Chapter 591 Today's Hai Yunyan
"Investment?" Shu Ling and Lin Rui were very puzzled, it was the first time they had heard this word.

So Jiang Xin patiently explained:
"Lin Rui has ideas and skills, but I only have money. We will integrate resources and do big things together. We can't do without anyone. As the party that pays, I am an investor. After you have achieved results, you will I'm going to share your fruits, so my money is not in vain."

Even though Jiang Xin said this so bluntly, Shu Ling and Lin Rui still feel a little sorry.

Shu Ling said worriedly:

"If we don't make money, if we lose money, wouldn't we have failed you?"

Jiang Xin said:
"Hey, what you are doing is accumulating merits for thousands of years, how can you pay for it? If you take a step back, even if you pay, then your merits still exist, and I can still share part of your merits. This is for me It's also beneficial."

Shu Ling and Lin Rui glanced at each other, Lin Rui got up and bowed respectfully:
"No matter what, I still want to thank the empress for her kindness."

Jiang Xin:

"You don't have to be polite. It's useless to keep my money. It's just what you need, so use it first."

Shu Ling glanced at Lin Rui:
"Since Sister Xin has done us such a big favor again, let Sister Xin pick up the name of our pharmacy."

Jiang Xin applauded happily:

"That's great, it's really an honor for me."

Lin Rui nodded:
"Yes, it must be very meaningful for the empress to have a name."

Jiang Xin thought about it for a long time, until Shu Ling prepared the lunch, and Jiang Xin suddenly slapped:
"Just call, Guangfutang, how about it?"

After hearing this, Shu Ling greatly agreed:
"Guangfutang, a good name, that's the decision."

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of Jinyang Wang Qiuyehan and Hai Yunyan's wedding.

Qiu Yuebai went to participate.

Jiang Xin didn't go with her, she went back to Lu's house.

Father Lu Yuan took his third brother Lu Xueshan and fourth brother Lu Xiaosi to the wedding ceremony, while Jiang Xin stayed with Quan'er and his mother Mrs. Lu.

After Jiang Xin's efforts, the father and mother still decided to accept Quan'er after knowing Quan'er's life experience. Now the relationship between Quan'er and Mrs. Lu is getting better and better, and Mrs. Lu treats Quan'er like her own daughter.

Just like at this time, Mrs. Lu felt nervous, she held her hand silently, and Quan'er looked up at Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu said softly:

"Quan'er, don't worry, no matter what, our family will accompany you to face it together."

Jiang Xin also stretched out her hand and put it on Quan'er and her mother's hands. She smiled warmly:
"Family, face it together."

Quan'er nodded movedly, and was instantly full of strength.

Hai Xiangfu, in Hai Yunyan's boudoir.

Hai Yunyan is very beautiful today.

She is used to being simple and elegant, and the color of her clothes is very fixed, always aqua blue, which has become her unique symbol.

But today's Hai Yunyan is dressed in a bright red wedding dress, wearing a phoenix coronet and Xiapei, her makeup and appearance are luxurious.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Hai Yunyan smiled.

Although she couldn't marry Qiuyuebai, King of Xunyang, the person she married was no worse than King Xunyang. His father said that he would work with Situ Yong, unite with the officials in the court, and fully support King Jinyang to take the throne. Now The emperor already had the idea of ​​establishing a crown prince, and the position of crown prince must belong to the king of Jinyang. If she married the king of Jinyang, she would be the crown prince in the future, the future queen, and the mother of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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