Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 161 Take You When I Die 2

Chapter 161 Take You When I Die 2
The butler stood aside tremblingly, never expecting that even if he was not careful about this Miss Xu, it would lead to the current situation.

"I invited you here. I didn't ask you to let these idlers wait in. Those who brought you, get out of here now."

Even though Xu Fusheng didn't leave, Jiang Shaoting's anger still had a tendency to erupt. Xu Fusheng, who was sitting in a wheelchair, sighed softly. She didn't understand why he was so persistent.
If she had known earlier, she shouldn't have made that phone call. If it wasn't for that phone call, she must have left the cage that imprisoned her and parted ways with him.

"Shao Ting, why are you yelling at me so much for a Xu Fusheng?" Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive soon, Jiang Meiwan rarely showed his expression, but at this moment, she was full of displeasure.

"Jiang Meiwan, have you forgotten what I told you before?" Jiang Shaoting narrowed his narrow eyes fiercely, and Jiang Shaoting ordered Archie to adjust the indoor temperature back to normal and higher.

"Do you know what people outside are saying about her now? No matter what the reason is, it is an established fact that your wedding did not show up. You invited so many guests, and it became a complete joke in the end!"

Jiang Meiwan was scared, but even more angry, she was doing it for Jiang Shaoting's good from the beginning to the end, and now he is going against her for a random woman?
"My wedding didn't show up because Elizabeth kidnapped my son! Even if that wedding is gone, I still have the ability to make up another one for her!" Jiang Shaoting's deep voice was almost roaring. It can make him lose his mind!
Xu Fusheng's expression was slightly stunned. This was the first time since that wedding that Jiang Shaoting said the reason why he didn't arrive at the wedding scene. He just said... Ruixi was kidnapped?what about now?

"You are simply unreasonable. There are so many women in the world, why do you insist on this Xu Fusheng?" Jiang Meiwan didn't understand what happened to Jiang Shaoting at all!
She admitted that Xu Fusheng is beautiful, but can beauty be eaten?What's more, with their family, what beautiful woman can't get?Why did Jiang Shaoting only want this notorious woman?
"Because she is Xu Fusheng!" Jiang Shaoting said coldly, Xu Fusheng looked up at him...

Why... are you Xu Fusheng?

But Xu Fusheng.

The conversation between the two once jumped into his mind again, Xu Fusheng looked away, for fear that he would easily reveal his emotions.

"You trapped her in your villa with such an unjust name, you are not afraid of being photographed by reporters? Do you understand that those messy news will affect your reputation?" Every word Jiang Meiwan said seems to be It was for Jiang Shaoting's consideration, but those eyes were full of other emotions!
"Is the name not right?" Jiang Shaoting's facial features shrouded in haze looked cold at this moment, and Xu Fusheng's heart trembled suddenly. Even though the relationship between the two has dropped to freezing point now, her understanding of him has never diminished.

He was completely annoyed by Jiang Meiwan's words, and then, even Xu Fusheng was not sure what crazy thing he would do, so Xu Fusheng's uneasiness slowly began to accumulate.

"Then I will keep her right now!" Jiang Shaoting bent down and lifted Xu Fusheng from the wheelchair, and walked towards the outside of the villa with steady steps!

Jiang Meiwan was taken aback, where is he going?Just thinking carefully about every sentence he said before, his eyes widened suddenly, he wouldn't... he wouldn't want to be with Xu Fusheng...

Jiang Shaoting's suit covered her tightly, and Xu Fusheng was placed in the co-pilot seat weakly. From the beginning to the end, Jiang Shaoting didn't say a word, just pursed his thin lips tightly.

"Jiang Shaoting, where are you taking me?" Sitting in the car, Xu Fusheng's heart has never been so uneasy, he never acts according to the rules, not to mention, what Jiang Shaoting said just now...

Jiang Shaoting didn't even respond to Xu Fusheng's question, he got into the car and rushed towards the carved gate at a very fast speed!
"Jiang Shaoting, stop the car, I want to get off!" Maybe he had a premonition, Xu Fusheng's voice was so tense, Jiang Shaoting was expressionless, how could he stop, the atmosphere in the car was tense to the extreme!
The surrounding scenery is constantly receding, which shows that the speed of the car is very fast.

"If I don't come back, you are planning to go with her!" Jiang Shaoting said suddenly, his hands holding the steering wheel showed blue veins, his side face was serious and tense, obviously holding back his anger.

This is no longer a question, but an affirmative sentence that couldn't be more certain!
"Xu Fusheng, you forgot what I told you!" Sen Leng's tone didn't scare Xu Fusheng, she didn't speak, she couldn't look away from him, but her heart was in a mess.

Silence fell between the two of them again, Xu Fusheng no longer expected to have a good talk with this man.

The car drove fast, and soon arrived at the destination, and Xu Fusheng's eyes were greeted by the words A Civil Affairs Bureau, which made her pupils dilate unconsciously, and her premonition came true. This was the second time for the two of them came here.

"Jiang Shaoting..." Xu Fusheng was flustered, did he really want to...

"Shut up! From now on, all you have to do is agree, but even if you don't agree, it doesn't matter to me!" Jiang Shaoting unbuckled his seat belt, got out of the car, then came to her side, bent down and held her Get out of the car.

When Xu Fusheng came to his senses, she was already suspended from his arms, subconsciously grasping the shirt on his chest, without saying a word, maybe because she didn't know what to say.

Obviously, Jiang Shaoting was offended by Jiang Meiwan's injustice.

"Let go of me, I'm not going!" Xu Fusheng struggled in his arms. Along the road, there were men and women who had just obtained their certificates. They all stopped when they saw this scene, but Jiang Shaoting seemed to have seen nothing, and walked slowly towards Go inside the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Jiang Shaoting, let me go, I don't want to marry you!" She was annoyed by his lack of response, she didn't want to be tied to him in this situation, she couldn't figure out what Jiang Shaoting was thinking up!

Doesn't he hate her?Why sacrifice your marriage to be with yourself?
Is Jiang Shaoting crazy?

"Last time, I should have asked you to go through all the formalities with me, otherwise, people will not be given a title that is not right and wrong!" As soon as he thought of what Jiang Meiwan said, Jiang Shaoting's expression changed again. gloomy.

"Don't you understand what I said! Jiang Shaoting, I don't want..." Before Xu Fusheng finished speaking, Jiang Shaoting stopped and looked down at her, with complicated emotions in his deep eyes.

With just one glance, Xu Fusheng's voice stopped abruptly, and his heart seemed to be tightly clenched by invisible hands.

"Do you think I'll let you make the decision?" Jiang Shaoting didn't give Xu Fusheng any chance to speak out, and pushed the door into the hall. The originally lively hall fell silent for an instant, and everyone's eyes fell on the couple. body.

Soon, someone recognized the identities of these two people. After all, the information in today's society is so developed, and Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng are the focus figures in City A recently, so it is inevitable that they will be recognized.

Perhaps it was Jiang Shaoting who had already greeted him, he opened a special passage as soon as he entered, and without looking at anyone else, Jiang Shaoting hugged Xu Fusheng and walked over there.

"Jiang Shaoting, you're just trying to get revenge on me, why bother with you for the rest of your life?" Knowing that he had made up his mind, Xu Fusheng still didn't give up struggling, even though she didn't want to make the situation so ugly, but...he knew that doing so meant What do you mean?

It means that as long as the word Jiang Shaoting appears in the future, the word Xu Fusheng will naturally be added, this woman who killed her fiancée and old love five years ago and was imprisoned for another five years!

"Xu Fusheng, I'm not afraid of what you are worried about?" Jiang Shaoting sneered.

"What's more, don't you want to know the result of the paternity test?"

Passing the documents he brought to the other party, he just lowered his head and glanced at Xu Fusheng in the gap.

Not far away, someone took a photo with a mobile phone.

The process of handling was smooth and fast, but when the two red books were handed out, Xu Fusheng still didn't have any joy of becoming a legal couple, his pale face was bloodless, maybe he was too tired, and he closed his eyes lightly.

At this time, Xu Fusheng and Jiang Shaoting didn't know that the news of the two people's certification had been posted on the Internet. Regarding this twisted plot, everyone talked about it, and once heated the topic to the top of the list.

"Now, you are my legitimate woman, Jiang Shaoting, and no one can threaten your existence! Remember, if you really want to leave, there is only one possibility! That is to take you with me when I die, Let's leave this world together!" Jiang Shaoting's voice was low, like a warning, but it was mixed with the warmth that others could not understand.

Xu Fusheng pursed his lips tightly, even turning his originally pale lips into a light red color, but it was tainted with a little sadness out of thin air...

"Grandpa William, I want to see Asheng! I want to see Asheng!" Jiang Ruixi desperately shook Old William's arm. Since he came back from the hospital last time, his father never allowed him to visit Asheng in the hospital again.

He really wants to see Ah Sheng, really wants to see Ah Sheng, really wants to see Ah Sheng!
"Mr. Jiang has ordered you not to see Ms. Xu." Although Old William didn't know why, the best way to deal with Mr. Jiang's orders was to follow them instead of disobeying them.

"I want to see you, I want to see you! I don't know if Ah Sheng is alright, I won't eat, I won't sleep, I won't go to school!" Jiang Ruixi squatted down willfully, and rarely did something suitable for his age.

In the past two days, he went home after school and stayed with Pang Pang. Pang Pang's injury from being kicked before was healed up, but the more he watched, the more Jiang Ruixi remembered the mistakes he made because of his stupidity!

Old William has never had a headache like this before. The young master has lost a lot of weight in the past few days, and the food is not good. It's just Mr. Jiang's order... His expression is a little hesitant.

"Grandpa William is the best. Take me to see Asheng, just once... just once!" Jiang Ruixi saw the hesitation on Old William's face, and quickly shook his hand, coquettishly.

"Okay, I'll take you there." Unable to resist Jiang Ruixi's soft-spokenness, Old William finally agreed...

A large number of reporters have surrounded the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and now the news about Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng can be regarded as a guarantee of ratings, not to mention that after the groom escaped from marriage, the plot took a turn for the worse. Let everyone feel incredible!
(End of this chapter)

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