The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 180 Looking for Purple Charm 20

Chapter 180 Looking for Purple Charm 20
Under the leadership of the servants, Dongfang Qingyu and Xiao Ran were brought to Qin Ge's room.

When Qin Ge saw Xiao Ran of Dongfang Qingyu, he almost jumped up for joy.

She was also a girl with a lively personality, and she was imprisoned for a whole month, and she was almost reaching her limit.

Although these days, her two elder brothers often came to tell her some interesting stories to amuse her, but she still felt that she was going to be unbearable.At this time, seeing Dongfang Qingyu coming to see her, how could she be unhappy!

As soon as the two girls met, they chattered non-stop, leaving Xiao Ran aside.

However, Xiao Ran was not annoyed, he just took a book and walked out of Qin Ge's room, and gave the room to the two little girls.

"By the way, Qingyu, do you still remember the little girl we met when we entered the Misty Forest?" As if afraid that Dongfang Qingyu would forget, Qin Ge went on to explain: "It's the girl from the first two days. Nangong Zimei, the second daughter of the concubine of the Nan family who was married to the third prince by the emperor within a month."

Dongfang Qingyu was startled when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "What's wrong with her?"

She believed that Qin Ge would never bring up Nangong Zimei for no reason. Thinking about it, something must have happened to her.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Qingyu's ban secretly frowned.During the month she came back, she stayed in the alchemy room for a month, and she didn't have time to pay attention to the outside affairs at all.

Qin Ge didn't notice Dongfang Qingyu's strangeness, and continued in a regretful tone: "I heard that she disappeared suddenly a few days ago, and even her parents don't know where she went!"

When Dongfang Qingyu heard this, her heart skipped a beat.This...doesn't seem like Nangong Zimei's style!
Unless there is no one in the family who she likes, she will leave silently.However, if this is the case, how could she return to Nangong's house when she was in the Misty Forest last time?

Did something really happen to her?No, she must find out about this!
Nangong Zimei is her sister, if anyone dares to bully Nangong Zimei, she will be the first to let him go!

Thinking of these, Dongfang Qingyu couldn't sit still any longer.She gave Qin Ge the elixir, instructed Qin Ge to pay attention to some matters, then hurriedly called Xiao Ran, and left the Qin family.

"What's wrong with you?" Having been with Dongfang Qingyu for so long, Xiao Ran naturally knew Dongfang Qingyu, so he already guessed that something must have happened.

Dongfang Qingyu stopped when he heard the words, looked at Xiao Ran solemnly, and asked, "Xiao Ran, do you know something about the Nangong family?"

Looking at Dongfang Qingyu's expression, Xiao Ran knew that something serious must have happened.However, he doesn't know much about the Nangong family.

Although his Wushang Sect is very powerful in Jianghu, it has never infiltrated into the capital.Therefore, he doesn't know much about the affairs of the capital.So, he shook his head.

Seeing this, Dongfang Qingyu sighed, turned around and walked forward.She had to go home immediately and ask her elder brother to help her find out about the Nan family's family.

"What happened?" Xiao Ran asked while following Dongfang Qingyu's pace.

"Nangong Zimei is gone!" Dongfang Qingyu thought for a while, and finally said to Xiao Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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