Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 105 What He Can Do, So Can I

Chapter 105 What He Can Do, So Can I

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't want to prepare your breakfast."

Xu Fusheng finally spoke, and before Jiang Shaoting could feel the joy, he was overwhelmed by what she said and smiled.

"Wow!" Jiang Ruixi uttered at the right time, and dug some apple puree into his mouth by the way.

He had never seen such a deflated expression on his father's face before, it was really a novel experience.

"How long are you going to be mad at me?"

Glancing at Jiang Ruixi who was eating apple puree, Jiang Shaoting deliberately lowered his voice.

Xu Fusheng turned a deaf ear to it, and he didn't even look at Jiang Shaoting rolling up the fried egg in the frying pan.

Every movement was like creating art, until it was all rolled up, and she pinched some meat floss and sprinkled it on top.

Use a spatula to cut the egg rolls into pieces and place on a plate.

From the beginning to the end, she was stingy even looking at him.

There was a murmur rolling up and down from Jiang Shaoting's Adam's apple, but he didn't say it out.

"Secretary Xu, I order you to help me make breakfast." It's just that he was not willing to be rejected by her like this.

Xu Fusheng heard his order, and when he turned his head to look at him, he had a crazy look in his eyes.

"If I remember correctly, I was invited to take care of Ruixi, and you are an adult, so you don't need me to take care of you!"

She is their family's nanny, but she is limited to taking care of Ruixi, Xu Fusheng remembers this very clearly.

Xu Fusheng clearly saw the blue veins on Jiang Shaoting's forehead bulging again, and his gloomy eyes fell on the plate of omelette.

It was as if they were about to smash them to the ground the next moment.

In a way, he is like a child!

If you like it, you will own it regardless of other people's wishes, and if you don't like it, you will completely destroy it!
It's just that he's more like a big kid who is powerful, seemingly capable of self-control but can abandon him at any time!

"If you want to throw this omelet in front of me on the floor, please hurry up, because my hands are sore!"

Xu Fusheng naturally held the plate of breakfast in front of Jiang Shaoting, even showing a slight smile.

But that smile was obviously ironic.

Jiang Shaoting took it with a blank face, Xu Fusheng definitely saw him grit his teeth and endure.

But in the end, the plate of omelette was placed in front of Jiang Ruixi's nervous eyes!

Even Xu Fusheng was surprised, he clearly wanted to throw it away just now.

"Mr. Jiang..." But before she could react, Archie's voice came from not far away...

Jiang Shaoting heard it, and glanced over with sharp eyes.

"Mr. Jiang, today is the day of the board of directors, and the car is on standby at any time."

Archie bowed respectfully and spoke in a low voice.

"I see." Jiang Shaoting's eyes fell on a little oily light on his fingertips, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Beckon a servant to come over and clean up the debris on the ground.

But for a moment, he returned to the awe-inspiring appearance of the president of J&C Group.

"After dinner, go change your clothes, don't you want to go to work? There is a good show today and I need you to cooperate with me."

Jiang Shaoting looked at Xu Fusheng brightly, with some longing in his eyes that he didn't even notice.

His eyes disturbed Xu Fusheng's mind.

Like electrification, the numbing current penetrates all limbs and bones, and even his voice is softer than ever before.

"If this is an order in your capacity as president, okay, Mr. Jiang, I understand."

Even though he knew Jiang Shaoting's influence on him, Xu Fusheng still answered indifferently.

Don't even look away from him anymore.

Even Archie found it strange to see that indifferent and alienated appearance.

What happened between Mr. Jiang and Ms. Xu?
Although he got the affirmative answer he wanted, Jiang Shaoting once again tasted the taste of defeat.

How long will she be angry?
"Archie stay for breakfast, I'll make an extra."

Xu Fusheng looked at Archie with a faint smile, his appearance was completely different from the alienation and respect he treated Jiang Shaoting.

Archie was about to agree, but suddenly a chill ran down his back.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the man not far away, and saw a pair of dark eyes looking at him.

"Don't bother, Miss Xu, I've already eaten." That should be correct, right?

"I see." After speaking, Xu Fusheng dumped the extra breakfast into the trash can.

Archie suddenly took a breath in his heart, he just wanted to escape from the storm circle as soon as possible, for fear of being affected.

On the contrary, Xu Fusheng, who was the instigator, sat quietly beside Jiang Ruixi.

Started to eat breakfast.

In the guest room, Xu Fusheng stared in a daze at the suit Jiang Shaoting ordered the servant to bring.

In fact, in the morning, she originally thought that Jiang Shaoting would throw a fit in public, but unexpectedly, he endured it.

Xu Fusheng was still very angry about what happened last night.

She was angry that Jiang Shaoting didn't know how to respect others' wishes at all.

The last time it was Ye Yiming who bought the green orange, this time it was Ye Yiming who bought the shoes again.

Shaking his head, Xu Fusheng took off the goose yellow sweater, making a gesture to put on his professional attire.

It's just that the knitted sweater just left the skin, but the door was pushed open from the outside, and she was so startled that she hurriedly used her clothes to block herself.

"Mr. Jiang, don't you know how to knock on the door?" Seeing that it was Jiang Shaoting, Xu Fusheng was relieved and a little angry.

With a bang, the door was re-slammed from the outside in her face.

Xu Fusheng was stunned, before he could figure out what he wanted to do, the sound of knocking on the door came.

Immediately afterwards, the door was opened again, but this time it was Jiang Shaoting who closed it from the inside.

"I'm done knocking." Jiang Shaoting replied very simply, but the whole process was unimaginable to Xu Fusheng.

"I'm changing clothes." She gritted her teeth.

"I know." It was obvious that he couldn't not know.

"Please come out..." Jiang Shaoting had already walked in front of her before he could say the word Qu.

He had already changed his clothes, a white shirt with a black tie, and suit pants of the same color as the tie wrapped his strong thighs.

like a successful leader.

Xu Fusheng frowned, she didn't know if this was Jiang Shaoting's plan to settle accounts after the fall.

Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand towards her, Xu Fusheng took a step back vigilantly, staring at him.

"Are you afraid of me? Do you think I'm going to punish you for this morning?"

His voice was inscrutable, but his hand had already taken the knitted sweater from her hand and threw it on the bed.

Just when Xu Fusheng thought Jiang Shaoting would do something, he held the shirt that matched his professional attire in his hand.

"Today, things might be a little more complicated."

Jiang Shaoting raised her hand, like playing with a doll, and helped her put on the clothes.

"You will meet a lot of people." His hands started from her lower abdomen and helped her fasten the buttons from bottom to top.

Xu Fusheng listened quietly, it was rare that he didn't resist.

"But no matter how the gaffe develops, you must stand firmly by my side."

Having said that, Jiang Shaoting stopped the movement of his hands, and looked down at Xu Fusheng's slightly restrained long eyelashes.

"Is this an order, sir?" Xu Fusheng felt the burning gaze from above his head.

"Yes, it's an order! Fusheng, you must stand by my side!"

Jiang Shaoting's breathing suddenly became heavy, as if recalling some bad scene.

"I see, Mr. Jiang." She said one sentence at a time, trying to distance the two of them.

But in fact, their movements couldn't be more intimate!

"Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, I will protect you."

Looking down at her calm face like water, Jiang Shaoting added something impromptu.

"I don't need anyone's protection. If necessary, I can protect you."

Xu Fusheng responded simply, she was used to being on her own, protecting her...

It is difficult for her to rely on others.

"Stubborn girl." Jiang Shaoting was in a better mood, and the last button had already been buttoned.

"Mr. Jiang, let me remind you that there are many girls who are not stubborn waiting for you outside!"

She felt that she was really kind enough to remind her, but Jiang Shaoting's expression suddenly became ugly.

"But it's just such a stubborn girl who takes all my attention."

The lethality of this sentence is beyond the imagination of Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng.

Xu Fusheng looked up at him, deep shock hidden in his light expression.

As for Jiang Shaoting, the shock he endured was no less shocking than Xu Fusheng's at the moment the words came out of his mouth.

Subconsciously, he chose to escape.

Although, this is definitely not Jiang Shaoting's style of doing things!

"I'm so sorry for impulsively burning those shoes last night."

Jiang Shaoting turned his eyes away and forced himself not to look at her.

"So?" Xu Fusheng didn't see his evasion, and when she mentioned last night, her expression paled by two points.

"What he can do, I can do too"

Leaving aside this unclear sentence, Jiang Shaoting turned around and left at an extremely fast speed.

"Wait for me to come back." When approaching the door, he glanced back at her and ordered.

Soon, Xu Fusheng was waiting for Jiang Shaoting.

And the man who appeared in front of her here was holding a shoebox in his hand.

"You..." Xu Fusheng was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

But before he could say anything, Jiang Shaoting brought her to the bed and sat down.

Afterwards, Jiang Shaoting squatted down, even though he made this movement, he was still full of arrogance.

"Those cheap shoes don't suit you."

When he said this, Jiang Shaoting's mind was filled with the uncontrollable anger in his veins after seeing the behind-the-scenes last night.

"Maybe I'm not worthy of your shoes." Xu Fusheng responded coldly, pressing his feet against the edge of the bed.

A man like Jiang Shaoting will never understand.

Whether those shoes are cheap or not is not important to her, what matters is Ye Yiming's desire to help her at that time.

"Do you have to annoy me?" Jiang Shaoting felt annoyed when he noticed his lack of cooperation.

"I don't have that great ability." Xu Fusheng sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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