Online game I am a train

Chapter 43 Re-upgraded Attributes

Chapter 43 Re-upgraded Attributes

Natal Dragon Ball!

Heritage treasure!

Kong Riguang looked at Ao Yun with a bewildered expression, his eyes were full of inquiry, his curiosity was completely aroused by this dragon ball.

If he didn't figure out the origin and purpose of this dragon ball today, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep in the next few days.

Fortunately, Ao Yun didn't intend to whet his appetite, and soon explained the origin and purpose of the Dragon Ball to him.

"Our dragon clan has noble blood and a long history. Even short-lived species like humans can develop all kinds of powerful treasures. Why can't we?"

"The natal Dragon Ball is the most powerful and fundamental treasure of our Dragon Clan. Every Dragon Clan born in the Royal Family of the Four Seas will inherit a little bit of Dragon Ball origin from their parents when they are born. Treasures and your own painstaking efforts to cultivate and sacrifice, and finally you can form your own natal Dragon Ball!"

"This natal dragon ball, in addition to greatly enhancing the strength of our dragon clan, also contains our understanding of supernatural powers and spells, and even blood!"

"Through the natal dragon ball, this seat can bestow on you the two kinds of supernatural powers that this seat knows, and at the same time refine your blood once. As for what kind of supernatural powers you can obtain, it depends on your own chance!"


Chance, this is indeed a chance!
Kong Riguang was extremely fortunate at the moment, glad that he made up his mind to come here after seeing that video, otherwise, if he missed this opportunity, he would not know how many detours he would have to take in the future.

"Excuse me, Uncle Long, other than inheriting the origin of the dragon ball when it was born, is there any other way to refine it?"

He looked at the golden dragon ball in the sky excitedly, and asked boldly.

I never imagined that after hearing his words, Ao Yun smiled and said: "Hey hey, do you still dare to say that you are the royal family of the four seas?"

Kong Riguang's face froze, and panic flashed in his eyes, but he never expected that he would show his feet here.

When Ao Yun doubted his identity at the beginning, he knew in his heart that the other party was deceiving him, but in fact the other party was not completely sure that he was not from the royal family of the four seas.

But now, when he asked this question, he had voluntarily exposed the matter of pretending to be the royal family of the four seas, how could this not make him panic.

"Junior, junior..."

He glanced left and right in a panic, his eyeballs rolled around, as if he was thinking about how to get away with it.

This panicked look made Ao Yun very happy after seeing it, a sense of superiority in IQ emerged spontaneously, and he was in a good mood.

After a while, he waved his claws and said: "Okay, okay, I said at the beginning that I won't care about anything with you because of this matter, and now I will naturally do what I say."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to think of something again, and added with a frown, "But you must stop talking nonsense in front of other members of the Universal Royal Family, not everyone is as broad-minded as this seat, when the time comes Someone has skinned you and cramped, don't blame me for not warning you in advance!"

Kong Riguang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and bowed his head in thanks again and again:
"Thank you senior for your magnanimity, and thank you for your warning. This junior must remember the teaching of the senior, and never forget the kindness of the senior in this life!"

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to say good things, and he is playing a game, and the other party is still an NPC, so Kong Riguang doesn't care about losing face, and he should get the benefits first.

And his way of lowering his eyebrows and pleasing to the eye obviously made Ao Yun very satisfied, and he was much more pleasing to the eye.

At the moment, he stopped talking nonsense and directly talked about the unfinished business.

"Okay, take out 20 copies of the [Dragon Blood Essence] you got from [Golden Dragon Eel]. If you don't have these materials for training your blood, the failure rate will be very high!"

Well, when Kong Riguang heard this, he shouted "mmp" in his heart.

He already knew that Donkey Day's game system would not be that good, and he would be given a chance to make a lot of money.

With Ao Yun's opening, most of his hard-earned "Dragon Blood Essence" will be removed. Based on his estimate of the price of this thing, at least 200 million yuan will be lost because of this, and there will only be more and no less!
But, damn it, he couldn't refuse!

How could he refuse?How can you refuse this opportunity to strengthen yourself?
"Money is a bastard, let's make more money if we lose it, don't be angry, don't be angry... be angry!"

Gritting his teeth in anger, he gritted his teeth, gritted his teeth hard, and took out 20 copies of "Dragon's Blood Essence" with his eyes closed.

As soon as 20 balls of light golden dragon blood appeared, the golden dragon ball in midair released a traction force and pulled them over, turning like planets around the sun.

During this high-speed rotation, wisps of golden mist began to evaporate from the 20 balls of light golden dragon blood, and as soon as the mist appeared, it would be absorbed by the golden dragon ball.

After going on like this for about 3 minutes, the 20 balls of light golden "Dragon Blood Essence" had turned into 20 balls of white water, and the "ding dong" and "ding dong" fell directly into the pool water. nowhere to be seen.

At the same time, the golden dragon ball that absorbed the essence of 20 groups of "Dragon Blood Essence" suddenly fell to the center of Kong Riguang's eyebrows with the pull of Ao Yun's thoughts, and then released a drop of extremely pure golden dragon blood into his body .

As soon as this drop of golden dragon's blood entered his body, the hot blood in Kong Riguang's body seemed to be on fire, burning hot, and the pain in it was indescribable in a few words.


He was so painful that he tossed and turned in the pool, hissing like howling ghosts and howling wolves, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were steaming hot, his appearance was quite frightening.

"Natal Dragon Ball, wash the blood and condense the soul, let's go!"

Ao Yun seemed to have expected Kong Riguang to be like this for a long time, and suddenly raised her head and let out a series of urgent and quick low shouts.

As soon as the drinking sound fell, the golden dragon ball suddenly burst into golden light, and the golden light poured in from Kong Riguang's body like a clear spring, instantly suppressing the burning dragon's blood, and the pain was naturally greatly relieved.

After going on like this for about three to five minutes, as soon as the golden light on the golden dragon ball disappeared, the whole dragon ball turned into a parabola and returned to the mouth of its owner, Ao Yun, like a tired bird returning to its nest, and was swallowed by him in one gulp.

At this time, the belated system prompt sounded in Kong Riguang's mind.

"Ding, Jinyang Dragon Bo Aoyun used his natal dragon ball to help you refine your bloodline, your bloodline level has been improved, your all attributes have been increased by 50%, and you have comprehended a new racial talent [overwhelming]!"

"Ding, Jinyang Dragon Bo Aoyun uses his natal dragon ball to pass on skills for you. You comprehend the new skill [Lightning Summoning], and you comprehend the new skill [Mist Concealment]!"

ps: ask for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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