Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 91 Even if it hurts for a while, you have to live well 1

Chapter 91 Even if you feel uncomfortable for a while, you have to live well 1
"It doesn't matter if he takes advantage of it, it doesn't matter if you are in a dangerous situation, so what does it matter to you?"

ian?Pike smiled, as if he had anticipated her reaction, and was not displeased with her attitude.

"You don't matter to me, Ruixi does matter to me, it's as simple as that."

She doesn't care about Ian?What is the reason why Pike came here, as long as there is no harm to the father and son, she doesn't care.

"You're so direct, has anyone ever told you that being so direct hurts?"

Speaking of which, he quite liked Xu Fusheng's character, he was straightforward, if he liked it, he liked it, and if he didn't like it, he didn't like it.

"The hesitation of not doing it is the real hurt." Xu Fusheng drank the tea in front of him, stood up, folded the coat in half, and handed it back to Ian?Parker, this is her attitude towards life, and she will always keep a distance from people who don't care.

"You don't think Jiang Shaoting is in love with you, do you?" The moment Xu Fusheng turned around, Ian?In Pike's mouth, this sentence was not fluent in Chinese, but it was the only sentence in the audience that made her face change slightly.

Although Xu Fusheng turned his back to Ian at this time?Pike's.

"Jiang Shaoting has a treacherous personality and likes to play with everything in the palm of his hand. Otherwise, how do you think that in just a few years, how can you rise to where you are today? Don't be sold by him and help him Count the money, Xu Fusheng, you are no match for him!"

ian?Parker's words are purely a kind reminder that he has been secretly observing Jiang Shaoting for a long time, and it is absolutely impossible for him to change his attitude towards a person for no reason, even though he still doesn't know what Jiang Shaoting is looking for in Xu Fusheng, but...

Intuition told him that this matter is not simple!
"Ian? Pike, I never thought that Jiang Shaoting fell in love with me." Perhaps, he was just a novelty for a while.

But it doesn't matter, after all... She confessed to him before, no man would be able to accept it.

After the words fell, Xu Fusheng walked outside, but before taking two steps, she was surrounded by an unexpected dizziness...

"Xu Fusheng?" Ian?Pike was taken aback, almost as a conditioned reflex, he reached out and hugged her...

Compared with the peaceful small town in the countryside, City A is already full of turmoil.

As soon as the stock market opened in the morning, the stock price of J&C Group was hit hard by the news that the president Jiang Shaoting was seriously injured and missing. J&C Group, which had never fallen to the limit, experienced this kind of feeling for the first time in its life. Negative news came from all directions. It was almost overwhelming the public relations department within the group, and I only hoped that this turmoil would pass sooner.

The outside world has paid a lot of attention to Jiang Shaoting's disappearance, and even the media with good news has published a list of the relationship between the characters in the Wensen family. Although it is not clearly stated, it implies that Jiang Mutian will become the only candidate in the Wensen family to succeed Jiang Shaoting. .

Compared with City A, the Wensen family paid more attention to this matter. Those on Elizabeth's side were elated because they were suppressed by Jiang Shaoting for too long, while those on Qu Yunxi's side kept a low profile.

Everyone seemed to be waiting, waiting for news from Jiang Shaoting.

However, the people on Elizabeth's side obviously don't want good news... As for the people on Qu Yunxi's side, they obviously hope to have good news...

There is no particularly good doctor in the town, but there is a good Chinese medicine doctor.

ian?Pike didn't know much about Chinese medicine, but he still asked Xu Fusheng to come and see him.

As soon as he got a pulse, the old gentleman directly said something smoldering in his heart, even though Ian?Pike doesn't quite understand, but he also knows that this is not a good word.

Before leaving, the other party only said something like 'the worst outcome, I'm afraid it will run out of fuel' and so on.

After the Chinese medicine practitioner left, Ian?Pike took out his notebook and searched for the explanation of those few sentences. After understanding, he walked back to the bed and looked down at the little white face thoughtfully.

Xu Fusheng seemed to have a lot of things on his mind, even in his sleep he was not at ease.

The thick and long eyelashes hit the face like a small fan. I don't know what I dreamed, and my breathing was a little heavy.

Something is wrong, Ian?Pike stretched his hand towards her cheek, and just touched her small face. The smooth and tender touch like coconut milk was completely different from most of the women he had been in contact with, but... There were water stains slipping from the corners of her eyes.

As soon as it touched his skin, it was as hot as fire.

With so many things on her mind, in the worst case, will she... run out of fuel?

When Xu Fusheng woke up, it was still raining outside, and the sound of drizzling was lingering in his ears.

Sitting up, the thin quilt on his body was stained with Ian?The smell of pike.

She couldn't figure out what happened just now, how could she wake up here?
The bamboo bed would make a creaking sound when it moved a little bit, Xu Fusheng just woke up Ian?Pike knew it. In fact, he was sitting not far from her, his handsome face lit up by the laptop in front of him.

"Are you awake?" Ian?Pike took off his coat, only a silver-gray shirt, and even smiled.

"What's wrong with me?" As soon as she finished speaking, she remembered that she just wanted to turn around and leave, but she fainted...

"Thank you for taking care of me. I'll go back first." After tidying up the messy sweater, Xu Fusheng glanced at the quilt he had slept on, wondering if he would dislike it, and was still thinking about going downstairs to let the owner of the hotel change it for him. bed quilt.

"Xu Fusheng, you are a very strange woman." Suddenly, Ian?Pike opened his mouth, Xu Fusheng just felt baffled.

"I'll ask the shopkeeper to help change the quilt." Bending down to put on his shoes, Xu Fusheng only thought that he disliked him, so he said this on purpose.

ian?Pike didn't speak, but just handed her the prescription prescribed by the Chinese medicine doctor before, Xu Fusheng only glanced at it, and stuffed it in his pocket casually, she felt that there was nothing wrong with her, but she was too tired these two days.

"I'll be living here all the time, if you need me, you can come here to find me."

ian?Pike said this sentence naturally, Xu Fusheng smiled, she didn't think she had anything to come to him.

"You can take that umbrella back."

"No, it's not raining too much outside, so I'll just walk back." Xu Fusheng has a stubborn temper, and no one can force her to do what she doesn't want to do. Of course, because of this, when she first entered the prison, she suffered a lot. .

ian?Pike shrugged, not seeming to say much about it.

As soon as he left the homestay, Xu Fusheng took out the prescription prescribed by a Chinese medicine doctor, looked at it, tore it up and threw it into the trash can.

Walking towards home, it was still raining, she somewhat regretted not taking an umbrella, after all, if one catches a cold, who can take care of the big and small?I just hope that my luck will be better and I won't really catch a cold.

But before she got there, she saw a large open umbrella in the direction of the door from a distance, and the black umbrella fan couldn't make her see clearly who it was.

She couldn't help speeding up...

Xu Fusheng reached out and knocked on the umbrella fan, and countless raindrops fell down the sides of the umbrella fan.

The big black umbrella was raised, and Jiang Ruixi's pink and jade-carved little face was reflected in her eyes, and the man who held him in his arms with an impatient expression fell on her face with dark and deep eyes, For a moment, Xu Fusheng felt his heart stopped beating.

The corners around the umbrella fan were still dripping with beads of rainwater, and neither of them spoke. It was obvious that he was still running a fever, his wheat-colored skin had an abnormal blush, and his handsome profile showed With traces of coldness.

Jiang Ruixi tried to open Xu Fusheng's hands to beg for a hug, but before he even touched the corner of Xu Fusheng's clothes, the man who was holding him turned his back to Xu Fusheng.

"Asheng...I want Asheng..." Jiang Ruixi kept struggling, and Jiang Shaoting couldn't even hold the umbrella well, it was crooked.

"Stinky boy, don't move!" Jiang Shaoting yelled angrily, Jiang Ruixi didn't dare to move anymore, she just flattened her mouth aggrievedly, her father didn't feel comfortable in his arms at all, he didn't know how to hug people at all, he still likes Ah Sheng... Soft and fragrant.

Xu Fusheng smiled and didn't speak, he took the umbrella from his hand naturally, and propped it on the heads of the father and son.

"Why did you come out?" Maybe it was too cold, she spoke hoarsely.

"I asked Dad, and Dad said it was Ah Sheng, you asked him to come out and wait for you, but I don't believe it!"

Jiang Ruixi pursed her lips, very disrespectful to her father. Listening to him, the corners of Xu Fusheng's mouth were always raised. Jiang Shaoting noticed this, and his expression became more gloomy, as if he was dissatisfied with something.

"Why don't you believe it?" Xu Fusheng didn't feel too uncomfortable when most of his body was drenched outside.

"Ah Sheng, you are so good at hurting people, why are you willing to let me get in the rain outside? Are you right?"

Jiang Ruixi moaned that it was freezing to death outside, so he couldn't believe that Ah Sheng told them to wait outside.

"Obviously she said it." Jiang Shaoting refused to admit it, with a stiff expression.

"When did I say that?" She didn't say anything before going out.

Jiang Shaoting looked as if he was about to turn into anger if he continued to ask, but soon, his expression changed again.

"Come pick me up."

"Come pick me up?" Xu Fusheng repeated it habitually, but his tone was raised with a question mark.

"You said it now." As soon as Jiang Shaoting finished speaking, his son looked at him with disgust.

Shaking his head, Xu Fusheng pushed the door open. The plants in the yard were all bright after being hit by the rain. A few sunflowers that had not been removed from their flower pots drooped their heads heavily. The earthy smell after the rain was not Very unacceptable.

And in the alley not far from the door, Ian holding an umbrella?Pike didn't know how long he had been listening there...

There is no fluctuation in the blue eyes...

In fact, Jiang Shaoting's mood was very complicated, especially when Xu Fusheng couldn't see her, his eyes kept falling on her.

In fact, Xu Fusheng regretted not long after he left, why was he so angry just now?
The more miserable Xu Fusheng is, the more beneficial it is for him, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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