Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 168 It Won't Be For No Reason

Chapter 168 It Won't Be For No Reason
When he first entered the villa, Qian Duoduo's eyes turned red when he saw Xu Fusheng in a wheelchair. Of course, Xin Rui was also unavoidable. This was the first time they met since Xu Fusheng had a miscarriage. Naturally, there were many mood.

"That bastard! He even lied to you to get a certificate with him!" Qian Duoduo said angrily as if he didn't see Jiang Shaoting who was walking down from the second floor, and reached out to caress Xu Fusheng's body , she lost too much weight.

In fact, Xu Fusheng wanted to say a lot to the two of them. He originally thought that his emotions would not fluctuate too strongly, but he never thought that the dull pain in her heart would become more and more flooded just now when she saw these two people.

Jiang Shaoting didn't seem to hear anything, and covered Xu Fusheng's knee with the thin blanket in his hand, and then the 'pharmacist' came down from the second floor, but his eyes fell on Xin Rui.

"You..." Xin Rui also sensed that someone was looking at her, and raised her head slightly, her expression turned pale with shock when she saw the 'pharmacist', and the latter was naturally not much better.

"Little Huarui, I didn't expect to see you here." The little lover of 'Canglang' who lost his memory, ran away from home before, but never expected to meet you here.

"Mr. Pharmacist, why are you here?" Seeing him, Xin Rui would think of 'Canglang', wondering if that man was doing well after she left him?And the child in her womb...

"It's you, who did you learn how to run with the ball? Canglang..." Pharmacist shrugged, his code name is Pharmacist but not his name, only Xiaohuarui calls him so respectfully every time he sees him for mr.

It was only then that Xu Fusheng realized that the person Jiang Shaoting invited might have something to do with that 'Canglang'. Recalling that he had argued with the black-clothed bodyguard downstairs in the community before, now that he recalled it, those people seemed to have met Jiang Shaoting himself... …

Is it...

"Asheng, by the way, there is something I want to discuss with you! It's your mother's..." Qian Duoduo was in a slightly better mood, and spoke softly, mentioning Wen Huaisu, she gave Xu Fusheng a worried look.

"Someone came to see the house two days ago, and your mother's room was vacant, so I thought..." Recalling that girl, Qian Duoduo couldn't help but want to introduce Xu Fusheng to her.

"Duo Duo, you are the landlord, don't worry about me, if the other party doesn't mind, I have no problem!" Xu Fusheng smiled lightly and shook his head, she knew that Duo Duo never treated her as a tenant, and it was precisely because of this, She was even more reluctant to let her suffer.

"Her name is Zeng Jingyu, you must know who she is." Qian Duoduo didn't want to make the topic so heavy, and couldn't help but want to make her happy, but when Zeng Jingyu's name was said, Xu Fusheng was indeed stunned.

Isn't she just... "That female anchor Zeng Jingyu?" I still remember that five years ago, before my accident, Zeng Jingyu had just joined KNA, the largest news media group in City A, as an intern anchor. In the case of children, the words and sentences are filled with emotions.

Five years later, I was released from prison. I didn't expect that the young and impulsive intern anchor had become KNA's leading actress. It really was ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi. This feng shui is always in rotation.

"Well, it's that Zeng Jingyu." Qian Duoduo held Xu Fusheng's hand, but felt very uncomfortable in his heart, Xu Fusheng could see it, but held Qian Duoduo's hand instead, shaking his head without a trace.

"We'll have dinner when Ruixi comes back." Xu Fusheng was quite optimistic, especially when he saw his sisters.

Qian Duoduo didn't speak, but Xu Fusheng's eyes fell on Xin Rui's stomach.

"Can I touch it?" After all, she was still wearing filial piety, so Xu Fusheng didn't dare to stretch out his hand rashly. Thinking of it this way, Jiang Shaoting is also a strange person. He knew that her mother had just died, but he still insisted on having sex with her. marry.

Xin Rui's answer to her was to directly pull Xu Fusheng's hand to cover her belly, but her small body carried a solid life. Women are really the most miraculous species in the world.

"Fusheng, everything will be fine." Xin Rui saw the dimness in her eyes, and said softly, but Xu Fusheng came back to his senses and smiled, then moved his hand away.

Good or bad, not just talking about it.

Jiang Shaoting just stood not far from the beginning to the end.

Xu Fusheng, who was in the short distance, could arrive as soon as he had something to do, but he didn't attract too much attention from them.

Soon, Jiang Ruixi came back from school, along with Chen Pipi.

Chen Pipi's father and Ai Ling divorced not long after the parents' meeting, 200 million and two villas purchased with full property rights, the marriage ended, and it is good for Chen Pipi and Ruixi to reunite now. No wounds either.

Seeing the little master came back, Bai Samo, who was wearing an Elizabethan circle, couldn't help but run over happily. Xu Fusheng, who had been gloomy for a long time, finally showed a knowing smile.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Shaoting finally breathed a sigh of relief...

While eating, Chen Pippi kept looking at Xu Fusheng. After some time, he reached out and took a chicken leg from the plate in front of him to the plate in front of Xu Fusheng.

"Sister Asheng, eat meat." Chen Pippi hadn't thanked her well for the last time, but now the words were all in the chicken leg. After delivering the fresh and tender chicken leg, Chen Pippi heaved a sigh of relief.

Not long after the meal, Archie came in from the outside, leaned in front of Jiang Shaoting and said something, his expression suddenly became ugly, he said something briefly, and walked upstairs with Archie.

The corner of Xu Fusheng's eyes fell on him, but he quickly retracted without a trace...

"Mr. Jiang, five years ago, someone bought the lobby manager and replaced the room card in Ms. Xu's hand." Archie has been doing his best to investigate what happened five years ago, and now he has some clues.

"Continue talking." Jiang Shaoting tapped his hands on the table in an orderly manner, making a dark thumping sound.

"The manager of the lobby is still working now, because the amount received was relatively large back then, and... everyone knows about Ms. Xu, so I still remember it very clearly." Archie spoke again unhurriedly. Unexpectedly, it went well, maybe some truths are just covered in a layer of dust, just waiting for someone with a heart to wipe it off.

"Who is the one who bought him?" Jiang Shaoting's voice was low. Archie glanced at him and didn't speak for a moment. He just reached out and took out a photo from his pocket and pushed it in front of him.

That was the photo of Chen Yuxin. She had bloomed like a flower, but her life suddenly stopped on that night five years ago.

Archie didn't speak, but in this silence, he had already said everything clearly.

Jiang Shaoting slowly closed his eyes, and the study fell into a deadly silence. He seemed to be meditating, and Archie didn't bother him, but stood not far away as usual, with his eyes fixed on one point.

"Archie, go to the hotel right now and give the lobby manager a sum of money. If he is willing to arrange for him to work in a hotel under the J&C Group, but only if he leaves City A, his family members can also be responsible. Also, the five The hotel accommodation records from years ago are erased, so that no traces can be left."

After a short period of silence, Jiang Shaoting finally spoke again, and acted vigorously as soon as he opened his mouth. Archie didn't care about the content of the words, just carried out, turned and walked out of the study.

Jiang Shaoting was the only one left in the study. He looked at the corner of the desk silently, wondering what he was thinking, but soon, he stood up and walked outside. Fusheng was still below...

When Jiang Shaoting went down, the meal was almost over.

Perhaps because he was in a good mood, the bowl and chopsticks in front of Xu Fusheng also moved. Although he didn't eat much, he was no longer so repulsive about eating as before.

When Jiang Shaoting stepped down the last step, he clearly saw that the smile on Xu Fusheng's face that Qian Duoduo had said something offended, never fell, but seeing him coming down, her smile froze.

Pretending not to see, Jiang Shaoting turned around and went into the kitchen, turned on the coffee machine, and made coffee for himself.

In his life, there are very few people who are worthy of his guilt, but Xu Fusheng is one of them. He once hated her, but later fell in love with her. What variables will arise in the future.

But Jiang Shaoting has never regretted marrying her until now. Even now, the only truly happy moments in his life are only two times, one is to find his sister, and the other is to be with Xu Fusheng.

Speaking of it, Jiang Shaoting feels that he is quite sad. Some people live for the word 'joy', some people live for the word 'money', some people live for the word 'color', and some people live for the word 'resentment', but he... …

For what?But not even a belief.

What is your belief?
This is what Xu Fusheng once asked himself after seeing the tattoo on his arm.

I have no faith.

Because I have no faith, I tattooed my faith on my body to remind myself all the time.

Remind yourself of what?
Remind myself that someday, I will find faith!

The coffee was brewed, and the rich aroma brought him back to his senses. Inside the mug, the coffee-colored liquid was steaming.

"What are you thinking?" Xu Fusheng's voice suddenly sounded from behind Jiang Shaoting.

His back was stiff for a moment, and he didn't speak for a while, even when Xu Fusheng had already walked beside him, he didn't even look back.

Just kept absolute silence.

Xu Fusheng watched Archie leave, as if something happened, she stopped Archie, but Archie didn't give her a direct answer, but asked her to ask Jiang Shaoting.

Jiang Shaoting slowly turned his gaze to Xu Fusheng's face, her thin body couldn't even support the goose-yellow sweater, it fell loosely on her body, it couldn't be said to be unattractive, but it still lacked some flavor.

He looked at Xu Fusheng with a special and complicated look. Xu Fusheng was stunned for a moment, and let Jiang Shaoting watch, without speaking for a while. She was sensitive to the fact that there was something different about Jiang Shaoting in front of him after he came down from upstairs. up.

"Ruixi's biological father, have you ever thought about it..." Xu Fusheng's face suddenly changed when Jiang Shaoting said this, he never speaks for no reason, could it be that the man from that night... was found by Jiang Shaoting?

"What do you mean by that?" Xu Fusheng's voice was cold.

Looking at her expression, Jiang Shaoting knew that she had misunderstood, and also blamed himself for the abruptness of what he said just now.

"I mean, do you... hate him?"

(End of this chapter)

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