Online game I am a train

Chapter 126 Your sword is very good, now it is mine

Chapter 126 Your sword is very good, now it is mine
Following Ditian's "Dragon Slaying" move, [Walker the Gale Wolf King] finally fell into a pool of blood with a howl after killing 276 players in the Tianxiahui in a row, and a lot of items exploded.

"Well, pet eggs are out!"

With his eyes fixed, Di Tian hurriedly stepped forward to the side of the wolf corpse, bent down and picked up a cyan pet egg and a cyan wolf tooth necklace.

"Great, it's a mount egg!"

After looking at the information on the cyan pet egg, Ditian took a breath, and then cried out with joy.

His original mount [Qinglin Horse] was of silver quality, but now a mount egg can make him so happy and groggy that it must be an even better gold quality mount.

"Oh, really?"

A strange yet familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Hearing this voice, Di Tian, ​​who was in a state of joy, frowned, thinking that someone was greedy and wanted to compete with him for the ownership of the mount egg.

Hmph, do you really think that after Di Tian fell out of favor with Wang Chong, he could be bullied by any cat or dog?
Immediately, he couldn't help twisting his neck, and before he saw who it was, he opened his mouth and scolded: "Do you have an opinion?"

As soon as the word "see" fell, his voice fell silent like an old duck woman whose neck was suddenly strangled.

What did he see?
I saw that Kong Riguang had followed the water to tens of yards behind him at some point, and now he was looking at him with wide-eyed dragon eyes, which were full of mockery.

"You look happy? So what?"

Facing Ditian's panic-stricken eyes, Kong Riguang grasped the dragon's claws and opened them, and the incandescent lightning engulfed Ditian.

A big five-digit damage number floated up, causing Ditian's mood to drop from heaven to hell in an instant!
Why do you say that?
Because he exploded, exploded equipment, exploded eggs!

Kong Riguang has been staring at it for a long time!
As soon as Ditian died, he quickly rushed to the side of the corpse, and put all the dark golden long sword, blue mount egg and wolf tooth necklace into his bag.

He is already very proficient in the work of killing people and touching corpses, and now it is as smooth and natural as flowing clouds and flowing water, without a trace of disharmony.

All of this is very long to say, but in fact, from Kong Riguang detonating the well to killing and touching the corpse, the whole process took less than 1 minute, so fast that many players didn't understand what happened at all.

It wasn't until Kong Riguang finished groping the corpse and was about to run away that the players who had besieged Gale Wolf King with Ditian realized it and started chasing him with loud roars.

"Don't leave the demon dragon, leave behind the dragon-slaying sword and the gold-quality mount egg!"

This guy is not stupid, he knows what words are the most exciting, so he opened his mouth and yelled out the explosives that were taken away by Kong Riguang.

Sure enough, upon hearing the names of the two treasures "Dragon Slaying Sword" and "Golden Mount Egg", whether it is the player who saw the scene just now or the player who didn't see it, it instantly feels like a hungry person who smells blood. Like a wolf, his eyes were red.

"The shameless demon dragon only knows how to sneak attack. If you have the guts to stop and fight with me!"

"Brothers, come on, don't let the demon dragon run away, don't let our brothers' blood flow in vain!"

"The battle can be lost, but the demon dragon must die! Let him go!"

As if being stabbed in a hornet's nest, all the players in the village and outside the village surrounded Kong Riguang with red eyes, all of them were excited and angry like chicken blood.

So bullying!
It’s fine that you came to attack our village as a boss, but now you’re still robbing us of the boss’s loot in an open manner, as if we didn’t exist, right?Can you bully more?

Greed makes people crazy, anger makes people lose their minds.

Driven by greed and anger, the players selectively forget the gap in strength between them and Kong Riguang, and forget the fear of being dominated by Kong Riguang.

"Fuck, fuck, are these guys crazy?"

Kong Riguang was also taken aback, frightened by the crazy energy shown by the players.

It is true that he has a strong head, but no matter how strong his head is, he will not arrogantly choose to single out tens of thousands of players, let alone on land.

"Slip away, play slowly!"

Originally, he wanted to see if it was profitable, but now he just slipped away without saying a word.

The benefits have been reaped enough, the most important thing now is to keep the fruits of victory.

Once he is determined to run away, the players will not be able to stop him. You must know that there are still [-] to [-] of the [-] beast army still under his command!


When Kong Riguang, the boss who commanded the battle, escaped, the remaining siege monsters were quickly wiped out by angry players, and the "Monster Siege" event also ended, and "Tianxia Village", the player's first territory, officially officially built up.

The village was defended, which was originally something to be celebrated and happy, but the situation at the scene was not like this.

From the commander-in-chief of Binglintianxia down to ordinary guild members, not only did these people not have any smiles on their faces, but everyone was ashen-faced, as if their wives had been raped by someone.

Among them, the one with the ugliest face was Di Tian who had been resurrected from the altar and ancestral hall.

Now his hands are empty, his face is even more pale like a dead man, his whole body exudes a deep lifelessness, and his spirit is exhausted to the extreme.

His will, his pride, was finally shattered in failure after failure, blow after blow.

Failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is to fail again and again, the terrible thing is to be defeated by the same trick every time under the same person and opponent!

Every time he failed in the past, as long as he still held the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, Di Tian could comfort himself by saying that he still had a chance, that he still had a chance to avenge his shame!
But today, at the most glorious moment when he beheaded the wolf queen, this sword that gave him hope fell into the hands of the enemy along with the gold-quality mount egg that had just arrived and was not warmed up. This was a blow to him. It's devastating!

Could it be God's will?Providence so?

He raised his hands blankly to look, his figure swayed, and he went offline and disappeared under the surprised eyes of many players.

"Hmph, no organization and no discipline!"

Seeing that Ditian went offline without saying hello, Bing Lintianxia seemed to have found a place to vent his anger, and vented his pent-up anger to his heart's content.

It's just that everyone in the guild knew about his and Ditian's mess. At this time, cursing Ditian like this didn't have any effect, but instead had a counterproductive effect, laying the groundwork for the subsequent guild split.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Kong Riguang. After he withdrew from the battlefield, he rushed to the location of Laolongtan at full speed, preparing to receive the reward for the "Dragon of Vengeance" mission.

Ps: ah ah ah ah ah!I have frostbite on my fingers... I'm going to die... I'm going to die...

(End of this chapter)

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