Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 135 My heart is broken

Chapter 135 My heart is broken

But soon, he seemed to remember something again, and turned to look at Yin Luli.

"Oh, by the way, let me remind you, when you see Fu Sheng in the future, you'd better call him aunt respectfully."

After the words fell, Jiang Shaoting really opened the door and walked out of the ward this time.

Only Yin Luli, whose face was distorted by Jiang Shaoting's words, was left speechless for a long time...

As soon as Jiang Shaoting went out, he searched for Xu Fusheng's figure. It was not until he saw her that he settled down.

"The chat is over, let's go." Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand towards Xu Fusheng, with the generous palm facing upwards.

Xu Fusheng raised his head slowly and looked at his face, hiding the matter of Chen Yurou in his heart.

"Okay, let's go." Xu Fusheng handed him his hand and stood beside him without saying a word.

Jiang Jingshu looked at Jiang Shaoting with complicated eyes, she had never been on the body of her uncle...

I've seen such an expression before!
In memory, Jiang Shaoting is always cold, courageous, murderous, and cruel.

When it comes to business methods, scheming, and wisdom, no one can match him, but such a man...

Unexpectedly, he couldn't escape the word love, but this object was Xu Fusheng!
It wasn't until the two of them walked away that Jiang Jingshu came back to her senses and sighed. The child in her stomach...

What should I do?
Jiang Shaoting obviously seemed in a good mood, Xu Fusheng smiled and shook his head.

Before, she was worried about what Yin Luli would say to Jiang Shaoting, but seeing him like this can be regarded as reassuring.

"Passing by the department store later, go in and help Ruixi choose a suit of clothes."

Xu Fusheng's gaze fell outside the window, and it was actually about the matter between her and Jiang Shaoting...

What I'm most worried about is Ruixi, will he not be able to accept it?Or... was there a bad reaction?

Jiang Shaoting was a little unhappy when he heard this, he didn't like Xu Fusheng thinking about that kid all the time.

"By the way, let's help you pick out some clothes. It seems that I haven't given you anything yet."

Xu Fusheng's eyes still fell outside the window, but his ears were flushed.

Jiang Shaoting's heart rushed up from below like a roller coaster.

"No, I have a lot of clothes." Although he said so, he had already signaled Archie to turn with his eyes.

Drive towards the direction of the large shopping mall.

It's quite a feeling that the mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

Xu Fusheng was still a little embarrassed, and his eyes never turned back.

But soon, a warm temperature came from the back of her hand, warming her slightly cold fingertips.

Xu Fusheng glanced at Jiang Shaoting, but saw him staring at the front windshield with a cold expression.

She smiled all of a sudden.

The big palm that was just covering the back of her hand slowly moved, and the fingers separated and intertwined with her.

Form a gesture of clasping fingers.

Xu Fusheng's heart became hot, and he looked at Archie who was driving in front of him like a thief.

If it was with Yin Luli before, she wouldn't even dare to think about it.

Even though I have reached the point of discussing marriage with that man...

But in fact, she has never felt in love.

In retrospect, it was more like a kind of unilateral continuous contribution by her.

Even if Yin Luli just smiled at himself occasionally, he felt as if the world was going to melt together.

It's funny, how could love be like that?

"Pick my clothes first." Jiang Shaoting said blankly, as if there was no room for negotiation.

"Where there is such a thing, pick Ruixi's first." Xu Fusheng bargained.

"Xu Fusheng..." Jiang Shaoting looked at her sideways, conveying his firm stance with his gaze.

But he never expected that just as his face turned around, Xu Fusheng came over and kissed him on the lips with a slap.

Then he quickly moved his face away and looked at him with a smile.

"Punishment for calling me by my first and last name!" When she said this, she was embarrassed at all, and her eyes drifted away.

As for Jiang Shaoting, he was still in a state of petrification, looking at Xu Fusheng's small face.

There was a strange feeling in this man's heart, which was indescribable...

Sweet...Jiang Shaoting rarely comes to shopping malls because he hates crowded places!

On weekdays, his clothes are all sent in picture albums from specialty stores, and after he has selected them, the other party will deliver them directly.

The final result of the dispute between the two ended with that kiss, and Jiang Shaoting also compromised, letting her pick Jiang Ruixi first.

The corners of Xu Fusheng's mouth were raised, like a flower in full bloom, with a soothing temperament.

Jiang Shaoting stood by the door and looked at her, but he didn't see the shopping guide's eyes frequently falling on him.

"Which of these two pieces will Ruixi like?" Xu Fusheng held two pieces of children's clothing in his hand, and turned to ask Jiang Shaoting's opinion.

"Which one do you like?" Asked without answering, how did Jiang Shaoting know what kind of clothes that kid likes.

"Sir, why don't you give your wife some advice, or buy both of them." The shopping guide interjected at the right time.

Xu Fusheng glanced at Jiang Shaoting, he seemed very satisfied with what the shopping guide called her just now, and couldn't help but smile in his heart.

This man, no matter what he looked like on the outside, always seemed to be a child who hadn't grown up in his heart.

Maybe it will pop up suddenly at any time.

"Can you care more about Ruixi, you don't even know what your child likes."

Xu Fusheng muttered something, but Jiang Shaoting was speechless, he couldn't answer that the child was not his?

but yours?

Unless he's really crazy to say that.

But also because of this, Jiang Shaoting was a little flustered.

The fact that Ruixi was Fusheng's biological son added a heavy weight to his guilt.

If she knew about this, Fu Sheng might hate him so much, that kind of hatred...

Does he really think he can afford it?

"I want both, please help me invoice and wrap them up."

Xu Fusheng handed the clothes to the shopping guide, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw Jiang Shaoting's disturbed appearance.

"What's wrong with you?" The hand fell on his arm, and Jiang Shaoting regained consciousness in an instant, wanting to take out his wallet.

"No need, I have it here."

With the credit agency, she has already ended the cooperation, and her monthly income is enough to spend.

"Although the ending is not as perfect as I imagined, at least I have no regrets."

Her mother has been found, and the child... also has definite news.

Those feelings of being homeless and helpless are gradually fading away, until Xu Fusheng is strong enough to accept everything.

"Two pieces of clothing, one for Ruixi and one for my child."

Speaking of that child, Xu Fusheng still had indescribable sadness in his heart.

She hadn't hugged her for a day since she was born, and when there was news, it would be a farewell.

"By the way, did you know Chen Yurou before?"

Xu Fusheng pretended to be looking at other clothes, and asked the questions in his heart.

That time, I asked him where he was, but he got angry at himself for no reason.

He went to the hospital to see Chen Yurou, didn't he?
"Why do you ask that?" Jiang Shaoting's gaze turned cold a few degrees, and Xu Fusheng saw it.

"Chen Yurou told me that you went to the hospital to see her before."

Xu Fusheng didn't say anything more, but with Jiang Shaoting's logical thinking ability, he must have understood it.

Obviously, he didn't want to mention this topic, and he was deeply defensive.

Xu Fusheng sighed in his heart, since Jiang Shaoting didn't want to say it, then forget it.

"I've met her sister a few times." Jiang Shaoting didn't lie when he said that.

The movements in Xu Fusheng's hands suddenly stopped, and he looked up at Jiang Shaoting. How many times has he met Chen Yuxin?

Isn't that what Jiang Shaoting said just now?

"Really." It happened that the shopping guide bagged the purchased clothes, temporarily ending the topic.

In fact, Xu Fusheng's heart was chaotic.

She never knew that Jiang Shaoting could get involved with Chen Yuxin.

"It's not that I want to buy your clothes, although I can't afford too expensive ones."

Xu Fusheng deliberately ignored the confusion in his heart, and pretended not to care.

How could Jiang Shaoting not understand!
It's just that he didn't want to bring up this topic again, so he might as well stop here.

Perhaps because of the mention of Chen Yuxin, Xu Fusheng was always a little dazed and absent-minded afterwards.

"This one suits you quite well." Entering the store, Xu Fusheng immediately took a fancy to the windbreaker hanging on the model.

She never told him that she liked the way he wore a windbreaker very much.

Jiang Shaoting already had a model figure, no matter what he wears, he looks good and fits well.

"En." Jiang Shaoting hummed in a low voice.

"Take off your clothes and try?" Xu Fusheng smiled slightly, and handed him the windbreaker.

Jiang Shaoting glanced at her, took off his coat, took the windbreaker she handed over, and put it on.

In fact, for him, the price of this piece of clothing is not even comparable to the cost of any piece of clothing in the closet.

"It fits well, is this one?"

Xu Fusheng asked what he meant, Jiang Shaoting looked down at her and didn't speak for a long time.

Jiang Shaoting has never felt so strongly how despicable he used to be like at this moment.

She smiled lightly, even if she didn't say a word, it would almost melt his heart.

"No, let's go." Taking off the windbreaker and handing it to the shopping guide, Jiang Shaoting pulled Xu Fusheng's wrist and left.

"Shao Ting, you..." Xu Fusheng was puzzled, what happened to him?
Before she could react, Jiang Shaoting had already dragged her into the women's clothing department.

Knowing that his eyes quickly glanced over the hanger, he took off the clothes with extremely fast movements.

"You..." Xu Fusheng was speechless for a while, and stood there in astonishment.

"According to her number, these clothes are wrapped up for me."

Jiang Shaoting directly threw it to the shopping guide after picking it up, the undeniable words in his words were shocking.

"Didn't I promise to buy it for you? Why did you suddenly..."

(End of this chapter)

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