Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 212 1 Diary 1 Murder 1

Chapter 212 A Diary, A Murder 1
When facing Dong Yufen, Xin Rui seemed to automatically put on a mask, and after seeing Xu Fusheng again, she somewhat relaxed, but it was only a little bit. Even though she had just given birth, Xin Rui's back was still quite Straight, like her dignity, cannot be trampled on.

"Fusheng, tell Duoduo and Jingyu for me that I'm leaving at dawn." Xin Rui didn't say much, and ended up talking, and it was precisely because of this that Xu Fusheng felt even more sad that she was leaving. , After so many years, I don't know how dangerous the road ahead is.

"Bon voyage." Xu Fusheng didn't know what to say to her at this time, let alone Dong Yufen was there.

"You are the one, Fusheng... This child needs you to worry a lot." Xin Rui stretched out her hand tremblingly, Xu Fusheng hurriedly lowered her body so that she could caress the child's face. Dong Yufen, who was not far away, frowned when she heard her words.

"Don't you take this child back? Rui'er, this is your child, are you willing to do it?" The words were three parts fake and three parts probing, and the rest of the meaning was unclear, and Xin Rui was about to burst into tears when she heard these words He was forced back abruptly.

"There's nothing to be reluctant about. It's just a bastard. Someone takes care of me. I'm too happy!" Xin Rui said coldly, and then looked at Dong Yufen with complicated eyes.

"Could it be that you want me to take her home?" After Xin Rui said this, Dong Yufen stopped talking, but her face was a little gloomy, neither good-looking nor bad-looking. In short, Xu Fusheng felt a little uncomfortable. Comfortable.

However, if Xin Rui had to leave at dawn, it would be impossible for Canglang to see her even if he came to the hospital.

"I'll see you off." This may be the only thing you can do now as a friend.

"You don't need to send me off. I will come back after my business is over. It's just Fusheng, there is something I want to tell you!" Xin Rui finally showed her first faint smile since Xu Fusheng entered the door. , so cute, but revealing the sourness of green plums.

"Wicked people never think that what they do is wrong. You can't be soft on the wicked, otherwise, those people will step on you and show off your power for the rest of your life!" After the words fell, Xu Fusheng's heart trembled, he raised his head and looked at Xin Rui, Those bright and clear eyes are full of complexity at this moment!
"I understand." In three simple words, Xu Fusheng already knew what Xin Rui wanted to say to him...

The sun poured into the ward, just like what Xin Rui said, Xu Fusheng did not go downstairs to see her off, he held the little baby in his arms, her eyes fell on the distance, Jiang Shaoting pushed the door and entered That's what she looked like when I saw her.

"Xin Rui is gone." She heard Jiang Shaoting's voice coming in, Xu Fusheng said lightly, and then fell into silence again.

As if sensing something, the baby girl in Xu Fusheng's arms opened her bright black eyes, just like Xin Rui, indescribably beautiful.

Xu Fusheng didn't speak, and Jiang Shaoting didn't speak, standing beside her, in fact, he didn't sleep all night, but he couldn't see the slightest haggardness on his face, I don't know how long it passed like this, only heard the door slamming, pulling The door was pushed open from the outside.

In fact, the difference between the two was only about half an hour. Canglang's subordinates stood still on the left and right sides of the sliding door. Canglang walked into the ward with steady steps, but when his sharp eyes fell on the empty hospital bed, the handsome There was no indifference on the face like a god, but some complex fluctuations were revealed instead. He didn't speak for a long time, just looking at the empty bed.

I don't know if he felt the breath of a stranger, but the baby girl in Xu Fusheng's arms opened her mouth and began to cry. The sound was particularly harsh in the silent ward. Xu Fusheng recalled that Xin Rui walked in a hurry, and the baby girl actually Didn't even drink a sip of colostrum.

When Canglang saw the baby in Xu Fusheng's arms, his whole body felt like he was struck by lightning, and even his originally cold eyes began to become hot. He took two steps forward, as if he wanted to come to Xu Fusheng , and Xu Fusheng recalled Xin Rui's entrustment, although he didn't move, his expression was somewhat wary.

"I want to hug her." When Canglang spoke, there was only a resolute affirmative sentence, and even this sentence was so sonorous and forceful. It was the first time Xu Fusheng heard someone speak like this. He was stunned for a moment before realizing it later. In hindsight, I came over.

She thought about it, but finally handed him the baby girl in her arms.

It seems that Xu Fusheng gave the child to him so happily, Canglang was obviously taken aback, just looked down at the crying child, he didn't seem to know how to vent his emotions, just looked down.

I don't know how long it has passed like this, the wolf finally reached out to the baby girl, but before touching the chubby little face, the baby girl stretched out her small hand to hold the wolf's slender face as if she had sensed something. fingers, so just right, unbiased!

This scene, even Xu Fusheng felt extremely strange when he saw it, let alone other people.

The baby girl who was still crying held the wolf's hand and brought it to her mouth. She was still crying, but now she stopped crying. She opened her toothless mouth and sucked the wolf's hand directly in her mouth, as if Hungry, like playing with wolves.

The wolf's deep eyes fell on the baby girl's face, and he stood like this, letting her suck her own finger, and seemed to be looking at another person through her, his eyes were too deep, Xu Fusheng couldn't understand it at all.

"What about her?" Canglang finally found his voice, and seemed to have given up on the idea of ​​hugging the child.

"I'm back in City S. I haven't been away for half an hour. If you go after it now, there's still time." Xu Fusheng didn't want to intervene and couldn't intervene in the matter between Canglang and Xin Rui, but she knew when to say what to say. At this time, the baby girl in his arms was drowsy again, Canglang pulled out his fingers, looking at the wet marks on the skin, he seemed a little distracted.

"This child, she is entrusted to you, please take care of it for me, in a few days, someone will come and take her away!" After Canglang said this, regardless of other people's reactions, his tall figure was already Turning around and walking towards the door, soon, his figure had disappeared at the door.

Xu Fusheng looked down at the child. All in all, the child was going to follow him, but he didn't know if it was God pitying her, letting this little baby take the place of Little Cherry who had left, to accompany him for a while.

"Everyone is gone, let's go too." After a long time, Xu Fusheng raised his head and looked at Jiang Shaoting who hadn't said a word since the wolf came in. Xin Rui went to live her own life, and she, too Get ready for your tomorrow...

After a whole night without sleep, Jiang Shaoting ordered the kitchen to make some light things. As for the reporters who had been guarding the door, Jiang Shaoting also used some iron fists to force them back. He made sure that the surrounding security had been upgraded to the highest level. Take it easy.

Xu Fusheng didn't have much appetite, he only picked up a few chopsticks and put it down, Jiang Shaoting was different from her, he had to go to the company during the day, just seeing her like this, he was not at ease, but Xu Fusheng finally let him leave .

"Asheng..." Jiang Ruixi, who came down the stairs, was sleepy, and saw Xu Fusheng holding a child in his arms in a daze. The sleepiness disappeared all of a sudden, and she ran to Xu Fusheng, staring down at the child baby girl.

"This is sister Xinrui's child. She has something to leave, so I will take care of it first." Despite being very tired, Xu Fusheng patiently explained to Jiang Ruixi. Jiang Ruixi stood motionless next to Xu Fusheng. Finally, he stretched out his fingers and poked the baby's cheek very quickly, which woke up the sleeping baby and started crying.

"That's great! I have a younger sister!" Jiang Ruixi's small face seemed to be covered with a layer of light, turning a deaf ear to the baby's piercing cries, with a sense of responsibility of "I am a brother" on her whole face.

Xu Fusheng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. She originally thought that Ruixi would reject this sudden child, but she didn't expect him to accept her so smoothly, and also saved the excuses she had prepared.

"Why does she keep crying?" Jiang Ruixi looked at the little baby who kept crying, her eyes full of curiosity.

"She's hungry, so of course she'll cry." Xu Fusheng ordered the servant to make some milk powder first. Fortunately, she had already prepared baby supplies on the way back. Jiang Ruixi heard a thoughtful look, and then went back and forth making faces before her eyes.

Gradually, the crying became quieter, and the baby girl stared at Jiang Ruixi with clean eyes, with an innocent and ignorant look on her face.

"Mom, what's her name?" Jiang Ruixi felt very proud of being able to stop her from crying. She raised her head to look at Xu Fusheng, but soon her eyes were attracted by the shiny thing on the neck of the infant girl.

The necklace was still too big for the baby girl, it slipped off at some point, was pinched out by Jiang Ruixi, and handed to Xu Fusheng again.

"You can call her...Little Cherry first." When Xu Fusheng's eyes fell on the pendant with two fishes playing in the water, he couldn't help but pause for a moment. This thing is really unique. Thinking about it in his heart, he put it on carefully. Keep it……

When Chen Yurou called Yin Luli, Jiang Jingshu stayed beside Yin Luli. After Fu Yu entered the prison, Yin Luli seemed to be a different person. His gloomy face was like dripping ink every day. There is always a feeling of fear.

What's more, she also did something wrong with Wen Huaisu's matter, so she was naturally in a state of panic all day long, not to mention that she would have some weird nightmares at night, dreaming that her hands were covered with blood, and finally she was swallowed by those filthy things. devour.

"Yurou said she had a nightmare and wanted to visit the place where Yuxin used to live, so I'll take her there." Yin Luli took the car keys and simply explained to Jiang Jingshu. Jiang Jingshu strangely did not express any dissatisfaction, but Silently looked at Yin Luli's leaving back, his eyes were gloomy...

Yin Luli bought the house that Chen Yuxin used to live in, but since the incident five years ago, he has kept it sealed up. Five years ago, except for the place where the dustproof cloth was covered in the room, Everything else is dusty.

"Brother Yin, I want to stay here alone for a while." Chen Yurou's face was pale and haggard, and her voice was soft and weak, making people feel pitiful. Yin Luli came back to this place for the first time after five years, and his expression was a little dazed. , but only for a moment.

"Okay, call me if you have something to do, and I'll come to pick you up right away." After Yin Luli said this, he left, as if he would suffocate if he stayed here for a second longer, and even his footsteps were in a hurry .

(End of this chapter)

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