Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 159: Cracking Heart 2

Chapter 159: Cracking Heart 2
Xu Fusheng fell to the floor weakly, and even the newly inserted needle was torn out from the flesh on the back of his hand with this violent movement, and blood gushed out along with it.

"Fusheng." Jiang Shaoting was shocked, and walked in front of her two steps at a time. Xu Fusheng collapsed there, panting heavily after moving a little, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his hair was wet.

"Don't touch me!" Xu Fusheng wanted to wave her away again, but how could Jiang Shaoting let her be so capricious this time?He stretched out his hand to lift her up from the ground, and said forcefully!

"How could Ruixi be my son! I don't believe it!" Xu Fusheng's eyes were red. At this moment, she didn't know whether it was anger or disappointment. She desperately wanted to break free from Jiang Shaoting's embrace, but there was no way out.

"Don't move!" Jiang Shaoting shackled her tightly, and put Xu Fusheng back on the hospital bed. He has been staying in the ward for the past few days, his clothes have not been changed, and his beard has not been shaved. decadent.

"I was the one who asked the prison staff to 'take care' of you! It was because of me that you received those inhuman treatment!" He sat beside the bed, hugged Xu Fusheng tightly in his arms, and said every word.

Xu Fusheng was struggling with all her strength, even though the struggle seemed so overwhelming, she still wanted to escape from Jiang Shaoting's arms like crazy.

Scenes appeared in front of her eyes, the son she had worked so hard to be taken away immediately, she didn't even come to take a quick look, and the various unfair treatment she received in the prison, and the sentence...

The guard once told me euphemistically, did she offend some important person...

"Let go of me...Jiang Shaoting, let me go..." His eye sockets almost turned scarlet, Xu Fusheng screamed, but he didn't intend to let go of his embrace at all.

Xu Fusheng's back was pressed tightly against Jiang Shaoting's chest, while Jiang Shaoting hugged her tightly from behind, resting his chin on the top of her head, his expressionless face was for outsiders to see, and his heart was so surging that he almost overwhelmed this man!
Maybe the shouts startled the people outside, the door was pushed open after a burst of noise, and Qian Duoduo's face suddenly appeared at the door, and Xin Rui had a big belly, and the bodyguards at the door were hard to stop.

"Get out!" Jiang Shaoting didn't even look at it, but yelled these three words coldly, his fierce eyes only stared at a certain place in the room, as if he didn't feel that Xu Fusheng in his arms was still struggling.

"Jiang Shaoting, you are still not a man, let go of Fusheng!" Qian Duoduo just wanted to rush over, but was stopped by the bodyguards standing outside the door, even Archie stood there stubbornly.

Only Archie knows best, at this time Jiang Shaoting is suffering no less pain than Xu Fusheng, let alone following him all the way, Mr. Jiang's deep-rooted affection, he knows better than anyone else!
Fortunately, the young master was sent back to the villa first, otherwise the scene would have become even uglier.

Xu Fusheng's body was in a mess, cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and the blood on the back of his hand melted on his skin. She seemed to be hanging by a breath, and a breath of anger kept her from fainting until now.

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to let Fusheng bleed like this!" Xin Rui shouted anxiously, somewhat bringing Jiang Shaoting's sanity back to his senses, and his well-understood pupils slowly fell on Xu Fusheng's hand.

A piece of scarlet came into view, his temples throbbed, and Jiang Shaoting slammed his palm on it.

"Ah Qi, I want to take her out of the hospital, you go and prepare the car!" Jiang Shaoting glanced at Ah Qi sharply, and ordered in a deep voice, he can't let Xu Fusheng go on like this, absolutely not!

Everyone was shocked, they never thought that Jiang Shaoting would arrange for Fu Sheng to be discharged from the hospital!
"Yes, Mr. Jiang." Archie responded in a deep voice with a blank face from the beginning to the end.

There was a loud snap, Jiang Jingshu covered her face and looked at Jiang Meiwan in disbelief!

"You used my bodyguard to make him do that kind of thing! Jiang Jingshu, don't you want to live!" Jiang Meiwan was so angry that she was shaking all over, she never thought that Jiang Jingshu would use Tan to kill someone!

"Mom, I can't help it...I really can't help it!" In the past few nights, Jiang Jingshu could dream that Wen Huaisu came looking for her with disheveled hair and face covered in blood. No one knew how scared she was!
"Have you ever wondered what would happen to you if your uncle knew about it?"

Jiang Meiwan's extremely youthful face was filled with gloom and ruthlessness at this time, she did not hold back the strength of the slap just now, and the corners of Jiang Jingshu's mouth were bleeding.

"Don't tell him, Mom, I'm going to die! I was threatened, and someone sent a photo to Lu Li! I really can't help it!" The panic and fear these days have been superimposed, and Jiang Jingshu will be forced to live. crazy!
Jiang Meiwan's gloomy eyes fell on Jiang Jingshu. In that car accident, she lost her uterus, the most important thing for a woman. She will not be able to have children in this life. It is precisely because of this that she made up her mind to go to the orphanage Adopting a child here is also a good way to provide for oneself until the end of life.

Among so many people at the beginning, Jiang Jingshu was already too old, and the conditions were not the best, but there was one thing that no one else could match. She was especially good at looking at people, and knew that she should be in When to do something, also know when to express yourself.

But Jiang Meiwan never thought that the more Jiang Jingshu lived, the more regressed she would be, and she would act recklessly!
"You tell me clearly, word by word, what's going on!"

Jiang Meiwan's sharp gaze swept over, and soon Jiang Jingshu's shoulders shrank...

After asking the doctor to collect Xu Fusheng's blood sample, Jiang Shaoting insisted on taking Xu Fusheng home. Although the doctor spoke out to dissuade Jiang Shaoting, which was not conducive to the recovery of the patient's condition, he had no intention of stopping him at all.

He was like a paranoid patient, he didn't give Xu Fusheng any time to repent and struggle, wrapped in a thick windbreaker, he hugged Xu Fusheng in his arms, and walked towards the parking lot, no matter how Xu Fusheng struggled!

"If you still want to see Ruixi, then listen to me honestly!" Jiang Shaoting only whispered a warning, which made Xu Fusheng's movements completely stiff, and couldn't help but look up at the familiar yet unfamiliar man in front of him.

The white snow on the ground was frozen and slippery, and he took every step carefully.

"Jiang Shaoting, can you only use Ruixi to threaten me now?" The pale little face was like a clear crystal, beautiful and cold, with an indescribable sadness.

Jiang Shaoting stopped walking forward, but held her firmly in his arms, without even looking at Xu Fusheng, he just focused his gaze on the parallel space, his Adam's apple rolling up and down.

But soon, he walked towards the car again. Archie was already waiting by the car door, leaving deep footprints on the snow, a series of...

Even after experiencing so many things in a short period of time, the Qianping villa located in the suburbs still maintains its operation. The servants are doing their own work in an orderly manner, without looking at it, and not chatting about matters related to the master.

During the more than half an hour on the road, Xu Fusheng was firmly held in Jiang Shaoting's arms. Her eyes were foggy, and her eyes fell outside the car window. She was covered in silver everywhere, which reminded her of that time. day……

Wearing a wedding dress, she ran barefoot on the winter snow, trying to reach the cemetery quickly. The lovers around her exclaimed that the first snow was coming, and she was cold from head to toe, as if she was the only one left in the world...

Xu Fusheng closed her eyes slowly, she didn't want to think about what happened that day again, but some things... It's not that you don't want to, it really won't appear again, trembling slightly, even she didn't notice it.

"Ah Qi, turn up the temperature of the air conditioner." Suddenly, Jiang Shaoting's voice came from beside his ear.

Xu Fu's long eyelashes trembled slightly, but he didn't say anything. The embrace that used to feel as warm as home was obviously still the same person, but it gave her an indescribable sense of strangeness.

As expected, the temperature inside the car was raised a lot, but Xu Fusheng sighed inwardly...

Archie drove very slowly, as if to match her physical condition.

Jiang Shaoting didn't say a word to Xu Fusheng until he got out of the car, he seemed a little tired, he hugged her tightly with his arms, his eyes were lightly closed, and occasionally the dim street lights would shine in, reflecting on Jiang Shaoting's face.

In just a few days, he also lost a lot of weight. Xu Fusheng's eyes fell on the man quietly, he seemed to be asleep, and the clear stubble on his chin made Jiang Shaoting feel like he was still in the dust.

Jiang Shaoting's eyebrows twisted into a big Chuan character, he seemed very disturbed, Xu Fusheng looked at him quietly, but his heart was like an empty snow field, except for the cold wind blowing, he had no other emotions.

Overnight, the love in Xu Fusheng's heart seemed like a wilderness burned by fire, leaving only ashes.

Jiang Shaoting said that Ruixi was her son, the biological son she thought was dead and was taken away five years ago!She didn't know whether he was telling the truth or a lie, just like before when he made her believe him, but in the end he still ended up with injuries all over his body.

She lost Little Cherry, and up to now, she hasn't told this man how much pain she has. It's the child of the two of them, a life that came unexpectedly, but didn't even have a chance to see the world.

Carefully stretching out his hand, his cold, temperatureless fingers landed on the ups and downs of Jiang Shaoting's eyebrows, Xu Fusheng didn't know what he was going to do, he should hate him to the bone, but he couldn't bear it.

Suddenly, Xu Fusheng's fingers were accurately caught by Jiang Shaoting, and he struck out with a big palm, holding her soft hand tightly in his palm, and slowly opened his eyes, as if he hadn't slept just now.

The two looked at each other quietly, neither of them spoke, but the car stopped at this moment.

Xu Fusheng felt his throat was a little itchy, and coughed uncontrollably, the car door was opened from the outside, and a cold wind came in, Jiang Shaoting firmly covered her petite figure with the cashmere coat, and even pressed her head into his arms.

Archie watched Jiang Shaoting carry Xu Fusheng, who couldn't stop coughing, out of the car, wearing only a thin shirt, standing in the howling wind, his eyes were full of frost, only when he looked at Xu Fusheng in his arms, did he flash A rare warmth.

But it is deliberately hidden, afraid of being noticed by others!

Xu Fusheng really didn't see it, the cough that seemed to cough out her lungs caused pain in her trachea, she had never felt so obviously that her body was not as good as before, and even a little movement felt like a bone was torn apart.

(End of this chapter)

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