

The small courtyard was crowded with strong guards. Shu Ling politely brought them high and low stools and chairs. It looked extremely reserved.

(End of this chapter)

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