Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 222 Jiang Jingshu's Gift

Chapter 222 Jiang Jingshu's Gift
Thinking of this in her heart, Xu Fusheng sighed, now she, what else is there to be afraid of?

"Don't think too much, the past two days will be Jiang Jingshu's wedding, the soldiers will cover up everything, I will do everything!" Jiang Shaoting put his arms around Xu Fusheng's shoulders, and after hearing this, Xu Fusheng couldn't bear it. Live smiled.

Yes, soldiers come to cover up water and soil, why care about things that will happen in the future and are beyond your control?
"Let's go, let's go back to the room, I'm really tired." Xu Fusheng smiled, and he was no longer the gloomy mask like before...

Two days passed quickly, and Jiang Jingshu's wedding finally arrived. In fact, her body hadn't been recuperated yet, but even so, under the ingenious makeup technique of the makeup artist, her face could no longer be seen. any sickness.

Jiang Jingshu's wedding was held grandly by the Wensen family at all costs. Even every pink rose on the venue was airlifted from France. Everyone in the world has seen clearly the local tyrants of the Wensen family.

From the vigorous engagement ceremony to the formal entry into the auditorium, many people looked at them with the idea of ​​watching a good show. Let alone the fact that the groom, Yin Luli, had a relationship with Xu Fusheng, who is now his aunt. What's the matter? Some time ago, Yin Luli's mother was imprisoned, which caused the uproar of the truth of the car crash five years ago to be rekindled, which was enough to swallow him alive.

After all, if the facts are really as spread on the Internet, then this man is really not a thing!
Since yesterday, Jiang Jingshu has been very busy with painting makeup and wearing wedding dresses. After such a lap, let alone her poor health, even those who are in good health can’t bear it. In order to be able to achieve For the best effect, sit and rest in the lounge at this time.

She said that she wanted to be alone and sober. The people who were crowded here quickly all evacuated. The empty room seemed more or less empty, which made people feel a sense of emptiness in their hearts.

After confirming that everyone had left, Jiang Jingshu took out the already packed things from her bag.

That flower-like face didn't have any joy when she was about to get married, she just stared at the sealed paper bag expressionlessly, suddenly, her soft lips dotted with lip gloss evoked a deep smile. Deep irony.

For Jiang Jingshu, all these luxuries piled up with money are not what she wants. It is like a game and a dream. Everything she has done before, those paranoid pasts, in retrospect, make her feel Feel extremely ashamed!
Taking out her mobile phone, she quickly dialed an all-too-familiar number. When the call was connected, she gently parted her red lips...

Although he knew that his presence would definitely cause an uproar, Xu Fusheng arrived at the venue ahead of time as a family member. Before leaving, Jiang Shaoting deliberately wrapped a few more bandages. Normal on weekdays.

Just as Xu Fusheng expected, when she got out of the car and entered the venue, there was indeed a big storm among the guests, as if she hadn't heard anything, she took Jiang Shaoting's arm, Go inside.

"Jiang Jingshu asked us to go to the lounge to pick up the presents first! And she said it must be done!" Jiang Shaoting looked down at the text message. At this time, he was wrapped in a three-piece suit, and the exquisite and luxurious outfit made him look like a star dazzling.

"Go and have a look." Xu Fusheng was already slender, but a green breast-wrapped dress and a cashmere shawl made her look very noble.

Just finished speaking, Jiang Shaoting made a motion to invite the lounge, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was inviting Xu Fusheng to join in this love-hate relationship...

Outside the bridal lounge, the make-up artist and bridal assistants were waiting outside. When they saw Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng appearing, they naturally recognized who they were, and couldn't help but started whispering. Xu Fusheng seemed to be familiar with this situation. It's a habit, but it doesn't show much.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Shaoting, those deep sharp eyes just swept over indifferently, and the original whispers were instantly subdued, until the others bowed their heads and could no longer hear any sound. .

Xu Fusheng reached out and knocked on the door, and soon, Jiang Jingshu's voice came from inside the door, she twisted the lock, and the door opened with a click.

In the bridal lounge surrounded by colorful flowers, there was a strong fragrance of roses. As soon as Xu Fusheng walked in, he saw Jiang Jingshu sitting in front of the vanity mirror. Today should be her most beautiful day, but when Jiang Jingshu turned around The moment he approached, Xu Fusheng felt that she actually gave him a sense of defeat that was about to wither!

But that feeling was only for a moment. Seeing them coming, Jiang Jingshu slowly smiled.

"Does it look good?" Jiang Jingshu turned around with difficulty. Her body has not yet recovered, and it is really difficult to hold up this heavy wedding dress.

Jiang Shaoting frowned impatiently. For him, he and Fusheng didn't appear here to see if she looked good, but Xu Fusheng looked at Jiang Jingshu patiently and nodded.

"I said that day, as a thank you for that meal, I will give you both a gift." Jiang Jingshu took out the beautifully wrapped gift from behind and handed it to Xu Fusheng. She knew that Jiang Shaoting didn't like it very much. I simply don't go to him to make fun of myself.

Xu Fusheng just wanted to reach out, but Jiang Jingshu suddenly moved his hand away, leaving Xu Fusheng empty.

"Promise me, I'll take it apart after the wedding." Jiang Jingshu stood pretty in front of Xu Fusheng, although there was still a smile on her lips, but the seriousness in her eyes that had never been seen in her eyes made Xu Fusheng and Jiang Shaoting feel the same. They all felt strange.

"Okay, I promise you." Before Jiang Shaoting could speak, Xu Fusheng had already answered Jiang Jingshu.

Hearing that Jiang Jingshu finally let go of the gift, she stood there smiling, the pale pink blush on her cheeks made her look pretty, but she didn't have any sense of joy about becoming someone else's bride.

Several people were chatting when the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Yin Luli, who was dressed in a groom's attire, walked in. Seeing that Jiang Shaoting and Xu Fusheng were there, the expression on his face was somewhat uncomfortable, as if hesitating whether to go with him or not. The other party greeted.

"The wedding is about to begin. Mom asked me to see how your preparations are going." In the end, Yin Luli did not greet Xu Fusheng and Jiang Shaoting, but only spoke to Jiang Jingshu lukewarmly.

"I'm not ready anymore! What's there to rush!" Jiang Jingshu suddenly said coquettishly, which made Xu Fusheng, who was sandwiched between the two, a little uncomfortable. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Jiang Jingshu stretched out her hand to hold her arm, Her body is very cold, on the contrary, Xu Fusheng is very warm.

Jiang Shaoting and Yin Luli could see each other clearly. The moment Jiang Jingshu reached out to hold Xu Fusheng, she leaned into her ear and said something with a smile. Apart from the two of them, no one else could hear clear.

After saying that sentence that others could not understand, Jiang Jingshu let go of Xu Fusheng's arm.

"Uncle, aunt, it's time to sit down." At this time, Jiang Jingshu no longer had the posture she had just now. After saying this, she turned her back, but other people could still see her indistinct emotions from the reflection in the mirror .

Xu Fusheng didn't make any movements for a while, but looked at Jiang Jingshu's back in the wedding dress with complicated eyes...

"Let's go, Shaoting, it's time for us to sit down." But it didn't take long before Jiang Shaoting heard Xu Fusheng's voice come back to his senses.

"it is good."

"What did she tell you just now?" It took quite a while to walk from the bridal lounge to the front hall, Jiang Shaoting did not look at Xu Fusheng who was beside him with a slightly dignified expression, but a deep and pleasant voice sounded.

"She said that this gift can help us unlock many secrets." Xu Fusheng looked at the things Jiang Jingshu gave them before, but there was one thing she didn't say to Jiang Shaoting, that is, at the end, Jiang Jingshu used a very meaningful He looked at himself and said sorry.

"Today's wedding, I'm afraid there will be a lot of variables!" Jiang Shaoting pondered, Jiang Jingshu's appearance just now was a bit strange.

"I feel the same way." In fact, it wasn't just Jiang Shaoting who thought this way, the 'gift' in his hand and Jiang Jingshu's meaningful words made Xu Fusheng's mind tense, and he didn't dare to relax at all.

The two were talking, but they saw a familiar figure coming from the other side, it was Qu Yunxi who ordered the hotel manager to be on guard. Obviously, she also saw Xu Fusheng, but she snorted coldly and rubbed against him Over the shoulder!

Xu Fusheng's back was stiff, and he didn't look back at Qu Yunxi. She didn't bring those photos with her, but each picture was deeply engraved in her mind, just like a movie picture.

"Don't worry about her for the time being, let's go in." Jiang Shaoting naturally understood what Xu Fusheng was in a daze, so he looked at her deeply like this, his handsome facial features showed a firm coldness, and many people gathered in the venue to attend the wedding The guests, also because of the appearance of the two of them, fell silent for a few seconds, and soon others pretended to have nothing to do and chatted on their own.

Jiang Meiwan, who is Jiang Jingshu's mother, naturally also dressed up well today. The part below her thighs was covered with an expensive cashmere blanket, so that people could not see the part under the blanket. The overall look was elegant and grand, but seeing Xu Fusheng, she His smile became visibly ferocious for an instant.

Soon, it disappeared again.

"Shao Ting, you are an uncle, you came too late!" Jiang Meiwan seemed to have never seen Xu Fusheng at all, she used her eyes to signal the bodyguard to push the wheelchair in Jiang Shaoting's direction, smiling very gently, but for no reason Xu Fusheng couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"With you, this wedding must be wonderful, why should I come?" Jiang Shaoting sneered, but he finally helped Jiang Meiwan save the last bit of face in front of the public.

"Sit down quickly, the newcomers will enter the arena soon." Hearing his sneer, Jiang Meiwan didn't show the slightest embarrassment, as if nothing had happened, she beckoned him to sit down at the family seats.

This wedding is not so much a wedding, but a reception for the Wensen family. Many people flew directly from the UK to City A to attend the wedding of Jiang Jingshu and Yin Luli, which can be regarded as giving the Wensen family enough face.

(End of this chapter)

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