Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 584 So sweet and so fragrant

Chapter 584 So sweet and so fragrant
Jiang Xin has to admire, Quan'er is really like a newborn, she can be so open-minded, so generous, it is indeed incomparable to ordinary people.

Jiang Xin said:

"Then I listen to you, but Quan'er, no matter what, you will always be his mother. If you want to see him, if you want him, I will return him to you as soon as possible, and as long as Rui'er is with me One day, I will still treat him like my own child."

Quan'er nodded movedly.

When Jiang Xin came out of Quan'er's house, she just walked into the yard when she ran into Lu Xueshan who came back from outside.

"Third brother, you're back." Jiang Xin took the initiative to say hello.

Lu Xueshan nodded a little distractedly, he couldn't help but look inside, his eyes couldn't hide his concern, and he said in his mouth:
"Sister, is Quan'er still the same?"

It was difficult for Jiang Xin to answer this question, so she smiled:

"Third Brother, go in and have a look."

Lu Xueshan nodded, pushed the door and walked in.

Jiang Xin stood outside the door, still wondering how long this Quan'er would have to endure, but the next moment, she heard Lu Xueshan's hearty laughter coming from the room.

"Quan'er, you're awake, that's great, you're finally awake."

The last few words of that voice even had a crying tone.

Hearing that, Jiang Xin's eyes were sore, the third brother of the second son of a seven-foot man, everyone said he was cold-hearted, but who knew how he was so affectionate and sexual.

Jiang Xin didn't stay any longer, and walked out of the courtyard slowly, she would know what happened next without listening.

Quan'er will tell the third brother everything, and the third brother will fully accept it.

The one with the most pressure next was actually Qiu Yuebai.

Because the only one who opposed Situ Yonghai's Jinyang King's forces was Qiu Yuebai.

And Qiu Yuebai has never been the one who initiates a war, but when the other party creates a storm, Qiu Yuebai must be the first person to stand in front.

Whether it's the Lu family or herself, since she has won his protection, she will also become his strength to support him.

That night, when Qiu Yuebai returned home, Jiang Xin told Qiu Yuebai everything Quan'er said.

Qiu Yuebai didn't change her mood after listening, she just took Jiang Xin into her arms, lowered her head and put her face on Jiang Xin's neck.

Jiang Xin found it very funny:

"Qiu Yuebai, why are you always like this? Are you acting like a spoiled child to me?"

Qiu Yuebai was still so close to Jiang Xin, his tall body had to curl up in Jiang Xin's neck, and after a long while, he said sullenly:

"Xin'er, you smell so sweet."

Jiang Xin chuckled:
"I have convinced you, and I will be taken advantage of by you every day."

Qiuyuebai said:

"Follow me into the palace tomorrow."

Jiang Xin immediately forcibly pulled Qiu Yuebai's face away:

"The emperor summoned me?"

Qiu Yuebai nodded:
"Yes, after entering the palace tomorrow, you will no longer be the side concubine of Xunyang Palace."

Jiang Xin was not fooled at all, she spread her hands:

"It doesn't matter."

Qiu Yuebai was very dissatisfied with Jiang Xin's reaction, he hugged Jiang Xin sideways, and walked towards the bed:

"Little girl is getting bolder today. It should be because I didn't teach you last night. Let's make up for it today."

The hibiscus curtain is pulled, covering a beautiful scenery.
Early the next morning, Jiang Xin and Qiu Yuebai entered the palace for an audience dressed in fine clothes.

This was Jiang Xin's first meeting with the supreme ruler of the world after coming here.

The location arranged by Emperor Yongning was the Xining Palace where important royal families met, which is enough to show how much he attaches importance to Jiang Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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