Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 192 Waiting for the Rabbit 1

Chapter 192 Waiting for the Rabbit 1
What's more, the matter involved Fu Sheng, and it was even more impossible for him to choose to ignore it.

This meal needs to be eaten bite by bite, and of course the bill has to be settled one by one. Everyone can't escape...

"What did you say? Shao Ting wanted Tan by name?" Sitting in a wheelchair, Jiang Meiwan froze in place, as if she couldn't believe her ears, especially when these words came from Qu Yunxi's mouth. She was struck by lightning.

"Yes, call for Tan, otherwise he will not be able to solve everyone's difficulties this time!" To be honest, Qu Yunxi felt that he underestimated Jiang Shaoting this time, and he used those side branches who had a good relationship with her as threats , but in front of them, she only asked such a seemingly simplest solution request, how could she not agree?
Can promise later?Looking at Jiang Meiwan's pale face, I'm afraid it's even more turbulent!
"No! No!" Jiang Meiwan gritted her teeth!Anyone can give it to Jiang Shaoting, but Tan can't!
As if she already knew what Jiang Meiwan would say, Qu Yunxi was silent for a while. In fact, in her opinion, Tan was nothing more than a servant. He was chosen to take care of Mei Wan at the beginning. Do too much.

"Mom, I beg you, everyone is fine except Tan, only Tan can't!" Jiang Meiwan grabbed Qu Yunxi with both hands, no, absolutely not, she couldn't imagine a life without Tan, from the moment she opened her eyes From the moment I opened my eyes, it was Tan who was taking care of himself.

Qu Yunxi remained silent, but she had already made a decision in her heart. Jiang Shaoting's meaning was very clear. If sacrificing Tan could bring everyone's well-being, she would naturally not be able to make a decision that was not good for everyone because of Jiang Meiwan's relationship. .

"I don't need to talk about this matter anymore. I will find someone to take Tan's place and send him there tomorrow. He shouldn't say a word, and he can't say a word!" After saying this, Qu Yunxi didn't even look at Jiang Meiwan , turned around and walked out of the room.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Tan standing at the door, and Qu Yunxi looked at him. It was obvious that he had heard the conversation between himself and Mei Wan, but his face was still as calm as usual, making it impossible for anyone to see anything strange. .

"Tan, even if it's for Mei Wan, there are some things you have to rot in your stomach, do you understand?" Qu Yunxi said in a deep voice, with a strong sense of oppression in her eyes, Tan still remained silent, but her gaze was as if Nothing fell on Jiang Meiwan's side.

Jiang Meiwan threw things in the room like crazy. After Qu Yunxi left, Tan entered the bedroom and stood indoors as usual. She didn't start to pack until she was almost exhausted. Maybe For him, this is the last time.

"Miss, don't worry, I won't say anything. Even if I die, I will defend you to the death." Compared to Jiang Meiwan, Tan thought very openly, reaching out his hand to wipe away the tears on Jiang Meiwan's face, but He lowered his hand slowly when he was about to touch her.

In the future, someone else will do the job, and all he can do is stick to the last day.

"Tan, I'm sorry, I can't protect you!" Jiang Meiwan burst into tears, her beautiful facial features squeezed together. Since the day of the car accident, her life has never been so presumptuous. Tan has been with her for so many years. The best time in life was given to her, but now...she doesn't even have the ability to protect him!
Tan Ban knelt on the floor, put his hands on her knees, and slowly comforted Jiang Meiwan.

"Miss, I won't be by your side in the future, you take care of yourself, don't worry, I won't confide a word you shouldn't say, you can rest assured to me!" Tan couldn't help but recalled the appearance when he first met Jiang Meiwan, She was thin and small in a wheelchair, her eyes were lifeless and lifeless.

In a blink of an eye, it has been so many years since he followed her.

"What would I do without you?" Jiang Meiwan has never hated Jiang Shaoting like this moment. He never put her in his eyes, but until now, he even wants to take away his last company.

"Even without me, there are still many people who want to stay by your side, miss. Don't worry, madam will let someone take care of you!" Tan thought very clearly, he must have gone and never returned, but he He is not afraid at all, it is his blessing to be able to do things for Miss.

Jiang Meiwan shook her head desperately, almost desperate, as if her backbone had been taken away by someone else.

"Tan, you really...can't say anything, right?" Jiang Meiwan's eyes were full of worry for some reason. To be honest, she was actually very afraid that Jiang Shaoting would know what Jing Shu did. Tan's Participation made her inevitably involved in the whole game.

When Tan heard Jiang Meiwan's words, she couldn't help laughing bitterly. In fact, in her heart, she was still a little worried about him, right?
"Miss, I said I wouldn't say a single word I shouldn't say, I can prove it to you!" Just before Jiang Meiwan could react, Tan muffled, with bright red blood running down the corners of her thin lips flow down.

Jiang Meiwan turned pale with shock, fell heavily from the wheelchair to the floor, and Tan actually bit off most of her tongue...

Suddenly the bell rang loudly in the villa, and the servant walked over quickly to pick up the phone. After hearing two sentences, his expression changed drastically, he hung up the phone and walked quickly towards the second floor, until he saw Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng Jiang Ruixi in the study The expressions on the faces of the family of three were not at all relieved.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shaoting put away the signature pen, and Jiang Ruixi, who was next to him, raised the crooked characters he had written and held them in front of Xu Fusheng, with an expression like asking for a reward, which made her laugh.

"The bodyguard next to Ms. Jiang Meiwan bit her tongue..." Knowing that he was the one Jiang Shaoting wanted, the housekeeper didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly reported the news upstairs, the urgency in his voice can be imagined.

"What? Is he dead?" Xu Fusheng stood up abruptly. She didn't expect Tan to respond in such a violent way. On the other hand, Jiang Shaoting sat in his seat very calmly, as if he had already expected it. There are various possibilities.

"The man is not dead, he was sent to the hospital for rescue, but...he can't speak!" When he said this, the housekeeper looked at Jiang Shaoting, and after making sure his expression hadn't changed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Housekeeper, find some people to take Tan out of the hospital and ask a special doctor to take care of him."

The butler was dumbfounded. If he wants to bring Tan back, he needs someone to take care of him?Isn't that Miss Mei Wan's bodyguard?As for making such a big battle?Thinking this way in my heart, I didn't say anything, I just nodded and left.

As soon as the door was closed, Xu Fusheng's face turned gray.

"Tan..." For a moment, she didn't know what to say. As for Jiang Ruixi, she had already sensed that something was wrong between the two of them, and she nestled obediently on the sofa, muttering in her heart whether she was going to move again. Let's go back?
"Didn't the person come back after being rescued, don't worry."

"Even though he was rescued, you also heard that the steward said he can't speak anymore." Xu Fusheng originally wanted to get some news from Tan, but now it seems that it is impossible.

"I didn't expect him to say anything." Tan was originally trained with Archie and stayed. Jiang Meiwan was in urgent need of a bodyguard, so she kept No.2 Tan with her. Just because of this, Tan would be devoted to Jiang Meiwan.

Jiang Shaoting didn't expect to get anything from Tan's mouth at first, but he naturally has his purpose to touch Tan!
Xu Fusheng didn't speak. In fact, she didn't have anything to say. She originally thought that she could turn around, but she didn't expect to fall into another predicament, and she collapsed on the sofa weakly.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Shaoting could see what she was thinking at a glance, he got up from the desk and walked to Xu Fusheng's side, stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, and made Xu Fusheng look directly at him.

"I beg you to trust me this time, okay?" Jiang Shaoting had a rare joke, and stood in front of Xu Fusheng, not letting her see where he was in the way, and just let her look at him domineeringly, Xu Fusheng Forced to have no choice but to raise his head.

"Then tell me your plan!" Xu Fusheng frankly said what he wanted to know.

Jiang Shaoting first smiled steadily when he heard the words, but Xu Fusheng still hated his way of playing tricks.

"Do you want to say it? If you don't say it, I'll leave!" Xu Fusheng pretended to stand up and walk outside, but Jiang Shaoting immediately pulled her back to the sofa in front of him.

"Okay, okay, I said, I said it's okay!" He really convinced her.

"Who do you think will be the person you are most afraid of after Tan's accident?" Jiang Shaoting asked a question, and Xu Fusheng was stunned for a moment. He was about to talk about Jiang Meiwan, but felt that something was wrong. After thinking for a long time, he finally shook his head. shook his head.

"Actually, I don't know either!" As soon as Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, Xu Fusheng swept his arm, thinking that he was just playing with him?
"But I don't know now, but it doesn't mean I won't know forever. Everyone knows that the accident happened to Tan because of me. Now Tan has become what he is now. Guess, people who have something to do with him will not Will you start to panic? Or even lose your footing?"

After Jiang Shaoting's words fell, Xu Fusheng's eyes lit up. She really cared but was confused, which he didn't expect.

"So we just have to wait?" Xu Fusheng looked at Jiang Shaoting, and finally his tone became slightly better.

"Just sit here and wait for the rabbit. As long as you bring Tan back, are you afraid that no rabbit will come to your door?"

Jiang Shaoting's words are already very clear, Xu Fusheng naturally understands, his expression is finally completely relaxed, he thought he had come to a desperate situation, but he didn't expect it to be another village... The most famous private hospital in Britain was temporarily closed for the first time Thank you.

Surrounded by professional guards with stern faces, those who don't know where they thought the elders of the country lived in. Even the patients who have been admitted for treatment are asked not to leave their wards for unnecessary things.

Even doctors who enter and exit special wards have to take off their masks for verification before entering and exiting, so that they can pass.

The person living in the ward is Tan, who was picked up from Wensen's mansion and bit his tongue. After rescue, his body is no longer in serious condition, but due to severe nerve damage, his language function can no longer be recovered. These are also conveyed by the doctor It was given to Jiang Meiwan.

(End of this chapter)

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