Chapter 112
After Xiao Ran finished eating, he took a piece of meat from Dongfang Qingyu's hand and started to roast it.After it was baked, he sent it to Dongfang Qingyu and said, "Here!"

Dongfang Qingyu smelled the aroma, she was no longer polite, took it and started to eat.

When several people had finished eating and were about to rest, Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu vigilantly, and said, "Don't touch my acupoints again!"

Dongfang Qingyu glanced at him lightly, and said, "You need to rest well now!"

Xiao Ran immediately jumped away from Dongfang Qingyu, and then, looking at her, said: "If you don't touch my acupuncture points, I can have a good rest at the same time!"

God knows how powerless he felt when Dongfang Qingyu tapped his acupuncture points in the morning and he had no way to resist!At that time, he swore that he would never put himself in that situation again.Therefore, at this time, no matter what, he would not let Dongfang Qingyu succeed.

Dongfang Qingyu looked at him, and said: "Your meridian has not been repaired, you can't use a little bit of profound energy, if you don't tap your acupuncture points, I'm afraid you will accidentally activate the profound energy, then, wouldn't my success be in vain gone?"

At this time, she is a doctor, and she has to be responsible for her own doctors and patients!Therefore, no matter what Xiao Ran said, she would never agree.

"Yu'er, I promise, I will never mess with my profound energy!" Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu defensively, and said.

Dongfang Qingyu looked at him, suddenly laughed, and said, "Since you promise not to use your profound energy, then it's up to you!"

Saying that, Dongfang Qingyu really stopped forcing him, turned around, and prepared to find a place to rest by herself.

Seeing this, Xiao Ran was startled.Immediately, he became happy.As long as Dongfang Qingyu agrees not to touch his acupoints!
Dongfang Qingyu sat down cross-legged, looked at Xiao Ran who was not far away from her, and inadvertently pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that Dongfang Qingyu really didn't come to force him anymore, and went to practice on her own, Xiao Ran couldn't help walking towards her.However, when he just walked in front of Dongfang Qingyu, Dongfang Qingyu suddenly opened his eyes, and shot like lightning, restraining the big acupuncture points on his body.

Xiao Ran was unprepared for a moment, and Dongfang Qingyu got his hands.

"Yu'er, you... you actually attacked me!" Xiao Ran asked Dongfang Qingyu angrily.

Dongfang Qingyu had a triumphant smile on his face: "I am going to attack you, so what?"

What she did just now was to let Xiao Ran put down his guard before tapping his acupoints.Her patients have to listen to her, and she has the final say!
"You just said you didn't touch my acupoints!" Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu and said dissatisfied.

If Dongfang Qingyu hadn't promised not to touch his acupuncture points just now, how could he let Dongfang Qingyu succeed?

"Did I say that I don't know how to touch your acupuncture points?" Dongfang Qingyu said with a sly smile in his eyes, "Did I say that?"

Xiao Ran thought about it seriously, it seems that Dongfang Qingyu really didn't say it just now...

But but... how could she treat him like this?

"It's getting late, I think you should hurry up and rest!" Dongfang Qingyu said, no matter how reluctant Li Ran was, she stepped forward and touched Xiao Ran's acupuncture points.

After Xiao Ran fell into a coma, Dongfang Qingyu also found a place to rest not far from him...

(End of this chapter)

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