Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 149 I Want to Marry You 2

Chapter 149 I Want to Marry You 2
"Who does the child in your stomach belong to! Who the hell is it!" She stretched out her hand and pulled Jiang Jingshu in front of her. Jiang Jingshu's feet almost left the ground, and the pressure on her neck made her cough dryly .

With a bang, Yin Luli seemed to have regained his senses, and threw her heavily to the ground.

Pulling on his tie with his fingers, his heart, which was already in a mess because of what Fu Yu said to him in the bridal shop, became uncontrollably manic at this moment.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Jiang Jingshu coughed uncontrollably, and scrambled away from Yin Luli.

She didn't know how these photos were sent, Jiang Jingshu just clearly remembered that those people took some photos and videos with DV and mobile phones, and this was what she was most afraid of all the time.

"This marriage, I can't possibly get married!" Yin Luli said in a dark voice, Jiang Jingshu suddenly raised her head to look at him, what did he just say?Not married?No...absolutely not!
"Lu Li, forgive me once, and I won't do it again! Trust me!" Jiang Jingshu crawled to Yin Luli's feet, begging him endlessly. She really loved him, and she knew it was him at the first sight. .

"Get lost!" Yin Luli kicked Jiang Jingshu away.

Jiang Jingshu's eyes were scarlet, as if she had thought of something, and there was a dull pain in her expression.

"Don't try to use this to get rid of me. Don't forget that I could hear all the conversations between you and your mother in the bridal shop. If you dare to abandon me, don't want to live a good life again." !"

Jiang Jingshu was trembling all over, but she spoke every word.

Yin Luli narrowed his eyes dangerously, staring at her...

Xu Fusheng only felt that his head was getting bigger, and he could treat one person as several people.

Although the wedding dress has been confirmed, it is impossible to change only one set of clothes for the wedding, so the fashion designer sent all the samples over for her to choose for ordering!The champagne at the wedding banquet also needs to be selected by her personally, as well as shoes, desserts, hotels, the scale of the guest banquet, etc...

From the moment Jiang Shaoting called them over, people came and went in and out of the hall of the villa. She communicated to the point where her voice was hoarse, but she still hadn't completed a third of the progress.

Xu Fusheng never thought that even what flowers to put on the wedding banquet, napkin folding, ice sculptures, etc., all had to be ordered before the wedding. In other words, she never thought that getting married was such a troublesome thing .

When Jiang Shaoting finished the video conference and came down from upstairs, what he saw was Xu Fusheng who was sitting on the sofa with a listless face, and representatives from various companies surrounding her who kept asking for opinions.

Seeing him coming down, Xu Fusheng seemed to see a savior, he pushed aside the crowd and walked towards him quickly.

Jiang Shaoting raised his eyebrows, and there was a smile in his eyes, as if he didn't see the anger on Xu Fusheng's face.

He has excellent timing, if there is more time, Xu Fusheng will be driven crazy by these people, and if there is less time, she will definitely not walk towards him impulsively like now.

With a snap of his fingers, the old butler William who had been standing in the corner stepped forward to block those people.

"You did it on purpose." Xu Fusheng managed to recover from his dizziness, desperately breathing in fresh air, she was about to vomit, just to try the desserts at the wedding banquet.

"The coffee is delicious." Jiang Shaoting answered the wrong question, which made Xu Fusheng angry for a while.

"You..." Seeing him like this, Xu Fusheng couldn't say a word.

"I didn't do it on purpose, how would you know how serious I am?" These days, he squeezed his rest time, only sleeping two or three hours a day, just to settle things quickly.

Xu Fusheng froze on the spot, the suffocation accumulated in his heart just now dissipated in these words.

"The wedding is scheduled for half a month later, you can't escape." Putting the empty coffee cup on the marble coffee table, the dull voice brought Xu Fusheng back to his senses in an instant. he serious?
"I don't mind if you invite your ex-boyfriend here, I can set up a seat just for him."

Jiang Shaoting looked down at Xu Fusheng, and said something pointedly.

"I don't mind if you invite your ex-girlfriend here." After a while, Xu Fusheng responded bluntly.

"I don't have an ex-girlfriend, but if it's an ex-wife, it might not be easy to ask her to be there!"

Unusual, Jiang Shaoting was humorous, which made Xu Fusheng laugh.

"Don't make things difficult for me on purpose, how can I handle all these things well?" Feeling a little more relaxed, Xu Fusheng turned to look at those people helplessly, although he wanted to but was really powerless.

"Do you think I really expect you to do it all by yourself? They will take care of all this. I just want to let you know how hard it was for me to marry you!" All the weddings with Brigitte were handled by the family. , he just stood there at the wedding scene to swear an oath and it was over. Even Jiang Shaoting didn't think of it...

Marriage is actually such a troublesome and laborious thing!


When his eyes fell on that relaxed little face, his mood finally improved a lot.

If she wants to wait until after the ceremony to get the certificate, then that's up to her, as long as...she can feel at ease!

When he got home in the evening, Xu Fusheng told Qian Duoduo and Xin Rui about his wedding half a month later. Coincidentally, Qian Duoduo's good friend Jasmine was also there, and Jasmine stretched out her hand and yelled that she would go too.

On the contrary, it was Wen Huaisu, who seemed to have no reaction at all. Although Xu Fusheng was prepared in his heart, his expression was unavoidably a little disappointed, which was seen in Jasmine's eyes.

Originally, she was going to stay for dinner, but when Jasmine answered the phone and had a case, she rushed back.

Before going out, she deliberately called Xu Fusheng to her, and pointed in Wen Huaisu's direction with her finger.

"Believe me, with my expertise, I can be sure that your mother... definitely did not..." Jasmine didn't say the last part of the sentence, but just gestured around her head with her fingers.

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked downstairs, leaving Xu Fusheng standing by the door, unable to recover for a long time...

At the dinner table, Jiang Shaoting and Jiang Ruixi stared with big eyes.

"Father, Asheng made this for me." There was only the last piece of roast beef left on the plate, and Jiang Shaoting and Jiang Ruixi's chopsticks were stuck in it, and neither of them had the slightest intention of giving in.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak, but the expression on his face was indifferent.

"Asheng gave it to you, why are you reluctant to give me a piece of beef!" Jiang Ruixi became more and more angry when he thought about it, he had been sad for a few days when Asheng was snatched away by his father, but now it's all right, his father doesn't even have a meal Keep yourself full!

"Fusheng was originally mine!" Jiang Shaoting had a gloomy face, as if he was very dissatisfied with the word 'let'.

"Who said that! If Dad didn't intervene, Ah Sheng would definitely choose me!"

Jiang Ruixi waved his chopsticks emotionally, and Jiang Shaoting stuffed the last piece of beef into his mouth with sharp eyesight.

"She likes mature men like me, do you understand?" Jiang Shaoting sneered with a victor's expression.

"Bah, it's been played on TV, Dad, you're calling an old cow to eat young grass!"

After Jiang Ruixi said this, she threw her chopsticks and ran upstairs as if fleeing for her life, leaving Jiang Shaoting sitting there stiffly, the old cow eating... tender grass?
Looking at the vague reflection of his face in the marble wall, he is... an old cow?

As the night was dark, Xu Fusheng went downstairs to throw out the trash.

Perhaps thinking of what Jiang Shaoting said to herself in the villa, she paused for a moment, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, under the street lamp, that smile was vague and beautiful.

The strong smell of alcohol gradually spread in the air, and the woman's instinctive reaction to danger made her want to go upstairs the same way without even turning her head.

"Xu Fusheng!" The all-too-familiar voice sounded behind him, Xu Fusheng pretended not to hear it, and even quickened his pace, and before he walked into the entrance of the building, Xu Fusheng only felt that he was being pulled by the force coming from behind !
The strong smell of alcohol spread around her, making Xu Fusheng really disgusted.

"Yin Luli, have you forgotten the lesson from last time?" Xu Fusheng said coldly, reaching out to push his wrist away, but Yin Luli seemed to be fixed, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

At this time, the clothes she was wearing were one-piece sweaters, so she couldn't take off her clothes and go upstairs, right?

"Xu Fusheng, don't you love me to death? Don't you insist on me not marrying?" Yin Luli's eyes were red, and his mouth was filled with the strong smell of alcohol. Every time he spoke, he sprayed it on Xu Fusheng's face.

Even with his words, Xu Fusheng only felt a churn in her stomach. She never knew that Yin Luli was so thick-skinned. how?

"Yin Luli, you're drunk!" Xu Fusheng felt somewhat regretful now. He had previously agreed with Jiang Shaoting that when she got home, her protectors would evacuate. Now she really had nothing to do except to deal with Yin Luli alone.

Since she just went downstairs to take out the trash, she didn't even bring her mobile phone!

"I'm drunk! Jiang Jingshu put on a big hat for me, it's still green! Hehe!"

It looked like Yin Luli was really drunk, Xu Fusheng was shocked when he heard this, if possible, she really wanted to put her ears on by mistake and pretend she couldn't hear anything!
What did he just say?Jiang Jingshu put a hat on him?or green?
What is Yin Luli going crazy?

But before Xu Fusheng could react, Yin Luli's eyes staring at her suddenly changed, and Xu Fusheng suddenly became vigilant, searching for something within his sight.

"Xu Fusheng, why wasn't you the one who died back then? You are the one who should die the most!"

He said these words gloomily, if it was Xu Fusheng five years ago, he might still feel hopeless and sad, but now, Xu Fusheng has no emotional reaction other than being vigilant.

She tried her best to avoid speaking, so as not to irritate the drunk Yin Luli.

At the same time, she looked around to see if there was any possibility of escape. After all, she was in a neighborhood full of people coming and going. She didn't believe Yin Luli could do anything to her. After all, the thing he hated most was probably being connected with her.

But the next moment, beyond Xu Fu's expectation, Yin Luli leaned down with red eyes!

She was taken aback. Yin Luli looked like he wanted to kiss her?
(End of this chapter)

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