Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 219 Don't Let Her Worry

Chapter 219 Don't Let Her Worry

Man, really cheap!
When Xu Fusheng returned home, Jiang Ruixi was teasing Little Cherry. Old Butler William had just changed Little Cherry's diapers. It could be seen that Old William Butler didn't want to ask any more questions about Little Cherry who suddenly appeared in the villa. the meaning of.

"Madam, you're back." Seeing her coming back, Old William stood up, washed his hands first, then went to the kitchen, and brought out the milk that had been hot all the time. Unexpectedly, Jiang Ruixi saw standing straight The body ran towards him.

"My mine, I'll give it to Asheng!" Jiang Ruixi took it from Old William, and walked towards Xu Fusheng cautiously.

"Ah Sheng, here you are. Dad said that if you want to come back, I will give you hot milk!" Jiang Shaoting just called, perhaps knowing that she would not be in a good mood, so he specially asked Old William to prepare hot milk and some small drinks. dessert.

Xu Fusheng quietly looked down at Jiang Ruixi's lovely face, and didn't speak for a long time. It wasn't until she came back here that she felt that she was truly alive, and even her breathing became free.

"Where's your father? When did you come back?" Xu Fusheng reached out to take the hot milk. She had something to say to Jiang Shaoting, but she didn't know where to start. For a while, she became entangled on her own.

"Father said he would come back later today." Jiang Ruixi's big black and white eyes were shining brightly, and then he ran back to Little Cherry. Recently, he has become too interested in Little Cherry. The baby is soft and fragrant, which makes him People can't help but want to go up and pinch.

"Butler William, please help me take care of Little Cherry. I want to go up and take a rest." Xu Fusheng could see that because of Little Cherry, Old Butler William even got rid of the eight o'clock series and devoted himself to taking care of her. child.

I heard from Jiang Shaoting that Ruixi was brought up by the housekeeper William at that time, so Xu Fusheng naturally wouldn't worry about letting him take care of her.

"Okay, ma'am." Old William became even happier when he heard Xu Fusheng's order. These years, the young master has grown up day by day, although he has relaxed a lot, but it is because of the relaxation that he always feels strangely empty.

Now with this little baby, he is happier than anyone!

Xu Fusheng watched the old and the young scrambling to pick up Little Cherry, and couldn't help but chuckled softly and went upstairs...

Although he said he wanted to rest, Xu Fusheng couldn't fall asleep. He tossed and turned his mind full of Yin Luli's ugly face when he was talking, so he simply sat up and went to the table to find a pen and paper to smooth his messy head. .

On the pure white paper, Xu Fusheng gradually wrote down the information he got today one by one.

First, I met Fu Yu in the detention center, and knew that it was Chen Yuxin who asked Yin Luli to move his brake line.Then, Shao Ting told her about Chen Yurou's death, and Ye Yiming's phone call followed. Then, she learned more details about Chen Yurou's death, and also knew that the funds in Chen Yuxin's account had a strange trend of change. The source of the funds can already be known from abroad.

I also learned from Yin Luli that there were indeed people who kept sending money to Chen Yuxin back then, the purpose of which was to ruin her own reputation, and perhaps... more importantly, to ruin the Xu family's reputation!

At the same time, Xu Fusheng also knew that the accident that the Xu family had experienced back then should not have come to the end, and it was the person behind the scenes who contributed to it.

Xu Fusheng listed each item in detail on the piece of paper. He didn't put down the pen until he finished writing it. He read it carefully from beginning to end to make sure that there was nothing missing. Only then did he really start to meditate. stand up.

First, who exactly funded Chen Yuxin back then, making her ruin her reputation?

Second, why did Chen Yurou die?Could her death have something to do with this matter?

Xu Fusheng didn't know the answer to these two questions. She knew too much news today, but at this moment, she felt powerless. She only felt that she was very tired, which was the kind of exhaustion that spread from her heart. .

Where is the person who wanted to destroy his reputation now?Another point is, the other party is quiet now, has given up the idea of ​​hurting her?Or... dormant, wanting to give her a fatal blow when he was most vulnerable?
Xu Fusheng didn't speak, and stretched out his hand to cover the densely written paper, even the expression on his face became heavy.

"Who the hell are you? What is your... purpose?" Xu Fusheng asked, wanting to find the answer, but couldn't get what she wanted. Suddenly, the paper in front of her fell to the ground, and her heart was in a mess. The enemies among them made her feel the pressure.

Who could it be that has such a deep hatred with him?Or, is there such a deep hatred with the Xu family?

When this question weighed heavily on her heart, Xu Fusheng sat in the same position for a long time, but soon, a thought flashed across her brain, making her eyes couldn't help but smile. squint.

Immediately afterwards, without even thinking about it, Xu Fusheng took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Shaoting's number. The phone rang for a long time, and Xu Fusheng was a little anxious. Fortunately, at the last moment, Jiang Shaoting still picked up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shaoting's voice was very low, as if he was suppressing something.

Xu Fusheng gripped the phone tightly and didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"Shao Ting, can you come back first? I have something to tell you!" After a long time, Xu Fusheng finally spoke, and Jiang Shaoting on the other end of the phone was obviously silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about how to answer.

"Fusheng, I have something to deal with here..."

"Shao Ting, it's a very important matter, come back first and I'll talk to you later!" Xu Fusheng knew that since Jiang Shao Ting spoke, there must be something important over there, but Chen Yurou's death was also an important part of it. isn't it?

"It's about Chen Yuxin, come back first, I can't say clearly on the phone for a while!" After Xu Fusheng finished speaking, he was not in a hurry to hang up the phone, and Jiang Shaoting on the other end of the phone suddenly became heavy breathing.

"I see, I'll be back soon!" In a special temporary room in the hospital.

Jiang Shaoting hung up the phone. In fact, at this moment, his complexion was pale, his breathing was rough and heavy, and he was holding his ribs with one hand. Although he tried his best to appear normal when he answered the phone just now, he was actually suffering from an incomprehensible pain. pain of.

"Mr. Jiang." Looking at his appearance, Archie was really anxious. Just now their car was driving normally on the way to J&C Group, but he never thought that a car suddenly rushed out from the side, heavy or even missing. Any signs of braking came crashing down!

Although Archie reacted very quickly, Jiang Shaoting in the car inevitably endured the violent impact, causing the old injury to recur.

The desperate car then retreated as fast as possible, and Archie was concerned about Jiang Shaoting, so he didn't chase it.

"Wait for the company's car to come and go straight back to the villa. Remember, don't tell Fusheng, don't make her worry!" Jiang Shaoting's waist and abdomen were wrapped in layers of bandages, and the lower part was a reset belt. The car crash caused him to relapse from the injury he suffered when he lost control in Fusheng last time. He wanted to go back later, but he didn't expect that Fusheng's phone call happened at this time.

"Don't tell my wife, there are some precautions..." Archie was about to speak, but Jiang Shaoting's cold eyes swept over him.

In fact, before Xu Fusheng came to this house, Archie always acted like Jiang Shaoting said something, and then executed it, but since Xu Fusheng came, even Archie seemed to have a soul.

"The pressure she has been under recently is not much less than mine. Don't make her suffer anymore. I will pay attention to it myself."

Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand to put the black shirt on his body. Now, the car that suddenly hit him is the most important thing. How can he find him and prevent similar things from happening after he is gone? Fortunately, he is alone today. Is Fusheng or Ruixi also there?

"Archie, find me that car at all costs!"

With a click, the bedroom door was pushed open from the outside. Xu Fusheng, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, slowly turned his head. The whole person was bathed in the winter sun, looking hazy and beautiful.

"You're back." Xu Fusheng gathered the cashmere shawl on his body and walked towards Jiang Shaoting's direction, but when he was approaching him, he sensitively smelled the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, and looked at him suspiciously .

"What's the important thing about calling me back?" But it was obvious that Jiang Shaoting didn't seem to want to explain, and his face was as usual.

Hearing this, Xu Fusheng was a little confused, so he ignored the smell of the disinfectant just now, turned around and walked to the dressing table, and handed Jiang Shaoting the content he wrote down one by one before, without saying a word, just motioning for him to read .

Jiang Shaoting took a deep look at Xu Fusheng first, then took the paper, lowered his head to read it carefully, but the more he looked, the more ugly his face became, and the tighter his body became, even the old wounds protest with him.

"What is this?" With a clatter, Jiang Shaoting held the paper tightly in his hands, and the originally flat paper instantly became wrinkled.

"Shao Ting, I said on the phone earlier about Chen Yuxin, that's it." Although Xu Fusheng thought it was cruel to Jiang Shaoting, she told him the truth. , how important it is.

Chen Yuxin... Oh no, it should be called Sakura. The meaning to Jiang Shaoting is not just a half-sister. The pursuit of Jiang Shaoting has made Jiang Shaoting endure until now.

But now, she has broken all Jiang Shaoting's fantasies about Sakura, Sakura is not so perfect, she is not a victim, even from the beginning to the end, she is an assailant to Xu Fusheng and the Xu family. !

It is precisely because of this that all Jiang Shaoting's thoughts of revenge on Xu Fusheng and the things he did before have become a complete joke to this man now!
"I..." Jiang Shaoting couldn't accept it, but he had to accept it. He didn't think that Fu Sheng would lie on this issue. What's more, because of this, Jiang Shaoting suddenly discovered that many links could be explained!
"Shao Ting, I'm sorry for letting you know this!" Xu Fusheng didn't want to hide anything between the two of them again, what's more, if he wanted to find out the source of the money, he had to rely on his own staff to investigate.

(End of this chapter)

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