Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 187 Move Out, Be Honest 2

Chapter 187 Move Out, Be Honest 2
There is Chen Yuxin... There is Wen Huaisu... There is Jiang Mutian and Elizabeth...

When he woke up, he could vaguely see the outline of the villa from a distance. He smiled relaxedly, but unexpectedly noticed that Jiang Shaoting's gaze was always on him.

"It feels like I haven't seen you so relaxed for a long time." Jiang Shaoting's voice was low and his tense nerves seemed to have relaxed a lot. When the car stopped in front of the villa, Jiang Ruixi was the first one to get out of the car.

"Mr. Jiang, the room has been cleaned thoroughly, and the bird's nest porridge is ready." The butler came out, an old man with a white beard, and the black housekeeper's clothes on his fat belly seemed to be almost too big to fit.

It gives people a beaming feeling, without any rigid feeling.

"Eat something first, and then heat up the medicine." Jiang Shaoting looked at Xu Fusheng, in fact, the biggest advantage of moving out is that he no longer has to worry about food and medicine problems.

The sun was just right at this time, and although the weather was cold, it was no longer so unacceptable because of the sunshine. Xu Fusheng only thought that he came out of that gloomy place, and everything he saw had a sense of vitality.

Luggage and other things were delivered to the room by a dedicated servant. As soon as he entered the door, someone delivered the bird's nest porridge.

The steaming bird's nest porridge is sweet and fragrant, the silvery bird's nest is boiled and melted, the white porridge is sticky and fragrant, and looks crystal clear, which makes people appetite, Xu Fusheng is no exception, even Jiang Ruixi likes it A bowl to go.

After drinking, I went downstairs again.

Watching her sip and sip, Jiang Shaoting finally let go of his heart that had been tense since the morning. God knows how flustered he was when Archie called to say that Fusheng had an accident.

"You don't need to go to the hospital today?" After drinking the porridge, Xu Fusheng felt warm in his stomach and felt comfortable, nestling on the bed like a cat, with a lazy posture.

"Well, as long as they don't come to provoke me, I don't want to take care of the internal affairs of the family. After all, a J&C is enough for you and Ruixi to live comfortably." In fact, what he said is considered conservative. How can pure profit be enough for their mother and son to live comfortably?
"Oh." The fluffy and soft quilt made Xu Fusheng's eyes close and open after he had just eaten. She felt that she would gain weight if she continued like this for a few days, and she yawned long while thinking about it. .

"Take off your clothes." The yawning stopped abruptly, Xu Fusheng looked at Jiang Shaoting a little dullly, what did he say just now?Take off your clothes?
Seeing her eyes widen in astonishment, Jiang Shaoting couldn't help but relax a lot.

"Let me see the injury on your back." He explained a little more, Xu Fusheng put away his astonishment, thought for a while, took off the pullover sweater, and unbuttoned his close-fitting shirt.

Jiang Shaoting sat by the bed, a large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed as far as his eyes could see, the room was very warm, even so, when the skin came into contact with the air, he couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"Get down." Jiang Shaoting ordered again, and Xu Fusheng folded his shirt on his chest and lay on the bed.

The little red marks on the back came into Jiang Shaoting's eyes, and the rough palms slowly fell, moving back and forth on the texture of her delicate skin. Xu Fusheng's hands tightly gripped the shirt in his arms, and only heard a slap , the back button of the underwear was deftly opened by the man, Xu Fusheng, who had been lying on the bed for a long time, subconsciously turned his head.

But when his eyes fell on Jiang Shaoting's face, Xu Fusheng still didn't say anything in the end.

"Don't worry, there will be no scars." Jiang Shaoting's voice is very deep, not leaving scars does not mean that he has no other thoughts on this matter, Xu Fusheng understands in his heart, in fact, she always feels that Jiang Shaoting will always have a kind of guilt for herself now And the psychology of making up, she doesn't like him now.

"I have something, I've been hesitating whether to tell you or not." Xu Fusheng looked sideways at Jiang Shaoting, to be honest, this matter, about himself and Qu Yunxi, he has been hesitating whether to tell him .

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shaoting saw her serious face, and even the laziness in her actions just now disappeared. He knew that what she said must wait for him, and it would not be simple.

"You get up first, let me put my clothes on." Xu Fusheng thought for a while, then got up and buttoned his shirt casually, and put his full breasts on the shirt, Jiang Shaoting took in the beautiful scenery in his eyes.

Until Xu Fusheng rummaged in the suitcase for a while, took out something from it, carried it behind his back, and walked back to Jiang Shaoting.

"I... will tell you everything I know, but I can't control how you will react after you know it. If you don't want to be with me, it means that we owe each other nothing. If you Still willing, I hope you can help me find out the truth!"

When Xu Fusheng said this, the uneasiness in his heart gradually became heavier, and because Jiang Shaoting didn't know what she wanted to tell him later, his expression became a little inexplicably solemn.

"You know, no matter what you have, I can't let it go..." Before Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, Xu Fusheng had already put his finger on his lips, she didn't want him to be troubled by what she said.

"Here you are." Xu Fusheng handed him the photo on his back. In fact, she had struggled for a long time, but perhaps because the other party was Jiang Shaoting, she finally chose to confess.

Jiang Shaoting took the photo from her hand, and the moment he turned it over, his pupils dilated slightly, although it was not obvious, Xu Fusheng still captured it easily.

"This man is my father, Xu Songbai. You should know who the other person is."

Xu Fusheng's voice echoed in Jiang Shaoting's ears, of course he knew who the other one was, but where did this photo come from?Why Fu Sheng's father and Qu Yunxi were together, all kinds of questions condensed into frost in this man's heart, which could not be melted for a long time.

"On the day of the wedding, you know my mother committed suicide in front of my father's tombstone. Before that, she left me a letter. She told me that I was not her child. I was brought back by my father. It was born by another woman. Later... I found this photo among the pile of old things in the basement, and I wondered, could I be Qu Yunxi's daughter?"

Xu Fusheng finally told Jiang Shaoting what he said, she knew that it was anyone who might not be able to accept it, and she had already made any preparations, even if Jiang Shaoting threw her out, she would admit it.

Jiang Shaoting didn't speak for a long time. To be honest, his head was in a mess, as if a bomb had exploded in his brain. He couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, as if he couldn't accept it for a while.

"How could you be her daughter?" He couldn't help recalling those cruel memories, Qu Yunxi was more like a devil to him, if Fusheng really had such a relationship with her...

Jiang Shaoting's words made Xu Fusheng's eyes dim a little, she didn't want this to become true, and she didn't want to have a mother like Qu Yunxi, but there were some things that she couldn't and couldn't control.

"I just said it was possible, but I didn't say it was certain. I just wanted to find out the relationship between Qu Yunxi and my father, because... this is very important to me! It is also very important to our relationship! If the truth On the day when I get to know you, if you want to divorce me, I will definitely not object." Xu Fusheng had already predicted the worst in his heart, but he didn't expect Jiang Shaoting's cold eyes to sweep over him when he said this.

"Divorce? Who said I would divorce you?" Although Jiang Shaoting was so shocked that he couldn't believe it, even so, Jiang Shaoting never had the idea of ​​divorcing Xu Fusheng, not at all.

"But if I really tell Qu Yunxi..." When Xu Fusheng said this, her eyes were a little hot. She didn't know what the unspeakable grievance was in her heart, but she felt really uncomfortable in her heart, beyond words uncomfortable.

"You are you, we are us, have you ever thought about Ruixi? What will Ruixi do if we separate?" Since he knew that Ruixi is his own son, he has considered many things not only from himself, More for Ruixi and Fusheng.

"If Qu Yunxi really has something to do with your father, it should be after she came to City A. If you are her daughter, you can also confirm this by calculating the time. I will let them investigate and do everything. It will definitely leave traces!" Jiang Shaoting once asked Archie to check Qu Yunxi's relationship before she married Wen Sen's family, but the result was nothing at that time, and he never thought that the problem actually appeared in time. Point.

"Tell me the truth, do you regret marrying me?" No matter what happened before, or what happened now, Xu Fusheng wanted to know if Jiang Shaoting regretted marrying himself!
Jiang Shaoting never thought that Xu Fusheng would ask himself such a question. The person who should be worried is himself, but he never thought that she was more worried than himself?

"I just ask you not to regret marrying me, how could I regret marrying you?" After Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, Xu Fusheng turned his eyes away, hiding the moisture in his eyes. She originally thought that this time, the relationship between the two would definitely come to an end Well, it's not like she didn't know how Qu Yunxi treated Jiang Shaoting.

Even if she is not necessarily her daughter, Jiang Shaoting definitely has a reason to leave her based on that photo alone. The two of them have experienced so many things. If they separated because of this incident, how could she not be sad ?
But Jiang Shaoting's meaning was already clearly stated here, Xu Fusheng stretched out his hand into his arms without saying a word, she was really sad, sad that Little Cherry could not arrive as scheduled, she believed that if Little Cherry was still there...

Jiang Shaoting will definitely be a good father!
Unfortunately, the two of them are still not lucky enough to keep her...

ian?As soon as Parker returned to the UK, someone sent him something by express delivery, and when he opened the outer package and saw the familiar handwriting, his eyes instantly brightened.

This is Brigitte's diary. After flipping through it briefly, it is obvious that there are traces of cropping, as if some contents were deliberately edited to prevent others from seeing it. Thinking this way, she closed the diary with a snap , He walked towards the garage without thinking, he had already guessed who sent the diary to him, and now he was going to ask him...

What is the hidden content, everything about Brigitte, how much did the man not tell himself!
"What does the wolf do?" As if thinking of this question suddenly, Xu Fusheng looked sideways at Jiang Shaoting with doubts in his eyes. Although it was the first time he saw this man, the aura exuding from him was no less than that of Jiang Shaoting. Jiang Shaoting even tried to overpower him at certain moments, which made Xu Fusheng extremely curious about what he was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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