Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 204 Red Birthmarks

Chapter 204 Red Birthmarks
"Mom, when are we going to leave?" Jiang Ruixi didn't see Xu Fusheng speak for a long time, and stretched out her small hand to tug at the corner of her clothes, hoping that she would recover quickly, Xu Fusheng lived up to his expectations and looked down at Xiao Ruixi.

As for Jiang Ruixi's blinking black eyes, it was impossible to refuse him.

"Let's go downstairs, make some simple snacks, and send them to your father!" Although the bruise from the previous car accident was still painful when he moved, when he saw Jiang Ruixi's eyes, Xu Fusheng really couldn't say no. .

"Oh, that's great! There's something delicious!" Jiang Ruixi couldn't help cheering, and the toon lying in his arms silently glanced at the little master, and gave a slightly disdainful meow, stupid human beings, meow My lord, I would never scream over a trifle!
Jiang Ruixi simply took Xu Fusheng's hand and walked downstairs, Xu Fusheng shook his head with a smile, there was really nothing he could do...

After spending about two hours, Xu Fusheng finally made some small pastries that Jiang Shaoting liked to eat before, put them in a special bento box, and even decorated them before handing them over to the long-awaited Impatient Jiang Ruixi.

Because she couldn't drive by herself, Xu Fusheng could only ask Old William's butler to call the driver. After what happened last time, unless it was a special situation, Xu Fusheng would never want to touch the steering wheel again!
"Mom, let's go!" Jiang Ruixi grabbed Xu Fusheng's wrist and ran towards the garage. The full-time driver arrived soon, and the car carrying Xu Fusheng and Jiang Ruixi slowly drove out of the carved flowers in the villa area door.

Xu Fusheng was a little nervous at first, and she would recall what happened that day when she was sitting in the car, but slowly, perhaps because Jiang Ruixi was by her side, her tense nerves finally relaxed, and she slowly adjusted herself Emotions.

"Ma'am, this is the time when school ends. The road might be crowded. Can you take another road?" The driver's voice came from the front, and Xu Fusheng looked out the window. The road was really crowded, so he just agreed.

This is an old driver who has been driving for many years. He is very familiar with the road sections of City A. He turned the steering wheel to the left and drove towards the other road.

I don't know how long it has passed, Xu Fusheng glanced out of the window inadvertently, but unexpectedly saw a familiar figure, although it was fleeting, it still attracted Xu Fusheng's attention.

"Please stop the car in front." Xu Fusheng couldn't help but speak.

Although the driver didn't know what happened, he still stopped a little ahead of what Xu Fusheng said. Xu Fusheng first patted Jiang Ruixi on the shoulder, signaling him to stay in the car and wait for him, and then opened the door to get out. car.

Although it was a quick glance just now, Xu Fusheng believed that he was right. It should be the fourth tenant of Qian Duoduo, Zeng Jingyu, anchor Zeng. Once again saw Zeng Jingyu's figure.

Zeng Jingyu seemed to be looking somewhere in a daze, holding a file bag in her hand, she didn't notice that Xu Fusheng was slowly approaching her, her face without anchor makeup was very elegant, like a blooming flower Like a lotus, it is unforgettable.

"Anchor Zeng, I didn't expect to meet you here." Seeing that she hadn't discovered her existence for a long time, Xu Fusheng finally spoke. Zeng Jingyu seemed to be taken aback, and turned her head to look at Xu Fusheng with panic in her eyes It's gone for a while, but it's back to normal soon.

"It's you! Why are you here?" Zeng Jingyu slightly put the things in her hands on her back, as if she didn't want others to see them, but Xu Fusheng didn't mind, but she just sneered just now , there seemed to be a logo on that file bag that looked familiar to him.

"I was passing by here, and I saw you just now, and saw you standing here all the time, so I wanted to ask if you could help me?" For a moment, Xu Fusheng couldn't remember what the sign he saw just now was, and Xu Fusheng smiled at Zeng Jingyu said.

"No... nothing, I just took a look around here! I didn't expect to meet you, what a coincidence!" Zeng Jingyu also smiled, and Xu Fusheng felt that his decision to get off the car just now seemed to be a bit hasty , the scene became a little colder.

"Don't mind me, my personality... I'm not very gregarious. In fact, Duoduo told me about you many times. It's a pleasure to meet you!" As if realizing that she had made the scene cool down, Zeng Jingyu hurriedly added In a word, there was a faint blush on the cheeks, not at all like the calm and dignified appearance seen on the TV screen.

"It's nice to meet you too, do you need help?" She saw Zeng Jingyu standing here just now, except for the empty square and steps, Xu Fusheng didn't see anything else.

Zeng Jingyu lowered her head, as if she was really thinking about this problem seriously, Xu Fusheng didn't urge her, but inadvertently saw the file bag in Zeng Jingyu's hand again, vaguely, Xu Fusheng saw it again that icon.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Fusheng finally figured out where she had seen this sign, isn't this the sign of the Welfare Institute in City A?

How could Zeng Jingyu stand here in a daze with such a portfolio?

"Excuse me, can you take me to the subway station in front of you?" The words lingered on Zeng Jingyu's lips twice, and in the end he only uttered this sentence. Xu Fusheng knew that this was not Zeng Jingyu Originally, she wanted to say something, but since she didn't want to say it, she naturally wouldn't ask more questions.

"Of course, the car is parked in front, come with me!" Xu Fusheng stopped mentioning what happened just now, and walked forward with a smile. Seeing that she didn't ask any more questions, Zeng Jingyu turned her back Can't help but breathe a sigh of relief...

On the way, Zeng Jingyu always looked preoccupied. Although Xu Fusheng saw it, she didn't want to say it, so she naturally wouldn't take the initiative to ask, but Jiang Ruixi tilted her head to look at her with a snack box in her arms. His jet-black eyes were shining brightly.

During this period, some bumps were encountered on the road, and the file bag Zeng Jingyu put on the side of the seat fell off. She hurriedly bent down and struggled to get the file bag out from under the car seat. A small piece of white and delicate skin was exposed on the back of her waist. Outside, Jiang Ruixi clearly caught him.

"Sister, sister, there is a red thing on the back of your waist!" Jiang Ruixi said in a childlike manner, and Zeng Jingyu, who picked up the file bag again, was taken aback, but Xu Fusheng saw it first. , Sure enough, there is a red birthmark with a special appearance.

"It's a birthmark, it's been there since I was a child." Zeng Jingyu pulled down her shirt and blocked it again.

It didn't take long to arrive at the entrance of the subway station. Archie parked the car on the side of the road. Zeng Jingyu said hello to Xu Fusheng and got off the car. Soon, she disappeared among the people coming and going. Looking thoughtfully at the direction in which she disappeared, she asked Archie to continue driving...

Archie drove the car directly into the underground parking lot of J&C Group, Xu Fusheng's expression was somewhat uncomfortable.

After all, this is the place where she used to work. After so many things happened after the wedding, she never came back. Although she mentioned it to Jiang Shaoting, it seems that the man prefers her to stay at home. where you can see it anytime.

Of course, Xu Fusheng didn't care about this, but the change of her identity made her feel somewhat inexplicable towards J&C Group. Fortunately, there is an exclusive elevator that can go directly to the upstairs. Thinking of this, Xu Fusheng's face His expression is somewhat better.

Jiang Ruixi was naturally the first to get out of the car, carrying the snack box and rushed towards the elevator, but Xu Fusheng came down unhurriedly, but as soon as his feet landed, he felt a sharp eye from not far away. The light falls on itself.

Almost subconsciously, she looked in the direction of the line of sight, not far from the place where Archie parked, and Yin Luli had just got off the car. Seeing her back, her feminine features were covered with a layer of indelible haze.

Xu Fusheng knew that Yin Luli didn't want to see him, just as he didn't want to see him for a reason.

Seeing each other, it seems that you will see the fragmented past five years ago, mixed with strong grievances that cannot be resolved, which makes both of them uncomfortable. Thinking of this, Xu Fusheng turned around and wanted to follow Jiang Ruixi. go.

"Xu Fusheng." She didn't expect that Yin Luli would stop her, and the moment she heard his voice, Xu Fusheng stopped, waiting expressionlessly for what he was about to say next, and Archie Obviously realizing that the situation here is not right, he turned around vigilantly and made a gesture to block Yin Luli's approach!

"I want to talk to you alone." Seeing Archie approaching, Yin Luli stopped knowingly and looked at Xu Fusheng from a distance. How long have you been watching him like this.

"Okay." Just when Yin Luli thought it was impossible for her to agree, Xu Fusheng gave him an affirmative answer.

Archie frowned in disapproval.

"But Archie must be present. This is my only condition." Xu Fusheng looked at Yin Luli. After all, this is the J&C Group. She believed that it was impossible for him to do something out of control, but the identities of the two of them were special after all. , if no one else was present, Xu Fusheng was very worried that he would be taken advantage of by those who wanted to, not to mention that Archie could guarantee her personal safety.

"Mom, come here quickly!" In front of the elevator, Jiang Ruixi waved desperately at her.

"Ruixi, you go up and deliver the things to your father first, and I'll go up later!" Different from the expression when he faced Yin Luli, Xu Fusheng smiled, even looked a little gentle from the side, this is Yin Luli hadn't seen a smile for a long time.

The elevator door opened, Jiang Ruixi turned her head again and again, then got on the elevator and walked upstairs.

"Now tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?" Seeing Ruixi going upstairs, Xu Fusheng turned his eyes back to Yin Luli's face, which was still the same as it was five years ago in his memory, but Things have changed.

"Xu Fusheng, I'm getting married soon." Yin Luli said this suddenly, Xu Fusheng didn't react for a while, looked at him, his expression didn't fluctuate, Yin Luli took this reaction into his eyes, for some reason, there was something in his heart A feeling of disappointment is spreading.

"Oh, congratulations." Although he didn't understand what Yin Luli meant, Xu Fusheng finally opened his mouth coldly.

"No matter what happened between us, it's over. I won't disturb your life, and you don't want to pester me anymore!" When Yin Luli said this, his expression seemed to be very ugly, and Xu Fusheng heard , but laughed sarcastically.

(End of this chapter)

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