Chapter 177
Jiang Ruixi had never met so many reporters. As soon as he came back, Grandpa William received a call from his father. After hanging up the phone, the entire villa was powered off. He also asked for leave from the school for him. It means to go out.

"Reporters? A lot of reporters?" Why did the reporters suddenly surround the entrance of the villa?What is their purpose?
Xu Fusheng glanced at the TV, then at the expressionless Butler William, she knew that something was wrong, and it must be something they didn't want her to see, but for a while, she couldn't express it.

Without saying anything, she turned around and walked upstairs. In fact, her heart hadn't recovered from what Jiang Shaoting told her last night. Facing such a strange situation this morning, Xu Fusheng couldn't help feeling My heart is heavy.

The moment Xu Fusheng turned his back, old butler William couldn't help heaving a long sigh of relief. If Xu Fusheng continued to ask, he really didn't know how to hide it, and now he could only delay it for a day.

But, is Xu Fusheng really such an easy-to-compromise person?
Back in the room, Xu Fusheng took out her mobile phone and connected to the 4G network. Through the curtains, she could clearly see the reporters surrounded by the door, who seemed to be discussing something cheerfully. She looked down at the mobile phone and entered her name without thinking. Then a long string of words jumped out, which made her eyes widen uncontrollably, as if she couldn't believe it.

With a clatter, he hid himself behind the curtains, fell down on the sofa, his mind went blank, and there were all kinds of obscenities in the following posts, not to mention those that mocked Jiang Shaoting.

Without even thinking about it, I searched out Jiang Shaoting's number, made a call, and the other end answered the phone quickly.

"What's wrong?" When the familiar and deep tone rang in his ears, Xu Fusheng covered his lips with one hand, and his eyes flickered.

"I'm sorry, I caused you trouble again." After sorting out his emotions, Xu Fusheng finally found his own voice, even his expression was heavy. What happened five years ago became a ticking time bomb, and finally here time to explode.

There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone, as if Jiang Shaoting was talking to someone else, but he came back soon.

"Today and Ruixi don't go out for the time being, they don't dare to be presumptuous, I have used the fastest time to initiate media intervention, and wait for me to go home!" Jiang Shaoting said concisely, without any intention of blaming Xu Fusheng, what happened five years ago He knows the truth better than anyone else, it is he who should be insulted by those words, not Fu Sheng!
"Okay, but Shao Ting, if the matter cannot be covered, don't hide it from me, okay?" Xu Fusheng held the phone in both hands, her mind was blank, she didn't know what to say or do, her voice fell silent Looking out the window.

"Xu Fusheng, you are my Jiang Shaoting's woman, no matter what, you have to be brave, understand?"

When Jiang Shaoting's voice came from the receiver, Xu Fusheng's flustered heart seemed to calm down instantly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back."

Chen Yurou sat on the sofa and watched TV comfortably. She was in a good mood since she woke up in the morning, and she even ate more breakfast.

She had to praise Jiang Jingshu's efficiency, but just overnight, these news were like mushrooms after rain, one after another, it was overwhelming.

A hundred years later, if I meet her again by fate, I will personally apologize to her. In this life, our brother and sister fate is over, and in the next life I will pay it back like a cow!And you, you have no qualifications to point fingers at me and Fusheng!

Watching the TV, Jiang Shaoting's voice kept echoing in Chen Yurou's ears. That tall and majestic man hit back at him mercilessly, and the smile on his mouth gradually froze. Now, Brother Jiang finally understood what kind of woman Xu Fusheng was. right?
Xu Fusheng is no longer the high-ranking daughter of the Xu family. She didn't know which wild man had slept with that night. She had to thank the old sister Yuxin. After changing the room card from the hotel, sister Yuxin Just cried and told her the whole thing.

It was a wrong decision for Brother Jiang to marry that woman and go home. Why is she not qualified to dictate his affairs? If it wasn't for him, he would have been completely deceived by Xu Fusheng!
Thinking of this in her heart, Chen Yurou couldn't help but chuckled softly, Xu Fusheng didn't deserve to have a man like Brother Jiang at all!

But...she still possible!
Ever since he hung up the phone, Xu Fusheng never went downstairs, sitting quietly on the sofa alone, full of thoughts.

Maybe it was because she stayed upstairs for too long, Jiang Ruixi went upstairs and opened the door, first poked her head in to see her, as if to make sure what Xu Fusheng was doing, until she saw that she was not busy , and then walked in carelessly.

"Asheng, are you hungry? I brought you some delicious food." Jiang Ruixi walked in, carrying the aroma of food, and it filled the whole bedroom in a short while. If Jiang Shaoting came back, he would not like it, after all, he is the most The annoying thing is the smell of food in the bedroom.

"There are omelets, bacon, and cheesecake, but I want to eat this! A Sheng, I even brought you a glass of milk!"

Jiang Ruixi held a tray in her small hand, she looked like a little chef in a Michelin three-star restaurant, only she was wearing a hat.

"Come here, sit here with me." Xu Fusheng patted the vacant sofa seat beside him and smiled.

Jiang Ruixi seemed to have received an amnesty, and ran over with the tray, but didn't spill the milk at all.

"Ruixi, do you have something to say to me?" Xu Fusheng took the plate he handed over, the omelette was a bit old, she didn't have much appetite, but she still put a small piece into her mouth , Eating without taste.

"Asheng, I don't call you mother, will you be unhappy?" Jiang Ruixi cut a piece of cake with a fork and put it in his mouth. The sweet cheese taste melted in his taste buds. He was happy that he could not go to school today , but also knew that something might have happened.

"A little bit." Xu Fusheng gestured for a short distance with his hand.

"But I'm not used to it yet. When I like you, you are Asheng. Even if you become a mother, you are still Asheng."

Jiang Ruixi shook her feet back and forth, muttering in a low voice, while Xu Fusheng looked at his little face sideways, as if looking thoughtful.

"In the same way, it doesn't matter what Ah Sheng has encountered or happened before. Ah Sheng is Ah Sheng... I like Ah Sheng and don't care about anything else!" Dazzling light.

"But one day, I still want to hear the word mother from you!" As if the depression in his heart was suddenly unraveled, Xu Fusheng put the omelette into his mouth and ate it, feeling quite satisfied. Compared to before, her body is much better.

"Then let's pull the hook. No matter what happens, you can't leave me. One day, I will call your mother!"

Jiang Ruixi stretched out his little finger, and he looked at Xu Fusheng quietly like this. His pupils were very dark. He was obviously only five years old, but his wisdom made people feel scared. After the initial hesitation, Xu Fusheng finally smiled. laugh.

Her smile was in stark contrast to the cold winter outside, she reached out and pressed the indoor landline, and soon old William butler came up.

"Butler William, please prepare some drinks and send them out to the reporters!"

It was freezing cold, and they worked very hard to get the first-hand materials.

Old William was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, turned around and walked out of the room. He was very quick to deal with the matter, and he stood by the bed and looked at the shocked expression of the reporter outside the door. Xu Fusheng's heart finally sank.

There is nothing to be afraid of, that is her past, if necessary, she is willing to face it honestly, she believes that Jiang Shaoting and Ruixi will always stand by her side and accompany her.

No matter what happens next moment, she has always believed in this!

Inside the hotel, Ian?Pike also saw the news, watching the picture broadcast on TV, his blue eyes faintly revealed complicated emotions.That indifferent little face appeared in his mind, and he just kept silent even when he was seriously injured...

It seems that as long as it is a woman who is entangled with Jiang Shaoting, there will be no good end. Now that even Xu Fusheng is in prison, what good is that man...?Jiang Shaoting came back near the evening. The reporters flocked to get the first-hand information, but they were blocked by the dedicated Archie. Walking through, the pace is steady, without the slightest influence.

Jiang Shaoting didn't say a word until he opened the door and entered the villa. The door was slammed shut from the inside with a bang.

Compared with the cold but lively atmosphere outside, the interior is cozy and warm. Jiang Shaoting originally thought that he would face a depressed and restless face when he came back, but he never thought that Jiang Ruixi was talking to Fu Sheng while eating fruit What, the latter smiled happily.

From head to toe, there was no sign of being influenced by the outside world. Seeing that he was back, his eyes finally fell on him.

"Are you back? Have the reporters outside left yet?" Because the curtains were drawn tightly, Xu Fusheng didn't see anything. Jiang Shaoting walked over silently, but felt that his worries all the way back were in vain.

"I thought you..." For a moment, Jiang Shaoting didn't know what words to use to describe it.

"What do you think of me?" Xu Fusheng leaned lazily on the back of the sofa chair, Jiang Ruixi opened a pair of black eyes, looking very cute, not to mention the cats and dogs in this room, full of human touch.

"It's nothing. Have you eaten breakfast and lunch? Did you take your medicine on time?"

"Dad, why have you become so wordy?" Jiang Ruixi couldn't help opening her mouth. She used to think that her father was very cool and cold, but now she is as wordy as a little old man when encountering Fusheng.

Regarding his son's complaints, Jiang Shaoting returned a stern look, causing Jiang Ruixi to gag his mouth weakly with fruit in an instant.

"I've eaten breakfast and lunch, and I've also drank the medicine. Oh yes, the pharmacist asked me to tell you that he won't be coming back today." The pharmacist left in a hurry, and only said this sentence to Xu Fusheng, Xu Fusheng That's how it was conveyed to Jiang Shaoting.

"Do whatever you want, don't worry about it." It wasn't until Jiang Shaoting was sure that his worries were unnecessary, that his complexion became better.

(End of this chapter)

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