Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 153 She Is Lonelier Than Fireworks 4

Chapter 153 She Is Lonelier Than Fireworks 4
Just standing silently at the end of the red carpet, looking at the door where Jiang Shaoting will not appear with gentle eyes.

There was a lot of discussion around, they seemed to have seen something, there were mocking voices from the guest table and other voices, mixed together, but Xu Fusheng couldn't hear it at all.

Qian Duoduo, Xin Rui and the others standing in the corner were quietly wiping away their tears. As for Ian?Pike looked at her with furrowed brows.

In the worst case, I'm afraid it will run out of oil and burn out.

He recalled what the Chinese medicine doctor said, and the reflection of Xu Fusheng in his pupils was continuously enlarged.

ian?Pike didn't understand, he knew Jiang Shaoting would not come, what was Xu Fusheng insisting on?
Time passed by every minute and every second, the auspicious time had already passed, the discussion was getting louder, and more and more guests were leaving. Even the reporter sat on the ground after taking enough photos, waiting for the news.

The sky outside became more and more gloomy. I don't know when, snowflakes fluttered in the sky. This year's first snow came so early, which made people scream.

Xu Fusheng was wearing thin clothes, the white gauze was blown by the wind, his skin had already lost its temperature, it was icy cold.

Standing there quietly is like a sculpture.

There was a sudden vibration in Qian Duoduo's bag. She looked down and saw that it was a very familiar number.

"Hey, Police Officer Ye, what's the matter?" Covering the microphone, Qian Duoduo turned her back to the direction of the church and lowered her voice, but not long after, she froze in place as if struck by lightning, and didn't respond for a long time.

"Qian Duoduo, what's wrong with you?" Jasmine was the first to notice something strange about her, and couldn't help but speak.

I don't know how much time passed like this before Qian Duoduo hung up the phone and slowly turned his head to look at the others.

"What should I do... Oh my God..." Qian Duoduo looked shocked, and couldn't recover for a long time. Everyone was shocked by her sky-falling expression, and didn't understand what happened.

Qian Duoduo pushed aside the others and ran towards Xu Fusheng's direction.

"Fusheng..." Qian Duoduo's hands were still trembling when he ran in front of her.

Xu Fusheng's eyes that had been out of focus fell back on Qian Duoduo's face.

"Officer Ye called me just now and said... Fusheng, you must hold on..." Qian Duoduo was a little hard to say, but Xu Fusheng had already seen the clue from her expression.

"Auntie, something happened to her..." A simple sentence made Xu Fusheng's body like a stone sculpture tremble. What did Duoduo say just now?She said... something happened to her mother?

"What happened to my mother?"

Xu Fusheng's mind went blank, he wondered if he was too frightened to feel that everything was so unreal.

"Auntie was in the cemetery. When she was found, there was no... no sign of life!" Qian Duoduo's face was also very ugly when he said these words too difficultly.

The bouquet in Xu Fusheng's hand fell to the ground with a bang!
She didn't know why she lost everything in one day. She was looking forward to the wedding so much, but why... But why did things turn out like this?

"I..." Xu Fusheng tried to find his voice, Xin Rui and the others came over and looked at Xu Fusheng worriedly, and Ian?Pike still stood where he was, looking at her face.

Suddenly, Xu Fusheng didn't even look at anyone, he lifted the hem of his wedding dress and ran towards the outside of the church.

Perhaps her action was too sudden, and no one reacted.

She watched Xu Fusheng run out like this, it was so cold, her body which was exposed outside the wedding dress was shivering, she didn't know if it was from the cold or from fear.

Xu Fusheng just felt that he couldn't hear anything, couldn't see anything, and just ran towards the cemetery.

The high heels were in the way, so she kicked them off, and the snow fell from the sky, and all the passers-by on the street looked at her with strange and weird eyes.

Xu Fusheng has never felt that this so lonely... Maybe it was because he ran too fast, Xu Fusheng only felt cramps in his stomach, breathing heavily, even the white mist around his mouth in the first snowy weather They all had a bleak smell.

Suddenly, only a muffled groan was heard, and Xu Fusheng fell heavily on the road.

Even though he subconsciously protected his stomach, he was still in a state of embarrassment.

Lying on her back on the road, passers-by on the street hurried past her, they all looked at Xu Fusheng with strange eyes, even so, no one stopped to ask.

Xu Fusheng lay blankly on the cold ground, and the first snow fell on her in pieces, which melted instantly when it touched the skin, and she could even clearly hear a couple not far away exclaiming the arrival of the first snow.

She felt that she couldn't run anymore, obviously she was so terrified in her heart, once she stopped, her legs seemed to be filled with lead, making it impossible for her to struggle to get up.

The snow fell slowly, blending with Xu Fusheng's wedding dress.

Slowly closing his eyes, Xu Fusheng suddenly felt that even if he was dead at this moment...

Seems like a good choice too.

"Xu Fusheng..." Suddenly, a rush of brakes accompanied by a low voice rang in her ears.

Immediately afterwards, a magnified face appeared in front of her eyes, with blue eyes like the ocean.

"Xu Fusheng!" Ian?Pike squatted on the ground with one knee, and quickly reached out to help Xu Fusheng up from the cold ground. Her whole body was as cold as ice, and she hardly hesitated, Ian?Parker took off his suit jacket...

Cover her thin body tightly.

Xu Fusheng's originally out-of-focus pupils gradually had a target, and he looked at Ian blankly?Pike was speechless for a while, his face was pale and dazed, and the people watching couldn't bear it.

"You tell me the way, and I'll take you there."

His Chinese pronunciation was very blunt, but to Xu Fusheng's ears at this time, it was as moving as the sound of nature.

Xu Fusheng never thought that when he was most desperate and downcast, it was actually Ian?Pike's outstretched hand...

Ian Xu Fusheng?When Pike was sent to the cemetery, the police had already cordoned off the scene.

She staggered two steps to the front, and Wen Huaisu was lying quietly on Xu Songbai's tombstone at this moment, her eyes were wide open, as if she had something to say.

The snow gradually increased, but Xu Fusheng couldn't feel the cold, Ian?Pike has been following her not far away, his deep eyes fell on the petite back, as if he wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say.

Knowing that Xu Fusheng was the daughter of the deceased, the police came over routinely and began to ask a few simple questions. Seeing the wedding dress on Xu Fusheng's body and the bruises on his arms, there was some pity in his eyes.

"She..." Xu Fusheng was startled by his own voice, so dry that even he couldn't recognize it.

"Preliminary suspicion is suicide." The policeman just said that casually, but he didn't know if he was too sensitive, why did he smell a faint smell of blood?

Xu Fusheng recalled the things that Xin Rui had given her before. At that time, she said that her mother asked her to hand them over, and that she could only read them after she got married!
"Envelope...envelope..." She muttered, only then did she remember that the things were still in the bridal lounge.

Her legs suddenly softened, if it wasn't for Ian?Pike quickly helped her up, Xu Fusheng must have fallen to the ground at this moment, but it was this soft support that made the smell of blood even stronger.

So thick that even Ian?Pike has already smelled it.

"Fusheng, what's wrong with you?" When Ian?When Pike's voice clearly reached Xu Fusheng's ears, she was taken aback, what's wrong with her?She... what's wrong?
Just as she was about to speak, she clearly noticed that her wedding dress had become bulky. When she looked down, the white wedding dress began to show a faint red color, from light pink at the beginning to deep red at the end.

It blooms on the snow-white wedding dress like a big flower, but it is shocking to see!

Xu Fusheng's small face was as white as paper, cold sweat trickled down her forehead, her messy hair was all wet, and now it was sticking to her face, dark red blood was flowing between her legs.

As if she had suddenly realized what was wrong with her, she finally understood what was wrong with her. She smiled desolately, but she didn't even have the last bit of strength to support her, and her eyes were dizzy...

Xu Fusheng fell to Ian after all?In Pike's arms...

Jiang Jingshu and Fu Yu sat face to face, waiting for Tan to come back after handling everything.

As if she couldn't bear the weird atmosphere, Jiang Jingshu trembled and ran to the balcony to smoke, one after another, but she still couldn't stop the trembling between her fingers, as if she had been possessed by an evil spirit.

She is not wrong, for the sake of her own happiness, she is not wrong!
I told myself this over and over in my heart, but I couldn't forget Wen Huaisu's wide eyes.

The doorbell rang suddenly, and the cigarette butt burned Jiang Jingshu's hand. Turning around, Fu Yu had already opened the door, and the expressionless Tan walked in from the outside, without looking at Fu Yu, just nodded towards Jiang Jingshu.

Jiang Jingshu breathed a long sigh of relief, she was most at ease about how Tan would do things, he had been by Jiang Meiwan's side for many years, and he had never failed in doing things, and this time was no exception.

"Mom, I've done what I promised you, and you'd better do what you promised me!"

Jiang Jingshu and Fu Yu looked at each other, only their own clearest light was flowing in their eyes...

Jiang Shaoting was still wearing the suit he should have worn at the wedding. Ever since he got off the plane, he kept silent all the way, but kept turning the black jade wrench on his thumb with his fingertips, and a chilling aura flowed through his whole body.

An hour and a half ago, he received the definite news that Elizabeth had brought Ruixi back to the Vinson family's mansion in London. Sen Leng laughed, his eyes were so dark that others couldn't look at each other.

At this moment, Archie was driving towards his destination, but Jiang Shaoting's eyes fell on the cufflinks.

He misses Fusheng very much, but is also afraid of seeing Fusheng, how should he explain to her that all this chaos is caused by his desire for revenge?He lost control because of her, but became the executioner who hurt her.

"Mr. Jiang, we're here." Archie's voice pulled Jiang Shaoting back from the imaginary world, but in the blink of an eye, Jiang Shaoting had already changed into another look. At this time, there were Elizabeth's people inside and outside the Wensen family mansion. , The inside and outside were completely sealed.

(End of this chapter)

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