Chapter 103
For a pharmacist like Dongfang Qingyu, the preciousness of the blood-colored ice lotus is not because it is an extremely rare medicinal material.An outstanding pharmacist, if he wants any medicinal ingredients, as soon as he asks, someone will come to his door.

However, apart from being a rare medicinal material, the blood-colored ice lotus has a lotus heart that is extremely cold. Eating it can help alchemists devour the strange fires of heaven and earth.

The strange fire of heaven and earth is a great temptation for any alchemist, but there are also quite a few alchemists who are devoured by the strange fire of heaven and earth and burned to ashes.Even Dongfang Qingyu didn't dare to touch the strange fire of that day and earth easily.

However, now that she has this bloody ice lotus, she is more than 90.00% sure that she can devour it successfully.

Once she succeeds in devouring the strange fire of heaven and earth, she will be able to refine some high-level pills.

How could she not be excited when she encountered something so rare but unattainable?

However, the bloody ice lotus was right in front of Dongfang Qingyu, but she was not in a hurry to pick it.Just because she knew that beside such a rare medicinal material, there must be its guardian beast.What's more, Jiuduo appeared here at once, I'm afraid that the guardian beast must have extremely strong strength!

However, Dongfang Qingyu searched around, but did not see any shadow of any strange beast.

Not only did Dongfang Qingyu not find the shadow of the strange beast, but it made her feel nervous.She had already stood here speechless, and the beast hadn't moved, which could only explain one thing, that is, the beast was so powerful that it didn't take her seriously at all.

Besides, she already felt the danger as soon as she approached the waterfall.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help but become cautious.

If it was an ordinary beast, even if she couldn't beat it, she could still use poison.However, some strange beasts are not afraid of poison at all.For example, the bloodthirsty poisonous scorpions they encountered last night, it is meaningless for you to use poison on them.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Qingyu became more careful.

Dongfang Qingyu looked around, found a small stone, and threw it straight at the bloody ice lotus.She believed that as long as she threw a stone at the blood-colored ice lotus, the beast guarding the blood-colored ice lotus would definitely show up to protect it.In this way, she can also see clearly what kind of strange beast it is, and then she can make another plan.

However, seeing that the pebble was about to hit the bloody ice lotus, Dongfang Qingyu still didn't see any strange beast appearing.

Did she think wrong?Could it be that the nine blood-colored ice lotus here didn't guard the beast at all?Seeing the stone that was about to hit the bloody ice lotus, Dongfang Qingyu felt distressed again.If there is really no guardian beast here, then the bloody ice lotus will be destroyed by her.

But how is it possible?
Yes, such a spiritual creature, how could there be no guardian beast?

Just when the little pebble was about to have a close contact with one of the blood-colored ice lotuses, suddenly, a fast red light flew out at lightning speed, and the pebble was shot in a direction comparable to that of Dongfang Qing. When Yu shot out just now, he hit her with more force.

Dongfang Qingyu immediately dodged to the side, dodging the stone's attack, at the same time, she thought to herself: Fortunately, she didn't act recklessly just now, otherwise, where would her life still be at this time?


(End of this chapter)

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