Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 116 Please leave me alone 2

Chapter 116 Please leave me alone 2
"Fusheng, Jiang Shaoting is a lunatic!" Ye Yiming had never advised her so solemnly.

Hearing this, Xu Fusheng suddenly felt a kind of displeasure.

"Officer Ye, please pay attention to your wording, Mr. Jiang is not crazy."

Xu Fusheng's voice was very firm, with selfish protection, how could Ye Yiming not hear it?

"Is he not crazy? He broke Yin Luli's two ribs. If you saw the scene, you would be scared to death!"

Ye Yiming will never forget the tragic scene when he opened the door when the police arrived at the scene.

Yin Luli was beaten so badly that his mother almost couldn't recognize her, and Jiang Shaoting was still smiling with blood on his face.

Jiang Shaoting is simply crazy!
"If he wasn't crazy, how could he be so ruthless?" Ye Yiming said again.

"I know!" Xu Fusheng looked up at Ye Yiming and said coldly.

"What?" Ye Yiming didn't understand.

"I know why he did it." Because of her, because of her relationship.

Xu Fusheng's eyes fell on the blisters on his wrist, and it was because she knew that that made her even angrier.

"You know? Do you know why he did it? Could it be..." Ye Yiming turned his head quickly and raised his eyebrows.

"Does it have something to do with you?"

Xu Fusheng chose to remain silent, as if he didn't want to continue this topic.

"Miss Xu, the procedures have been completed. Mr. Jiang is waiting for you." Archie came over and said in a deep voice.

"I know, go right away."

Xu Fusheng glanced at Archie, pretending not to feel the depressing sight not far away.

"Fusheng, listen to my persuasion, a man like Jiang Shaoting will never treat you sincerely!"

I don't know if Ye Yiming's words sounded so harsh because they contained his own selfishness.

"I'm leaving." Maybe he wanted to respond to something, but in the end, Xu Fusheng only said these four words.

Ye Yiming frowned tightly, looking at her back, his face has never been so serious...

Walking out of the police station, it was already dawn.

Xu Fusheng was woken up by a phone call after only a few hours of sleep, his expression looked haggard.

Coupled with the cold weather, it can be described as physically and mentally exhausted.

Archie went to drive, and there were only Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng at the door.

Neither of the two spoke first, and the distance between them was enough to accommodate the two of them.

Jiang Shaoting stood there expressionless, the skin on his knuckles was almost red and swollen.

"I didn't know Archie was going to call you."

Keeping his lower jaw arrogant, he took a step in Xu Fusheng's direction without any trace.

Xu Fusheng didn't respond, but looked forward with a calm expression.

Soon, Archie drove the car over.

"Archie, give me the car keys, and you can take a taxi back." Jiang Shaoting said in an orderly tone.

"Archie stays driving, you, sit in the back."

Xu Fusheng finally spoke, but his voice was stronger than Jiang Shaoting's, and he looked at him with persistence.

The two were at a stalemate, and Archie stood in the middle in a dilemma.

In fact, he should just listen to Mr. Jiang, but when he saw the expression on Mr. Jiang's face...

Archie finally chose to wait and see what happened.

"Jiang Shaoting, sit in the back." Seeing that he didn't move, Xu Fusheng walked over and opened the car door.

Jiang Shaoting's cheekbones moved slightly, and soon he walked towards the back seat of the car.

He originally thought that Xu Fusheng would close the car door immediately after he got in, but he didn't expect that she would also come up.

"Archie, take him back." Xu Fusheng closed the car door, and skillfully found the medicine box.

Archie started the car and wisely remained silent from start to finish.

"Extend your hand." Jiang Shaoting heard Xu Fusheng beside him say this.

I don't know what emotion it is, maybe the conversation between the two people last night jumped into my mind again...

Anyway, instead of stretching out his hand, Jiang Shaoting put his hand into the pocket of his suit pants, even turning his face away from the car window.

"Jiang Shaoting, don't make me say it a second time." Maybe because he didn't sleep well, Xu Fusheng couldn't control his temper.

Perhaps it was her rare anger that made Jiang Shaoting startled, and his eyes fell back to her face.

But in just a few hours, her eyes were red and swollen, as if she had cried.

ever cried?Is it because of what happened last night?
In the end, Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand in front of her, but still didn't say a word.

Xu Fusheng put his hands on his knees, took a deep breath slowly, and then started to move.

Even if she only saw the wound on her finger, she could still imagine that during the time she fell asleep...

What kind of good deed Jiang Shaoting has done!
The knuckles were smashed, and the skin was attached to the flesh. Yin Luli, who must have been sent to the hospital, was afraid last night...

It was a night of hell!
Xu Fusheng had mixed feelings at this moment when he hadn't had time to organize his thoughts last night.

She couldn't tell if she was angry or dry, she just felt a dull pain in her head.

"Ye Yiming told me that you broke Yin Luli's two ribs!" That was broken!

Xu Fusheng's voice sounded very angry, but in Jiang Shaoting's ears, there was another meaning.

"I not only broke two of his ribs, it's impossible for him to get out of bed for at least half a month."

When Jiang Shaoting said this, there was disdain in Jiang Shaoting's voice. He didn't expect Yin Luli's fighting power to be so weak.

The cotton swab in Xu Fusheng's hand pressed against the wound on his knuckles, pressing tightly, as if deliberately trying to make him hurt.

"Break into private houses and intentionally hurt people, Jiang Shaoting, do you know that you are breaking the law by doing so!"

Xu Fusheng spoke word by word, almost gnashing his teeth.

Jiang Shaoting looked away, he has always done things properly, he just lost control last night.

"Even if you are rich and powerful, you can't act recklessly like this. Don't still have Ruixi!"

"Are you for Ruixi, or for Yin Luli?"

Jiang Shaoting spoke in a strange way, but Xu Fusheng didn't react for a while, and then his expression suddenly turned cold.

With a snap, the box of the medicine box was slammed shut.

The atmosphere in the car also suddenly became weird.

Archie, who was sitting in the driver's seat, slowed down the car as much as possible, pretending not to feel the weird atmosphere behind him.

He even pressed the button of the soundproof panel, kindly helping his boss to protect his privacy.

I should give myself a raise, Archie thought in his heart.

"You're right, I'm doing it for Yin Luli, and I'm willing to let him bully me!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Fusheng smiled coldly, it could be seen that she was really mad with anger.

"Why do you stand up for me? I still feel bad when you hurt him, and I still have to make dinner and go to the hospital to see him..."

Before Xu Fusheng could finish speaking, Jiang Shaoting quickly stretched out his hands and pressed them on her shoulders!

Suddenly pushed her to the car door, only to hear a bang, and Xu Fusheng felt pain in his back.

"After all, I was at least once his fiancé...well..."

Before Xu Fusheng could finish his words, Jiang Shaoting kissed him maniacally, almost a tearing kiss!
In Jiang Shaoting's character, there is a factor of madness, after being provoked by Xu Fusheng on purpose...

It is exposed without leaving a trace!
This can no longer be called a kiss, the blood mixed into the lips, and the salty smell makes people's sanity collapse.

"That idiot is Jiang Jingshu's fiancé now!" Jiang Shaoting snorted disdainfully in the middle of the kiss.

Xu Fusheng's lips were red, swollen and painful, almost felt like he was not himself.

"You have to say one more thing, believe it or not, I will tear you up on the spot!" The dark eyes fell on her face, showing a threat.

"Are you angry?" Xu Fusheng sneered, their faces were very close, almost nose to nose.

"I'm not angry at all!" Jiang Shaoting also responded with the same sneer.

"Aren't you angry?" Xu Fusheng sarcastically retorted.

"It's like this when I'm not angry!" Jiang Shaoting refused to be outdone.

"Childish ghost, old squirrel!"

Xu Fusheng muttered, but he was in a better mood than when he heard Jiang Shaoting's words just now.

"What does old squirrel mean?" This was the second time Jiang Shaoting heard this word from her mouth.

Xu Fusheng ignored him, but his expression was still a little ugly.

"Even if I beg you, don't worry about my affairs!"

Xu Fusheng was still a little scared when he thought of the phone call from Archie, he... dared to do anything!
"Don't worry about what do you mean?" Jiang Shaoting had just recovered from his anger, and his expression was very cold.

"Didn't we make a choice last night? If so, don't drag your feet."

Xu Fusheng never liked to be procrastinating in his work, once he made a decision, Nine Bulls would not be able to pull him back.

She has always been like this since she was a child.

In fact, no one knew Jiang Shaoting better than Xu Fusheng.

No matter how ugly his words are, or how cold his expression is, this man...

In fact, he has the softest heart for people.

It doesn't matter to people who don't look down on him, but if he puts him in his eyes, even if it's going up the mountain or down to the sea...

He will follow along.

However, today's incident was more like a sap to Xu Fusheng.

Jiang Shaoting is the president of J&C Group, but he beat Yin Luli because of himself!
Let's not talk about how it will be added if those reporters know about it, let alone...

Not to mention the bad influence on Jiang Shaoting himself and J&C Group!

She couldn't get involved with him anymore, and couldn't affect him because of her notorious reputation.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xu Fusheng strengthened his heart even more.

"When you get to the location, after you get off the bus, you are still Jiang Shaoting from the J&C Group, and I..."

Xu Fusheng paused, his lips were still sore, but this time it was not as sad as last night.

(End of this chapter)

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